The luck of people and people cannot be generalized. The old Buddha once picked up an invincible rein when he was frozen into a pile of ice.

This time, Tirion Fording's luck was as bad as ever...

All the way to Andorhal, the once peaceful and comfortable land became a ghastly ghost after being ruined by the Scourge.

Except for a few refugees who fled into the mountains, there were no one else on the way.

Carefully avoiding the Scourge soldiers in the brigade, Tirion Fording learned valuable information about the movements of the Scourge from the rare survivors, and made a judgment --- Andorhal is still resisting stubbornly, but the situation Very bad.

Although the guys in Hearthglen are all great guys, they really need to talk about combat effectiveness...

Sorry, honesty is a virtue. Old Fording doesn't want to be ignorant of his conscience.

Having enjoyed a peaceful life for two decades, this generation of young people is really not good at fighting.

So Tirion Fording decided to go around Firestone Farm, avoiding the army of the Undead Legion.

After all, Hearthglen is in the northwest of Andorhal, and you can reach the town in a day from the road to the west.

But Tirion Fording didn't have this temper. He played cavalry stabs and cut through the wall of flesh and bones of tens of thousands of bone soldiers and ghouls.

So a detour is the best choice.

So with this round, Tirion Fording walked away.

It’s impossible to cross the river. It’s impossible to cross the river in this lifetime. Thousands of cavalrymen, crossing the river in the rush of water, simply have SHIT in their minds.

So first go around east, and then go back west next to the river bank, avoiding the area where the undead and natural disasters have accumulated a lot of troops, and finally launch an impact, breaking through the northern offensive that encircles Andorhal in one fell swoop.

This is his escape route for Tirion Fording.

Running away is shameful, but useful.

There was no time and conditions for Tirion Fording to gather the population and expand the army, and the top priority was to rendezvous with Carlos.

So, Tirion Fording, by accident, ran into a cluster of undead Scourge spellcasters that Carlos and Mograine and the wizards could not find.

Three death knights, more than fifty Summoning divisions and necromancers, the backbone of these Scourge Legions gathered together.

The evil smoke from the plague cauldron obscured the probing of the mage's eye, and the ominous rune exuded an evil aura.

In a clearing somewhere less than ten kilometers from Andorhal, the minions of the Lich King were engaged in their despicable deeds.

Tirion Fording wanted to understand what the enemy wanted to do, but time was running out.

The sun is about to set, if you can't rush into Andorhal to join the friendly forces, the wilderness cavalry in the night is not as effective as the heavy infantry.

So Tirion Fording gave up the plan to delve into it, and it was over. Whatever the enemy wants to achieve is what we must destroy, and what makes the enemy uncomfortable is what we must implement.

Under the guidance of two ordinary thoughts, Tirion Fording took the lead and led the cavalry in Hearthglen to launch a Ullah shock.

No way, it's not that Ullah is the number one in charge of the world, nor is it that Old Fording doesn't know how to use cavalry tactics, but Hearthglen doesn't produce cavalry in the first place.

Soldiers fighting on horseback can naturally be called cavalry, but the cavalry is also different from the cavalry. The real cavalry is not as simple as slashing weapons on horseback. Except for the mountain people of Alterac Plateau and the herdsmen of Arathi Highlands, no lord of Lordaeron dared to claim that his people were natural cavalry.

Because these two places were originally the main horse producing areas in the alliance, they were born and incomparable.

Riding is a skill. The landlord’s stupid son can also ride his own tall horse and wield a pitchfork to rub the demon hunter, but the cavalry is discipline, mutual trust between the same robe, and the courage to die without going forward.

Only a warrior without a trace of fear in his heart can keep a distance of less than an elbow from his comrades on a horse at a speed of seventy steps.

Only the legion standing at the top of the food chain can shred all obstacles that dare to stand in the way in the unparalleled impact.

Cavalry is a united unit, and cavalry tactics are the ultimate skills of life and death.

