The root of wisdom is nothing but the search for the inheritance of life.

Talking about people is everything to stay alive.

It must be good to save the Hillsbrad area, and it has greatly preserved the war potential of mankind.

But dragging all the elite of his cavalry to Hillsbrad, Andorhal has changed from a secondary town that can be abandoned if necessary to a vital place that must be guarded strictly.

The turbulent and chaotic refugees, the spreaders of rumors, and the deliberate lurkers are all scumbags in front of the power.

In the end, the reinforcements of Alterac City arrived before Carlos's army.

There were not many people, but more than eight thousand people. Three thousand city defense troops took five thousand militiamen and hurried to Andorhal from Alterac City Starry Night.

"What's this? Dad's love?"

Carlos did not respond verbally to Alessandro Mograini's yin and yang.

No matter how hard it is, the Alterac Kingdom is not a mogu, and it can use the Naraksha engine to create a villain.

The most elite troops in the country have long been deployed to follow Carlos to Arathi to fight the orcs, and the remaining ones that can fight must be stationed in key areas in the country, otherwise the children of the plateau will not be armed to fight against the food.

What's more, gathering so many refugees, really pulling out the last armed forces in the country, is simply sending warmth to the Lich King.

So for the 8,000 people sent by the old father Alex Barov, Carlos even felt that he was here to eat.

Alterac City has limited inventory, and Andorhal itself is a grain-producing area, so just send a batch of dry rice to the front line.

Although the combat effectiveness is not good, the morale of the newcomers will be reduced, and there is no problem in suppressing the people's sentiments to suppress the commotion.

And from the mouths of these reinforcements, the truly reliable field army can arrive within a week at most.

Carlos breathed a sigh of relief.

There is no way to accuse the Paladins of the Silver Hand who went northward for intercepting their legions and causing Andorhal's strategic failure.

The preservation of the Hillsbrad area is extremely good news, and it is essential to the recovery of human power in the long run.

However, Carlos, who had lost his strategic initiative, looked at the vast white space outside the town of Andorhal, feeling like a cold wind passing through his heart.

All peripheral settings have been completely lost.

Relying on the water of the Pentium River from the Guy’s Dalron Lake, the west and the north are defended by the bridge, and the offensive of the undead’s natural disasters has yet to be contained.

However, the open land in the northeast has swallowed at least four thousand lives in Andorhal in just a few days.

It was impossible to condense the dead bodies at all. In such a dense flesh and blood battlefield, the corpses changed too fast.

Carlos could only order bombing with artillery fire and washing the ground with fuel oil.

This is also one of the main reasons why the morale of the army and civilians in Andorhal is depleted so quickly.

In the fight against the undead natural disasters, Carlos's initial judgment was not wrong. It was to fight with a large legion, rely on superior combat power to destroy the bone legion on a large scale, and use the targeted of the paladin to obliterate the threat of necromancers and death knights to ordinary soldiers.

The skeletal soldiers and ghouls all over the mountains are not terrible, but the lich and death knight who don’t know where to hide are truly terrifying.

In just two days, although the six cases of destruction of the granary were unsuccessful under the strict guard of the mage and the soldiers, the ominous cloud still enveloped Andorhal.

"Do you feel it, those brainless skeletons and ghouls seem to be smarter."

Carlos said to Mograine.

"With this feeling, our real opponent is here."

Mograine gasped hard, suppressing his restlessness.

How much can he kill?

Even if the Ashbringer could incinerate three hundred ghouls with just one blow, how many times could Alessandro Mograine slash like this.

How much can Carlos kill?

Although Lordaeron's single-man break-through has inspired the public, he has not yet returned to a state of heyday.

The Scourge is the enemy of all creatures, and a behemoth that needs to be confronted by all mankind.

The tens of thousands of bone soldiers and ghouls outside Andorhal alone made the defenders breathless. At the moment Carlos only hopes for half of his army, and the more than 30,000 soldiers who have returned directly to the country rush to the front line. .

Relying solely on people like Andorhal, there is no play even to defend.

Although in the days of battle, some people have come to the fore, and some are frightened.

However, with the support of Garithus and Lordaeron's cavalry, the Scourge was unable to break Andorhal's final defense.

This situation has been maintained until the Necromancer appeared on the battlefield.

Obviously, no matter what the Lich King did in the previous days, they were all returned to the battlefield.

"Look, death knight, necromancer, summoning warlock, a lot of hatred, and the gargoyle in the sky. Damn, Carlos, how long will it take for your veterans of war to be in place?"

Except for Arthas himself and the Obsidian guard, the combat effectiveness of the UD two units outside Anjador is about to crush Carlos's HUM.

"We cannot be passive, we must attack."

Carlos made a decision.

The morale of Andorhal now depends on the moat.

The torrents rushing down from Guy Erdalon Falls cut off the possibility that the Skeleton Soldiers were ghouls coming from the bottom of the river.

The dense human wall gave the human soldiers and bones courage to face up.

However, both domestic mages and Dalaran's helpers have lost a lot of mana during the long surveillance process.

As far as the quality of the caster is concerned, Carlos is really not dominant here.

Gathering to defend the city is a chronic suicide.

On that day, the elite units of the Scourge Corps were thrown into the frontal battlefield, and they were born with a +3 fear aura effect.

Morale will collapse.

At this time, at least two-thirds of Andorhal's more than 50,000 defenders could not pass this round of will evaluation.

Once a debacle occurs, soldiers who are still capable of fighting will also be taken away by the pig teammates.

Any sane commander would come to this conclusion.

So while the officers flocked to the town hall anxiously.

Carlos made a decision - proactively attacked.

There are still two days, as long as two more days, Carlos's army will be able to reach Andorhal, and the arrival of 30,000 vitality is enough for Andorhal to turn danger into peace.

But at the moment, Andorhal really has the will to fight against desperate troops, only less than 10,000.

The damage rate of the Lordaeron cavalry in Garithus has exceeded 20%, and now there are fewer than 7,000 men.

"I order you to guard the east at all costs, at all costs, understand?"


Garithus did not hesitate, turned and left, as straightforward as ever.

"I will give you all the Paladins, as well as the first, third, and seventh wing, find opportunities for yourself and rush out."

"Then I go to the north, I can make a way for the great guy."

Alessandro Mograini didn't talk nonsense, and took the lead with pleasure.

These three coalitions are the most effective three coalitions assembled on the battlefield of Andorhal, and can be said to be the most reliable soldiers outside of the Lordaeron cavalry in Garithus.

Carlos gave Mograine the hope of breaking the formation.

With the Ashbringer, he is far more suitable for the role of assaulter than Carlos himself.

As for Carlos himself, he took the initiative to go to the west.

He knew what he was going to face.

The flow of water from west to east has eased a lot after passing through the waterways of the Andorhal moat.

As long as the Scourge is willing to invest in magic power, there is no theoretical difficulty whether it is blocking the flow of water or freezing the surface of the river.

The seemingly stable line of defense to the west is actually a pool of stinky DOGSHIT.

Carlos must rely on his personal prestige and strength to lead the defenders through this desperate forty-eight hours.

Just as Arthas left Lordaeron with his father's ashes in his hand, and proceeded directly to Stratholme as ordered by the Lich King, the fiercest battle of the defense of Andorhal began.

On this day, thousands of miles away on the Black Sea shore, under the violent storm, Illidan blew the horn of the storm, summoning the ancient allies.

Vasiqi led the naga army to respond to Illidan's call.

The years have changed, and the old feelings are hard to mention. Neither Vasiqi nor Illidan is what they were in the past.

The only thing that didn't change was that it was the master's task that prompted the two to meet again.

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