Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 758: I've Said You Can Trust Old Fording

The game is always played, and natural disasters have no bottom line at all.

Even the race battle between humans and orcs for survival space did not make Carlos so angry.

People cannot, should not, at least not necessarily.

But the guys who took refuge in the Lich King really tried.

If the previous siege of the undead was only an absolute suppression in quantity, now outside of Andorhal, there is a large-scale exhibition hall where humanity is annihilated.

The order of the Scourge is awe-inspiring and hierarchical. Because the Lich King has deployed a large number of death knights and spellcasters to perform other tasks, the undead army besieging Andorhal actually has the problem of not having enough brains.

A small number of Summoning divisions and death knights control bone soldiers, resurrected zombies and flesh and blood ghouls, and give extremely vague orders.

For example, where to go, come back, hang up on the spot.

It's not that the middle-level forces of these natural disaster regiments don't want to play micro-manipulations, but they can't do it, only the Lich King has this ability.

Therefore, in the previous days, Andorhal was simply faced with the sheer number of undead natural disasters.

Nowadays, the return of a large number of backbone forces, especially the commander, is in jeopardy in Andorhal.

The human front is being hit by the army of the dead all the time, and the casualties are second. If you die on the cruel battlefield, you are dead. On the contrary, living people have to suffer both mental and physical torture.

Carlos looked like the Master had fifty thousand garrisons in his hands, but counting those who took turns to rest, those who stayed up late to fight, and those who were mentally impaired, the real power he could use was less than half of the paper data.

Anjador was originally the name of this whole area, including the cultivated land of at least 100,000 farmers outside the town, collectively called Andohar.

However, after the Lordaeron tragedy, when the situation was brewing and fermenting, before the onslaught of the refugee wave, a large number of local people chose to seek refuge in Guy Daron County and Alterac Plateau.

This is where the situation in Andorhal is today, with a massive shrinkage of population and materials, and the town and its fortifications are Andorhal.

At that time, Carlos firmly believed that his army could sweep all demons and monsters, and only needed to stay in Andorhal for a period of time.

The result is that the plan never changes fast, and the king of Alterac faces a difficult battle again.

He must fight a perseverance battle under the premise of unstable hearts.

Because Stratholme’s messenger traveled through the mountains separating Dahlone County and Guy Dahlon and brought a letter of help.

When Carlos received the letter of appeal from Guy Erdalon, it was already the fifth day after the messenger left Darrowshire.

Five days ago, the minions of the undead and natural disasters had begun to wreak havoc in the western part of Stratholme. The sporadic garrison and the spontaneously organized militia company in the countryside could not resist the advance of the Scourge. Wise decided to concentrate his forces on the fortification at Khao Lin Junction.

This decision is not irrational, but very ruthless.

Because all areas south of Kaolin Junction are equal to being abandoned.

As a result, Dahlone County, located in the east, became the most precarious area, because the people of Dahlong County had never been able to move.

Defending Andorhal, Carlos can at least drag a large number of Scourge soldiers here, and at least still retain the possibility of intercepting the connection between the Scourge Corps and Lordaeron, which is advancing east.

Defend Anjador, no matter how difficult it is, Carlos has the right to make a strategic choice.

Otherwise, Carlos, who has lost Andorhal and lost the strategic option, has only one option to attack Lordaeron.

Perhaps it is correct for others to restore Lordaeron, but Carlos knows the plan of the Lich King and the real goal of the undead natural disasters. It is impossible for him to abandon the Greater Stratholme area and Quel Silas. Allies of the High Elves.

At least you can't give up all.

Every step of his retreat will only make the Scourge stronger.

The beginning of the offensive and defensive war in Andorhal is nowhere to be determined, but the end of the battle is very clear.

There are three conditions.

The Undead Scourge is in the western part of Andorhal, attacking the foreshore of the bridge, trying to destroy or suppress Carlos's long-range firepower and consume the magic power of the wizard.

Once the fire suppression provided by the two guard towers is lost, or the wizards run out of magic power, the Scourge can calmly freeze the moat.

If the Undead Legion fulfills this condition, the human will be defeated.

