Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 760 Pamela's Doll

Alsace looked at Andorhal from a distance and paused for a while, then drove his horse invincible and drove away, never looking back.

His Royal Highness already knows the battle situation of the Legion in Andorhal, and also understands that it is impossible to destroy the human defense line in Andorhal in a short time.

But what does it matter?

There is only one order from the Lich King-to seize the Sunwell.

It has been more than half a month since the city of Lordaeron was captured. Relying on the floating fortress Naxxramas, it swept half of the continent of Lordaeron with only more than 10,000 Northrend's natural disaster forces. Now he controls more than 70 The Lich King of the undead is qualified to inflate himself.

Although the Silver Dawn led by Carlos and Tirion Fording severely damaged the spread of the Scourge by the Cursed Sect, Ner'zhul failed to ravage the entire Eastern Kingdom like other world lines. But Carlos still underestimated the rate of proliferation of the Scourge.

The enemy-occupied area has been thousands of miles away, and all living creatures have been transformed into necromantic servants by the necromancer.

In the face of the huge number of seven hundred thousand undead army, Andorhal is not even a small defeat on the battlefield, stalemate is not a bad thing.

So he increased his troops by 100,000 in the direction of Hillsbrad, then went to Andorhal by 100,000, and then transferred 100,000 back to Northrend. The surrounding area of ​​Lordaeron’s machine was more than 200,000, and Alsace was still able to do so. Mobilize two hundred thousand undead to attack Stratholme area.

Sorry, many soldiers can really do whatever they want.

Instead of losing combat effectiveness due to the reduction of forces, the Alsace Legion increased its strength greatly due to the concentration of elite forces.

Dozens of liches, hundreds of death knights, thousands of spellcasters, plus recruits drawn from Northrend to plant crypt nymphs, as well as a large number of siege equipment and stitching abominations.

A catastrophe seems inevitable.

Carlos is not afraid of such a Scourge.

He still firmly believes that his judgment was not wrong, his efforts were not in vain, and Andorhal's hard battle was nothing but a small fortune under extremely harsh conditions.

Because while the Scourge was proliferating wildly, the heavy and slow war machine of the Alliance was also operating.

The Grand Duke of Alterac was not sitting back in Alterac and watching his son do nothing in the bloody battle on the front line.

On the contrary, Kady Alex Barov is trying his best to help his son integrate his strengths.

The undead natural disaster is not the disaster of Lordaeron or Alterac, but the disaster of all human beings.

So don't think about staying out of it.

Without the constraints of his old rival Terenas, Alex even had an invincible loneliness in the world.

As the well-deserved second political person in the league, Carday became the first.

Since the outbreak of the war, the Wang’s messenger in Alterac City has not rested. With countless correspondences, Stromgarde was persuaded in the chariots of diplomats.

Danas was trapped in Draenor, and the internal affairs of Stromgarde after Soros's death were in chaos. All the forces did not accept anyone, and they seemed to maintain the glory of the Torbane family.

Although Carlos encircled and suppressed the orcs and withdrew his troops halfway, it caused the dirty between Stromgarde and Alterac, but it was under the coercion of the Grand Duke of Alterac, the Patriarch of the Barov family, and Alex Barov. , Stromgarde still succumbed.

It doesn't matter if you can tell right from wrong, you have to do it, Stromgarde dispatched troops.

Ten thousand cavalry and twenty thousand infantry are not all of Arathi's background, but it's different if it comes with dry food.

As long as Stromgarde's army comes up, Carlos can take back the 30,000 cavalry soldiers trapped in Hillsbrad.

Isn't this fragrant?

At the same time, because of the incredible tragedy of Lordaeron, Arthas made the operation with filial sons incomprehensible to normal humans, and Carlos's wife, Galiya Menethil, suddenly became a stranger.

The gathering of the remaining forces of Lordaeron was also much smoother than expected.

Coupled with the last elite of the Kingdom of Lordaeron, the Knights of the Silver Hand and the Expeditionary Army in Uther's hand are gathering in the town of South Blue with difficulty.

The reinforcements of Ironforge and the condolences of Stormwind were also floating on the sea.

