Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 76: A friend from afar invites you to have a drink

The technological marvel city of Gnomeregan in Dun Morogh has been the main city of dwarves for generations. But the gnomes accidentally opened a forbidden door during the excavation: the evil upgraded stone palate invaded many Dun Morogh areas including the main city of the gnomes. In order to get rid of the invading stone palate, the master craftsman Mekkatork built many emergency radiation water tanks in the city, intending to make a desperate fight when the situation deteriorated irretrievably. But Mekkatork’s once trusted adviser, McNeil Thermapurag, betrayed his people and manipulated the invasion. McNeill Thermaplugg distorted the orders of the master craftsman Mekkatorque after an unexplained insanity. McNeill Therma Prager not only opened all the emergency radiation tanks, but also opened all the isolation gates. This cunning machine took advantage of the loopholes in the order to severely hurt the unprepared residents of Gnomeregan.

The dwarf is also looking for ways to avoid radiation while waiting for the stone palate to die or escape. Unfortunately, although the stone palate became toxic after being irradiated—their attacks did not stop, nor did they weaken in the slightest. Those dwarfs who were not killed by the radiation were forced to flee. While McNeill Thermaplugg stole sufficient control authority in a series of operations, Gnomeregan’s high-tech mechanical creations rioted, and the indiscriminate attacks made the healthy gnomes completely lose their homeland. control.

And McNeill Thermaplugg continues to plan his dark plan and become the new technology lord of the city.

After learning about Gnomeregan's great changes, Magni planned a powerful counter-attack, broke through the blockade of the orcs, led the hungry and cold dwarf allies back to Ironforge, and prepared hot food and ale to entertain these Honorable friend.

"Mekkatork, you bad guy, why don't you ask me for help, the Bronzebeard dwarf will help you!" Seeing the tragic appearance of the survivors, Magni asked the master craftsman Mekkatork loudly.

"It was my order, I ruined everything, McNeill Thermaplugg, the traitor." Mekkatork, the dwarf leader, cried in front of Magni like a child.

Weeping and crying.

"Hey, don't do that, my friend, you saved so many lives. They are all looking at you. The leader should look like a leader, don't cry." Magney is not good at persuading others.

After a while, Mekkatorque stopped sobbing.

"Thank you, thank you for providing selfless assistance when the dwarf was most critical." Mekkatork thanked Magni.

"If you don't use my robe to blow your nose, I will believe in your sincerity..." Magni looked at the sky speechlessly, wrapped Mekkatork's shoulders in a very awkward posture, "Now let's go and eat something. Have a little more wine, you need to relax."

The gnomes who made their homes in Ironforge held a civic assembly and elected Mekkatork the king of gnomes, but Mekkatork refused.

"Mekkatorque is just a sinner looking forward to atonement, and he is not qualified to be a king." Mekkatorque, who claims to be just a useless craftsman, performs his duties as a leader, but refuses to enjoy the treatment of a leader.

Gnomeregan’s tragedy is the nightmare of a master craftsman in his life.

And far to the north in the Hillbrad hills, Anduin Lothar was sincerely pleased with Khadgar's arrival.

""What do you think of them? Lothar pointed to the Paladins who were training.

Khadgar frowned.

"I suspect they are of limited use to us," he said after a while.

"Oh? Why." Anduin Lothar hoped to get advice from Khadgar.

"They don't have enough time to prepare." The mage explained. "We expect the Horde to come to Lordaeron in a few weeks or less. None of them have experienced war-as a Paladin. Of course, I don't doubt that they can fight, but We have enough fighters. If the archbishop wants them to perform a miracle, I fear he might be disappointed."

Anduin Lothar couldn't help but nodded.

"I agree," he admitted, "but Fao trusts them very much, maybe we must join in too."

He suddenly laughed.

"We assume they are ready, what do you think of them."

"Uther is very dangerous to the Horde, there is no doubt about it." Khadgar replied, "but I don't think he can lead anyone other than the Paladin. His faith is too strong. Many soldiers may not be able to bear it."

Lothar nodded and motioned for his companion to continue.

"The same is true for Saidan and Tirion. Saidan is a warrior first, and Tirion is a knight, but they also have faith. This may make them hesitate to implement some strategic plans." Card The added comments hit the nail on the head.

Lothar smiled and said, "What about Turalyon?"

"This is the worst faith among them, but also the strongest in my eyes." Khadgar admitted with a smile. "He was trained to be a priest and a loyal church follower, but he didn't have the dazzling enthusiasm of others. And he has more wisdom."

"Strongly agree." The young man also impressed Lothar.

Turalyon is an out-and-out tactical leader. He can calmly analyze any difficult battle situation. He is not afraid to give up his life and fight at critical moments. He does not give up any hope. This is Turalyon's greatest weapon. .

Anduin Lothar, who perceives Turalyon's traits, deliberately promoted his deputy, because Turalyon looked very much like himself when he was young.

"What about our Baron Carlos Barov?" Lothar continued to ask.

"Although he concealed it well, he was still too immature. There was a huge shadow in his heart. But his actions were firm and incomprehensible." Khadgar was also a little confused, "Originally according to his status, He can lie on his subordinates’ qualification book and mix his merits. But from the fact that he is the kind of hard-working guy who uses his words and deeds to drive his subordinates. It’s hard to judge.” Khadgar shook his head, Kadgar shook his head. There are too many contradictions in Ross's body that he can't understand.

"I don't think as much as you, but there is one thing that makes me unable to make up my mind." Anduin Lothar said.

"What is it?" Khadgar asked.

"His identity, Carlos has the first right to inherit the Alterac Kingdom. I can't use him like I command other subordinates, even if he is an excellent fighter." Anduin Lothar hesitated for a while, feeling right. Khadgar revealed that there was nothing wrong with his heart.

"If your Majesty King Aiden has an accident and Carlos dies due to my tactical arrangements... I will suffer the crime of killing a king." Lothar was really dumbfounded.

"This is a headache. Fortunately, the commander-in-chief of the alliance is not me." Carlos sarcastically satirized Lothar and turned to leave.

"Where are you going?" Anduin Lothar asked casually.

"Go and meet the mage group of the baron in question, and gather with colleagues." Khadgar replied.

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