The Undead Scourge is in the northern part of Andorhal, where the offensive is the most difficult because it is the "main gate" of the town, with the strongest walls and the most fortifications. Alessandro Mograini led the three strongest alliances Carlos gave him, and all the Paladins except Carlos waited for the opportunity to appear. As long as the stalemate persists, the Scourge will inevitably use their death knights and spellcasters to seek breakthroughs. Eliminating the commander of such an undead army is the only chance for mankind to win.

The human side fulfilled this condition, and the Legion was undefeated.

The Legion of Undead is in the east of Andorhal, especially in the northeast, facing the last military group in Lordaeron after the destruction of Lordaeron, that is, the Lordaeron Cavalry regiment of Garithus. In front of these formed light and heavy cavalry, bone soldiers and ghouls have limited lethality, and the Undead Legion obviously has no plans to use this as a major breakthrough, but it does not rule out the possibility of conspiracy calculations.

Eat Garithus Legion, Carlos will lose.

Before these three key battlefield conditions, there are two important prerequisites.

That is, Carlos's 30,000 elite will arrive in Andorhal within two days, and the precarious morale of the Andorhal garrison who blocked the escape route in order to prevent the disease from being transmitted back to the country.

It seems that each has its own advantages and disadvantages of the battlefield situation, but in fact Carlos is facing the biggest despair in his life.

Because the Lich King was never prepared to have a "honor" battle with Carlos.

The Scourge that wiped out humanity had too many extravagance moves.

For example, the people who have been caught but not killed are pushed to the front as cannon fodder.

These are just conventional methods, not surprising, and the defenders of Andorhal will not be entangled in the question of whether they should fire or not.

But pulling the "innocents" who died under the hands of "owners" into self-destructed zombies is a "natural disaster".

What about corpse carts, poison cloud art, group fear art, when the legion really started to play tactics, the morale of Andorhal's defenders was even more sluggish.

And Carlos also had to speed up the rotation of troops.

There is no way to go without rotation. Many people used to be farmers who cultivated the land, just ordinary citizens of Lordaeron, but they had no choice but to choose to fight.

When food and rest cannot calm their inner fears, death is coming.

What's more, the lurkers who curse the gods are making waves all the time.

The seventeen huge grain elevators in Andorhal are simply natural targets.

If it weren't for the bricks to catch these little tails wholeheartedly, the food crisis could bring down Andorhal.

Destruction is much simpler than construction. It is not too simple to get some explosives in Andorhal today.

But even with mages like Fang Zhuan, it can be seen that the situation is not optimistic.

It's not that Carlos is incompetent, but that the cards in his hand are too bad.

Less can win more, weak cannot win strong. At this time, humans are the weaker side in Andorhal.

At sunset, there is a magical moment, and a whole day of fighting will not end because the sun goes down.

The cruel battle continues. Carlos has successively commanded the rotation of 20,000 people. According to this battlefield intensity, it is not even possible to wait for the dawn of the next day. Today, the first batch of soldiers who have been rotated will resume. battlefield.

Mograine found Carlos with a tired face.

"There is no flaw at all, and the wizards really can't find the weakness of the Scourge. I will launch a night attack tonight."

"It doesn't make sense. Tomorrow night, reinforcements may come. Perseverance is victory."

Carlos rejected Mograine's adventure plan, so Alessandro returned to where he should be.

But despair spread so quickly that deserters inevitably appeared.

"Kill me, it's better to die in your own hands than to become a monster."

The captured deserter looked calm and relieved.

He doesn't think he has done something wrong, nor does he regret all this.

The law enforcement team will not forgive him for being pretty.

It's just that the blood of the compatriots is too much, and they are numb.

Carlos reconsidered Mograine's adventure plan.

The sun has set, but the sky is not completely dark.

No one is sure whether he can still see the sun tomorrow.

In this matter, all the undead soldiers thrown on the offensive seemed to be stuck.

This is very abnormal.

Immediately afterwards, the earth trembled.

"It's cavalry, a lot of cavalry!"

Alterac officers, who have never lacked cavalry combat experience, discovered the smoke and dust in the north.

At the very end of the night, the flag of Hearthglen rose above the horizon.

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