News of the great changes in Lordaeron spread rapidly as a large number of refugees fled.

Thinking about it carefully, the Lich King was slowed down by the Silver Dawn after all.

This year is a famine year, and the entire southern region has failed to harvest food.

A year earlier or a year later, the plague grain spread out by Lordaeron alone could be worth hundreds of thousands of troops.

Unfortunately, there is no if.

Facing the famine, Lordaeron’s big grain merchants shrank the grain roots, and Carlos spent a lot of energy to clear the channels and ensure that the dwarves and dwarves would not suffer from famine.

The cost of doing things is too high when countless people are staring at the supply.

Therefore, the famine year is not conducive to the spread of the plague, because people value food too much.

Without the plague, the Scourge can't fight anymore?

If you don't say this, you will be stubborn.

The fall of Lordaeron provided hundreds of thousands of troops for the Scourge.

This is a huge force.

Under the watchful eyes of their masters, Arthas and the other death knights rigged their weapons and expanded their combat effectiveness in the quickest way.

Only for Dalaran across Lake Lordamere.

Unlike the fraudster Kil'jaeden, although the polluter Archimonde is tyrannical, his reputation is first-rate.

After escaping from Draenor and stepping into Kil'jaeden's trap, Ner'zhul's soul was tortured for a long time.

It was this time tortured by the Burning Legion that gave Ner'zhul the most intuitive understanding of the Legion.

It was also an unbearable experience that made the Lich King betray "Master" Kil'jaeden of course, and he did not hesitate to throw himself into the arms of "New Master" Archimonde.

Open the door to greet Archimonde.

It is far more important than chasing down civilians and slaughtering Lordaeron.

In other words, to produce more Scourge soldiers, just to better serve the polluters.

From this point of view, although Kil'jaeden did something similar to Archimonde, he failed too much.

At least Ner'zhul had never exerted such a huge subjective initiative when working for fraudsters.

Now that the strategy has been formulated, the rest is implementation.

It takes at least three days to digest Lordaeron's battle results.

It will take at least half a month to repair the Naxxramas power furnace destroyed by Carlos Barov.

So what do you rely on to attack Dalaran?

Of course it depends on Kel'Thuzad.

Attacking Dalaran was not the purpose. The purpose was to snatch the magic items that were looted by the Kirin Tor for various reasons during the Second Orc War.

Such as the Book of Medivh.

The guardian Medivh, who was controlled by the soul shards of the fallen Titan Sargeras, used this magic item to open the dark door connecting Azeroth and Draenor.

So in the same way, the Lich King can also use the Book of Medivh to open a pathway to Azeroth for Archimonde.

For this reason, even hunting down the old rival Carlos Barov is not so important.

As long as Archimonde descends on Azeroth again, all struggles on this planet will be in vain.

Time is running out.

Although using an ingenious plan to hide from the sky, he mobilized all the forces accumulated by the Undead Scourge in Northrend to break through the city of Lordaeron in one fell swoop.

However, the Lich King did not believe that the Scourge was capable of a full-scale confrontation with the Alliance in the Eastern Kingdoms.

The Alterac kingdom is still there, Carlos Barov’s army is besieging the orcs in Arathi, and there is no need for more war mobilization.

The main force of the Kingdom of Lordaeron is still alive, the war commander Uther. The Lightbringer and his main force of the Knights of the Silver Hand are fighting the orcs in the burning plain.

Although the warlord Magni Bronzebeard has never wielded his warhammer since the Second Orc War, Ironforge, which has been resting for more than 20 years, cannot be ignored.

Even because of Carlos, the dwarves owe him the food crisis.

As for the fact that Stormwind City is too far away, I don't need to think about it for the time being.

If the alliance recovers, hundreds of thousands of skeleton soldiers are really not enough to cut.

It can only be said that Carlos's efforts over the years have not been in vain. When the alliance he worked hard for was persecuted by the undead and natural disasters, his confidence may be the most confident among all world lines.

The premise is that the league is back.

Because of Alsace's defiance, Lordaeron's domestic military system has substantially collapsed, and the largest kingdom within the alliance has fallen into disorder.

Even many people in Lordaeron do not believe that such a huge change has taken place in Lordaeron, thinking that this is an inferior malicious joke.

But the escape of hundreds of thousands of refugees cannot be faked.

Lordaeron City is indeed suffering.

When Uther got the news, it had been five days after Lordaeron's great changes.

After destroying a blackstone orc fortress, the light messenger sat on the orc's sand table, blocking the urgent letter over and over again.

again and again.

"grown ups?"

Uther's adjutant noticed that his expression was different, and asked in a low voice.

"Collect the personnel, send an order to the entire army, and prepare to retreat."


Uther calmed down and added.

"Drafting documents and sending them to Menethil Harbor quickly and quickly, let them prepare the ships, Lordaeron needs us."


It was not that he doubted the loyalty of the Knights of the Silver Hand, but Uther decided to conceal the news for the time being.

The choice of the military commander was not right or wrong. After all, the threat of the Blackrock Orcs had not been lifted, and it was not a good choice to shake the military spirit.

The warlord's irritability was much more straightforward.

After all, he is the largest otaku in Ironforge, and the speed of magical transmission far exceeds that of Griffin.

Magni Bronzebeard was very sad and angry when he learned that Carlos himself was uncertain about the life and death of the enemy.

"When Ironforge was in trouble, it was Lordaeron, Alterac, Stromgarde, Gilneas, Dalaran, and the comrades of the Alliance stood up to support us. Now you actually want me to calm down? The far away is not the distance, but the human heart! Today, the city of Lordaeron has changed. Our dwarves do not move because we are too far away. Then when we dwarves have problems, who will support us?"

The great craftsman responded to the call of the dwarf king for the first time.

The truth is too right.

Although the ease of life weakened the fighting will of the Bronzebeard clan, the dwarves are dwarves, and the warlord is still the warlord.

Under Magni's opposition, Ironforge's reaction efficiency was even faster than Uther's.

It's just that these are far waters, and the near fire can't be solved.

When Antonidas was under siege in Dalaran, he reluctantly expanded the arcane enchantment to close the city.

Alterac's main force and Thrall's orc tribe are still facing off in Arathi.

Times make heroes. At this time, the largest mobile force on the continent of Lordaeron is actually the Brill garrison led by Garithus.

Brill, the source of the conflicts between the Barov family and the Menethil family.

Brill, Carlos and his old father-in-law's dowry.

Brill, the largest town east of Lordaeron.

Brill, fortunately for Carlos Barov.

After hitting the city wall to open a way to survive for the people in Dongcheng District, Carlos was exhausted and fell into a coma.

While the other Lordaeron garrisons were all waiting to die, Brill's garrisons came up against the current and snatched Carlos from the hands of the undead Scourge.

Because the general of this garrison was named Garithos, who was once a soldier under Carlos.

This is probably karma.

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