Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 743: The Story of Antonidas and the Four Mage Apprentices

But whenever it's a Faye, who doesn't have a whim.

Antonidas didn't feel very good.

I always feel that something will happen.

So the city of Lordaeron exploded.

Dalaran and Lordaeron are separated by Lake Lordamere, one is on the south bank, and the other is on the north bank. If you take a boat, you can go back and forth in a day.

Such a distance is not a strategic depth at all.

So when the striker of the Undead Scourge appeared, Antonidas could only choose the safest and worst way to deal with it-the arcane enchantment was sealed.

The peace of more than two decades was hard-won, and the prosperity of the magic civilization belonged to the entire alliance. At this time, Dalaran was nothing but dew under the moonlight, and could not stand the baptism of war at all.


Among the six members of the council, only Antonidas is in the city, and there are more than three hundred registered mages scattered all over the world.

Dalaran's defense force at this time was terribly weak.

Although after being ransacked by Orgrim Doomhammer once, Dalaran moved from the Cross Islands to the southern shore of Lake Lordamere and strengthened the city's defense construction.

But the city is dead, and the talent is alive.

No one is going to guard it, how long can it be guarded by the magic enchantment alone?

Antonidas habitually picked up a pen to write to Terenas, only to find that...

Then only the Barov family can be counted on.

But Carlos is leading his troops to fight in Arathi, can he have time?

Facts have proved that Alex Barov is reliable.

In the afternoon, the private soldiers of the Barov family, who had been three hundred men, moved into Dalaran and fully obeyed Antonidas's dispatch.

Outstanding effect.

It's not that Dalaran is missing these three hundred people.

In fact, the number of servants of the wizards is enough to guard Dalaran.

However, the presence of friendly troops proved that Dalaran was not abandoned.

This boost to morale is huge.

But as more and more intelligence gathered, Antonidas' mood got worse and worse.

Even Your Excellency the Archmage publicly questioned the authenticity of the news.

"Arthas blatantly killed his father during his coronation ceremony? Lordaeron's king destroyed his capital? Was it my bad old man who had a bad brain, or was there something wrong with this era?"

Antonidas is not alone in feeling the absurdity. Anyone with an IQ online will feel ridiculous the first time he hears the news.

But sometimes life is so outrageous.

Under the guidance of Kel'Thuzad, the leading party, Arthas led a small number of elite troops to raid Dalaran's defensive nodes, directly destroying Antonidas's arcane enchantment.

In desperation, Antonidas could only deal with it hastily, bringing his mage apprentice to personally face his nominated students.

There is no honor in this battle.

Antonidas, who supported the magic enchantment with his own power, was like binding his hands.

If you give up maintaining the arcane enchantment, then Dalaran will definitely not be able to survive the peak of the Scourge.

But maintaining the arcane enchantment, how could the archmage be the opponent of the death knight holding Frostmourne.

After the tragic death of four apprentices under the sword of Alsace, Antonidas was completely enraged.

Your Excellency the Archmage is ready to cast a powerful wizard to end Arthas's sinful life.

Then, the lingering Kel'Thuzad used his accumulated strength for a long time and his understanding of magic and mentor to use a magic countermeasure.

Then, Frostmourne penetrated Antonidas' body.

The archmage died just like that.

But the archmage is the archmage after all, the strongest who has dominated Dalaran for decades.

Even Frostmourne couldn't enslave his soul in Dalaran.

"It doesn't matter, find the Book of Medivh."

Under the influence of Frostmourne, Arthas' humanity has long since disappeared, and his emotions have gradually become indifferent.

The death knight had no guilt for killing Antonidas, nor a trace of pride.

It's just a task.

After the signal was sent, the Scourge began to attack the city. Under the leadership of Kel'Thuzad, Arthas easily found the Book of Medivh from the secret cave of the Kirin Tor and took it away.

If Krasus hadn't arrived in time, Dalaran would be finished again.

Abandoned the outer city, the most core Violet Castle was raised to the sky, under the auspices of Krasus, Dalaran preserved the most essential part.

But again, Dalaran was slaughtered.

However, when the undead natural disasters tried to continue to attack Alterac, they were stumped by the terrible terrain of the plateau.

Even the skeleton soldiers can't ignore the laws of physics, right.

God knows how far the frenzied Barov family can be. When a small Alterac sent 70,000 troops to encircle and suppress the orc tribe, there are still a large number of formed troops stationed in the country.

Under the baptism of a large number of crossbow artillery catapults, the pretending Scourge gave up its attack on Alterac City.

Because time is not on the side of the Lich King, Ner'zhul must race against time if he wants to succeed.

Alterac's strategic position is too low.

The next target of the Scourge is to the north, at Quel Silas.

Whether it is for fulfilling the promise or for the purpose.

The resurrection of Kel'Thuzad requires the Sunwell, and the opening of a gate to Azeroth for Archimonde also needs the Sunwell.

So Silvermoon City is the next target of the Scourge.

Just before that, there are two small obstacles.

Barrier Pass, and Stratholme.

Unless the barrier is captured, the undead army will not be able to move eastward from Lordaeron City smoothly.

Without destroying Stratholme, attacking Yongsong Forest will face the possibility of being cut off.

Since the capture of the Book of Medivh, the ritual of summoning Archimonde has already begun.

But the more Kel'Thuzad tried, the more he found the gap between him and Medivh, the more he resented Dalaran's injustice, and the more he believed that his choice was not wrong.

Although Ner'zhul has acquired the dark taboo knowledge of the Burning Legion, Kil'jaeden will not give it the technology related to space teleportation.

So relying on Kel'Thuzad became the only choice for the Lich King.

Without a body, Kel'Thuzad could not serve the Lich King better.

So it is imperative to resurrect Kel'Thuzad.

"Marshal, why give up the barrier gate?"

Garithus asked puzzledly.

Carlos fell asleep for five days and missed the opportunity to rescue Dalaran.

He was just exhausted. After he recovered, he naturally regained consciousness.

After Carlos woke up, Garithus naturally surrendered the command of the army.

Garithus is satisfied to be able to serve as an adjutant to Carlos.

The joy of serving the general again made Garithos feel honored.

No, Carlos is already the marshal of the Union at this time.

"The land is lost, people and land are lost. The barrier pass is easy to defend and difficult to attack, but the main defense facilities are on Lordaeron's side, and the goal of defense is also in the direction of Hearthglen. It may be possible to block the undead natural disasters by the barrier pass. It is meaningless to delay for a day or two."

Carlos explained.

"How can it be meaningless? If we hold on for a day, more people will be rescued..."


Carlos interrupted Garithus's speech, and also aroused the curiosity of Lordaeron soldiers who were watching around.

"Correct one of your cognitive errors."

Carlos smiled confidently, very contagious.

"In terms of strength, our alliance still has the absolute advantage. In Arathi, I have a full 70,000 troops. As long as Uther is not a fool, he can now climb to Menethil Harbor. As long as the power is integrated, the undead will basically Not our opponent."

Carlos's rhetoric is very encouraging, but Garithos is the upright boy after all.

"But does this conflict with our adherence to barriers?"

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