Sorry, the lads of Hearthglen can't do it.

So Tirion Fording can only take the lead in the charge, don’t ask, it’s Ulla~~~~~~~

And this battle perfectly confirmed Carlos's point of view.

In the case of weak forces, the Scourge is really scumbag...

The undead army guarding the death knights and necromancers in this glade is obviously not a popular commodity, but the number is too small, about a thousand years old.

With the rapid advance of the five thousand Hearthglen cavalry pigs, the shortcomings of the single combat effectiveness of the natural disaster soldiers have been exposed.

The biggest problem with this group of undead natural disasters is that their spellcasters are continuously guiding the cast. In the face of emergencies, the magic recoil caused by interrupting the spell guidance prevents them from smashing the devastating spells in the first time. On the head of the enemy.

Therefore, after Tirion Fording cut and smashed an arrogant death knight owlet who couldn't recognize reality, the battle lost suspense.

Just as not every cavalry can implement cavalry tactics, not every wizard can use martial arts including but not limited to chopping, jumping, and slashing.

Losing the reaction time and guarding space, Old Fording led the people to directly trample all these necromancers into dregs.

But the other two death knights saw that something was wrong and ran away decisively.

So the lads of Hearthglen had to embark on a desperate rush before they could chant victory.

Because of the undead and natural disasters, the undead legions surrounded.

Can't rush into Andorhal, they all have to die!

Thus, a cold joke that was too dark for the undead natural disaster appeared.

The two desperate armies rescued each other.

Before the last glimmer of light faded, Tirion Fording, who was besieged and killed by heavy soldiers, appeared in front of the Andorhal garrison whose will was about to collapse.

"Attack! It's reinforcements, take them in!!!"

Mograine didn't have time to seek Carlos's advice. He made a judgment for the first time and rushed out immediately.

The Ashen Messenger felt the master's excitement, and the blazing holy light was as hot as a flame. With just one blow, it cleared the obstacles for the soldiers' assault.

"Remove all the debris. It's the cavalry. Give them a clear path. Quickly, rush up. Don't let the undead block the passage!"

In the dim light, the holy light was guiding the way. Tirion Fording saw the light of the Ashbringer and did not hesitate to respond. Under the protection of the holy light, he and his horse were indestructible and integrated.

"For the Alliance!"

Tirion Fording yelled, and the Hearthglen cavalry had a great momentum for a moment.

The sudden battle in the north stimulated fighting in the other two directions.

Although I don't know the situation at all, the sensitive keyword of the reinforcements from the north greatly inspired the humanity of Andorhal.

Although I don't know why, it's just for the alliance.

For a time, Andorhal fell into an inexplicable frenzy.

Although the casualties were heavy, after counting the number of people, more than 1,700 people failed to break through the barriers of undead natural disasters and entered Andorhal.

Tirion Fording might be sent to a military court because of this battle.

But at the moment, he is a well-deserved hero.

Because of his bravery and fearlessness, Anhador survived the most difficult night.

The restless fighting, by noon the next day, the enthusiasm did not subside.

In the afternoon, Carlos's first reinforcements arrived.

Fighting frenzy is renewed.

By the early morning of the third day, the three integrated legions were already in place, and the undead natural disasters completely lost the possibility of capturing Andorhal.

On the fifth day, 37,000 professional soldiers who completed the transition from the front line of the Arathi Qing and Suppression Orcs told the militiamen of Andorhal who had fought hard for 13 days, what is the real Alliance veteran, and also told the undead natural disasters, the Alliance Why does it continue to this day.

Arranged in a simple three-row long array, the soldiers with heavy armor all pushed out with the simplest and simplest mace and half-length shield.

In the three-hour battle, Carlos’s army swept the periphery of Andorhal, regained all strategic points before the battle began, paid less than 700 casualties, and humanely destroyed more than 10,000 bone soldiers and corpses. ghost.

At this point, the situation of the offensive and defensive war in Andorhal has been reversed.

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