Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 715: Can the walnuts caught by the door nourish your brain

Carlos Barov fell into serious anxiety.

Because of a miraculous victory.

Although the command was given to the surviving tribes, the rumors about the battle of slaughtering demons still spread like wildfire.

Don't ask why the battle of the slaughter of demons has been named, Carlos also heard people say.

Although it is rumored that this thing is basically nine false and one true is very exaggerated, but the second reprocessing of this originally exaggerated truth is not true to the sky.

I used to talk about it with others, and it was all my friend, comrade-in-arms, aunt, aunt, and aunt. Don’t tell other people.

What's going on now?

If it weren't for the King of Cards order to seal, see if I won't blow XXXXXXX to you! Sun breathing method warning! ! !

Fortunately, human beings are an empirical species, and the incomprehensible truth is no different from a lie to the general public.

So Carlos did not pursue who is leaking the secrets.

Carefully recalling the battle, Carlos calmed down without any excitement and pride at all. Instead, he was deeply frightened.

Carlos was scared.

He could not recall his mental state at that time.

I thought I could win, so I went up rashly, so I won.

The style of this hot-blooded boy comic really doesn't match the style of Azeroth.

Carlos clearly remembered that his rational judgment at the time was to try his best to escape, but he did not understand why he was reckless.

The more terrifying fact is that he won.

The sense of violation and conspiracy is too strong.

Especially with Varimathras, an old familiar demon as a reference.

Carlos vaguely remembered that he had already come into contact with the demigod at that time, and the power of his whole body had to burst out. When facing Varimathras, he had to do his best to rub it on the ground.

It was a fun battle where you could go all out to stabilize the head

Using this as a reference point, it is not difficult for Carlos to make a roughly accurate positioning of his strength.

That is, it is impossible for oneself to win under the siege of the demon, under the restraint of the four dreadlords.

This is a qualitative change caused by a quantitative change.

Carlos is ready to pay a terrible price.

The results of it?

Carlos huge disadvantage! Carlos's face is like ashes! Carlos formation is very poor! Carlos fights and retreats! Carlos is in a dilemma! Carlos has nowhere to escape! Carlos was riding his face by the Dreadlord! Carlos reckless blasts the enemy! Oh, this holy light, this holy light has done its work! Carlos won!

This is how Carlos, a professional general, writes a post-war summary.

Can't explain it.

Behind all the weird incidents, there are either black hands behind the scenes or even greater conspiracies.

Carlos couldn't imagine how the Legion Demons lined up to give away their heads.

So the unknown frightened him.

Coupled with the huge difference between rational judgment and combat instinct at that time.

This makes Carlos have a kind of panic out of control.

Just like in a top football game, when the world volleys the goal and scores the lore, the world's eyes follow the camera to focus on you... the sock on the thumb of the kicked shoe has a hole in it.

Carlos feels bad.

Why are there so many demons, why do I win.

Most importantly, what is hidden behind all this?

The unreasonable result caused Carlos to think that his intelligence was severely lacking.

As a result, the cleanup operations that should have been carried out immediately were delayed.

On the other side, Cromi, who was wearing Medivh's shape, pretended to fool Jaina and went to Fudge Terenas Menethil II non-stop.

But the result was not so good. Carlos's old father-in-law was in a particularly stubborn and incurable stage of death, so he directly sent the three words of Kromi————Ge Poun.

Cromi thought for a long time, and felt that there was no difference, so he rushed to Guy Erdalon excitedly.

In Luna's plan, Archimonde is an important tool man who must descend on Azeroth. For this reason, the hidden purpose behind Chromie's plan to play tricks is clear.

Persuade Jaina to go west and build a fortress city that the ghost knows if it is called Theramore.

Persuaded Terenas to be careful of his son, so that the alliance can immediately consolidate its strength.

But this doesn't seem to be important, the old man obviously won't live that long.

In the penultimate step, persuade the King of Alterac to release the water and let Thrall's orcs travel west.

Then the last step is to install the magic stick in front of Thrall, and then brush the face of the elf.

This is the perfect plan.

However, when Chromie pretended to be Medivh and landed on the terrace of Guy Erdalon Lake, it was Carlos who held Stomka in his hand to greet her.

"King of Alterac, I brought you..."


Carlos put his left index finger on his lips and motioned to the "Medivun" to keep quiet.

Then, there was a heavy and sad blow.

This birdman is messing up, has it been corrupted on my head?

Carlos felt incomprehensible, and Medivh, the astral mage, personally handed over his inheritance in Azeroth to his own hands. At this time, suddenly another "Medivine" popped out to give himself apocalypse!

Let's talk about it.

"A good man, forgive me!"

Realizing that he could not stop the sword at all, Chromie knelt decisively and begged for mercy.

As a result, Medivh’s illusion turned into magic particles and the light and shadow effects dissipated in the surroundings.

"Are you... Chromie?"

Carlos couldn't help but rubbed his eyes, then felt ridiculous and at the same time there seemed to be nothing wrong.

Although it was Chromie kneeling to beg for mercy at this time, Carlos was holding a knife and fierce dragon, but Chromie was not panicked at all.

Because in her vision, the dissipated power is lingering around Carlos, distorting his will and cognition.

"Uh, it's me."

"why are you?"

"Well, do you believe me if I tell the truth?"

"You can guess."

"I guess you won't want me to guess."

After a bunch of nonsense, Chromie found that Carlos's attitude was kind.

So she told what she hoped Carlos would do.

"This is a betrayal of the alliance."

"This is the salvation of the world."

"I will think about it."

"Then, you think about it first, I have to leave beforehand."

Glancing at the fierce blade exuding bloodthirsty aura in Carlos's hand from the corner of the eye, Chromie decisively recognized the man who ran away.

Only Carlos was left alone on the terrace in a daze like an online game dropped.

Aegwynn, who came from behind Cromi, hid his figure and fell beside Carlos, carefully observed for a moment, and left quietly after sighing silently.

The previous generation's watchman roughly guessed the Moon God's plan, but couldn't really understand it.

But looking at the Moon God’s "darling" Carlos, she understood that this is the world that will once again fall into a sea of ​​blood.

After a while, Carlos "lived" as if he was disconnected and reconnected.

He carefully checked the terrace, but did not find the familiar aura he had just felt, so he was puzzled for a moment and turned to leave.

"It's time to solve Hillblad's orc problem."

Carlos whispered.

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