Once the alliance completes the integration of the existing power, a terrifying war behemoth will immediately show its ferociousness.

This does not count the war potential of the people.

So Carlos is fearless.

Of course, this fearlessness is only on the military level.

The real trouble is the hearts of the people, the political compromise.

The old alliance of the Alliance of Lordaeron is dead in name. It has lost the absolute core of the Kingdom of Lordaeron and the heritage of the city of Lordaeron for a century. Alterac simply does not have the strength to accept all refugees and keep them alive.

Although Carlos has rescued many people who were supposed to die and weakened the strength of the Scourge, how to make them "continue" to live and eventually strengthen themselves is a big problem.

You know, it hasn't been long since the drought has passed.

Defending the Hillsbrad area is certainly tantamount to retaining one more point of hope.

But it is not enough.

So Carlos set his sights on Stratholme.

He used magic communications to try to persuade the Sun King to send troops to help Stratholme, blocking the Undead Scourge at the Corin junction in the middle of Stratholme.

But the perfunctory of the Sun King revealed too much hidden information.

I am afraid that Silvermoon’s political struggle against the royal power has reached the most critical and fierce juncture. The high elves chose the ostrich mentality for the immediate threats, only ordering the mages who stayed in Dalaran to do their best to help the human allies and do their best. obligation.


Then no more.

"This is awesome!"

Carlos held back his fragrant mouth, and after ordering his army to take over the defense of Andorhal, he led the exhausted "Andorhal local army" to retreat and rest.

Yes, Carlos did not have the strength to reverse the natural disasters of the undead at this time. Sticking to the defense line and consuming the natural disaster forces outside Andorhal was the only option.

But to say that the battle of Andorhal is no more rewarding, not at all.

Fifty thousand militiamen who have experienced bloody battles and won victory, after reorganization, are enough to form five to ten combat-effective regiments.

More importantly, the Lordaeron cavalry under the name of Garithus finally "pro-Carlos" after the Battle of Andorhal.

Don't underestimate Garithus and the cavalry regiment assembled under the mighty pressure of Gavinrad.

They have unparalleled political value.

Because they are the last "regular army" of Lordaeron in addition to the Uther Expeditionary Army.

And it is a regular army fighting hard on the front line.

The holy light belongs to the holy light, and the politics belongs to politics.

When Garithus and the army fell towards Carlos, Uther had no soil for other ideas.

It’s not that Uther will make a military rule and make himself king, but to prevent him from having to catch Alsace before acknowledging Galiya or Carlos’s jurisprudence of the Kingdom of Lordaeron. Inheritance.

This is very troublesome and will happen with high probability.

Carlos has no thoughts and a good old man who is not bad-hearted but ready to do bad things to waste time, so he just draws his salary from the bottom of his head.

The transfer of Garithus and this cavalry regiment back to Alterac City for rest and reorganization is a reward for the bloody warriors and a necessity to buy people's hearts.

In order to defend Andorhal, Garithus suffered heavy losses. The 9,000-man cavalry regiment suffered more than half of the casualties.

This is almost unimaginable in the era of cold weapons.

However, this army of Lordaeron's ghosts are not ordinary people who serve as soldiers and pay. They are avengers, they are the avengers who have witnessed the tragedy of Lordaeron.

So instead of falling apart, they became more and more courageous.

The army soul of this legion has taken shape.

So Carlos transferred them back to Alterac City.

On the one hand, it is to replenish the personnel to rejuvenate, and on the other hand, it is also for the change of clothes.

In the bloody battle of Andorhal, the rate of attrition of weapons and equipment was too high.

In this way, the King of Oakland, led a legion that once belonged to Lordaeron, entered the capital where he was absent all the year round with a -kun approaching the world, and sat on the throne that had been vacant for many years.

At the long-lost dynasty meeting, Carlos only asked one question following the promulgation of the uninspired wartime system decree.

"Who is for, who is against."

At the same time, the messenger from Dahlone County returned to his hometown over the mountains and brought back Carlos's letter.

He asked the people of Dalong County to give up their persistence and retreat to the mountains with food supplies for two months.

Carlos assured them that within two months, he would lead his army to support.

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