Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 77: After Done This Cup, There Are Three More Cups

When the warchief Zuluhed of the Dragonmaw clan surrendered to the mighty power of Neltharion, the black dragon king, Grim Batol, the troubled homeland, was destined to no longer belong to the Wildhammer dwarves.

Faced with the pressing of the Horde orcs and the ogre army, the Wildhammer dwarves who clung to Grim Batol finally found themselves alone and helpless. Falstad finally persuaded most of the lords, and the stubborn Wildhammer dwarves finally made up their minds to migrate to the Eagle's Nest Mountain in the Hinterlands to the north.

And Nekruz Skullcrusher, this is Zuluhid’s henchmen, the chosen person of the fallen guardian Nesario, under the strategy and power of the Black Dragon King, he has completed an epic Feat.

Using the demon soul of the sacred tool, Nekros Skullcrusher enslaved all the queen of red dragons, the oathbinder who guarded the life of one of the five great dragons, Alexstrasza.

Alexstrasza, the dragon who guards life, a beautiful and powerful queen. In order to imprison the Red Dragon Queen in Grim Batol, abandoned by the Wildhammer dwarves, Nekruz Skullcrusher even ordered the demolition of the city gates to transport Alexstrasza into the castle.

"Neltharion, your madness will eventually ruin you. It's still too late to look back." Alexstrasza, who was bound by the demon soul, looked at the human form of Neltharion, and couldn't help but utter resentment. Sorrowful cry.

"Crazy? No, I have never been so sensible, Alexstrasza. If you lower your head and listen to the truth of the world, you will understand my anger and pain." Although Nesario maintains the form of an orc, he has the best Waiting for the human aristocratic manner, he gracefully bowed to his old friend.

"Damn, you were actually brainwashed by your prisoners, you are completely crazy!" Alexstrasza smelled the breath of the ancient gods from the triumphant Nesario.

"I shouldn't indulge you, Nesario. It was my biggest mistake to prevent Malygos from revenge on you. You have been completely enslaved by those disgusting tentacles and big eyeballs!" The Red Dragon Queen who knows the truth. Sad and indignant, but the body suppressed by the Demon Soul couldn't move. The mere communication of words had already exhausted Alexstrasza.

"No, no, no, I don’t trust the ancient gods, but the enemy’s words sometimes make sense. Only by observing the world from different angles can you see yourself clearly. Titans, ancient people, and even our giants. What is the meaning of the dragon itself? After witnessing the fall (anti-sensitivity) of the creator Sargeras, I felt confused. After thinking about it, I began to reflect on the meaning of life, and you are part of my great practice. Welcome to join this great plan. It belongs to Neltharion's plan." The Black Dragon King's manners are impeccable, but the madness in his words shocked Alexstrasza.

"You will not succeed, Nozdormu will stop you!" The Red Dragon Queen threatened.

"I'm looking forward to it." Nesario finished speaking and turned to leave.

In Lordaeron across the sea from the wetland, Anduin Lothar is standing in a command tent south of Lordaeron, not far from the town of South Blue where the refugees from the Stormwind Kingdom first landed. Lothar chose to stay here because this place is located in the center and can quickly go to any corner of Lordaeron by boat. Some of the Alliance troops are training and resting in a planned way outside. He gathered at a table with the kings of Lordaeron and several adjutants he had selected, staring at a map placed on it. Lothar chose Uther as his liaison with the Silver Hand and the church. Khadgar served as his liaison with the wizard and his most objective adviser, Proudmoore managed Marine, and the young Turalyon was appointed deputy commander. The young man left a deep impression on him and Khadgar. Although he still treated Lothar as a kind of legend, his cleverness, loyalty and diligence were all shown. Lothar was sure that this young man would be very good. He was growing up quickly, not to mention, he couldn't think of anyone else who could be qualified to serve as his deputy. Turalyon was obviously not accustomed to taking on such heavy responsibilities. Lothar had reminded him not to poke the map absently, at least not to use a knife. The Wildhammer dwarves northward brought the latest developments of the tribe, and the Marine of Kul Tiras brought disturbing news --- the pirates who saw the money opened might have been bought by the tribe.

For the past month, the leaders of the Alliance have been discussing the same thing-which way the Horde is most likely to come from, where they may attack and how to mobilize the Alliance troops to the area as soon as possible. Just as Gene Greymane repeatedly emphasized that the Union army should be deployed to the Gilneas border - because he believed that the Horde would appear there first, a soldier hurriedly walked into the command post. After bowing to everyone present, the soldier said: "They are here!"

"Who's here, soldier, take a breath and make it clear." Lothar frowned. He tried hard to see something from the sentinel's flustered expression. Anyway, at least he didn't panic, which made Lothar let out a sigh of relief, trying to calm his violently beating heart.

Not being afraid means that it won't be a tribe.

The sentinel's face was a little scared, but it was mixed with a sense of respect, even awe. Lothar had never seen such a rich expression.

"It's an elf, sir." The sentry almost roared. "The elves are here."

Carlos, who was dozing off by the side, suddenly came to his mind, has he finally waited for this scene?

"Elves?" Anduin Lothar stared at the sentinel in a daze, then he turned around and glanced at the kings present. While he was guessing, one of the kings coughed and looked very guilty.

"We need allies." Terenas explained. "Elves are a powerful race, I think we'd better contact them as soon as possible."

"Without discussing with me?" Lothar looked very angry. "What if they send all the troops and suddenly announce that we must accept their command? Even if they accept our command, what if the tribe comes when we reorganize them into our troops? You shouldn't treat you The army commander concealed this information. This is likely to bring us a disaster, at least at the expense of most of us." Lothar was very angry, commanding the army to fight, the most feared thing is to lose control of the army. .

"You are right." Terenas sincerely apologized to everyone present. The more powerful people are, the more taboo they are to admit their mistakes, but Terenas is willing to take responsibility for any of his actions, good or bad.

This made Carlos couldn’t help but raise his evaluation of Alsace’s father. Regardless of whether Terenas had selfish intentions when dealing with the Barov family, the king of Lordaeron at this moment is full of personal charm. Point man.

"I really should discuss with you first, I just feel that time is very tight... but this is not a reason, this kind of thing will not happen again." Terenas assured

Lothar took two deep breaths, calmed down, and nodded.

"Let's see what the elves are like." Lothar took the lead out of the tent, and the others followed him closely.

When Lothar walked out of the tent, he was full of people in front of him, and the soldiers belonging to the alliance covered the end of the field of vision. For a moment, Lothar felt a sense of pride and confidence. How could someone and something be able to resist such a powerful army? But then he recalled the scene of the tribe's bloodbath in the Kingdom of Stormwind, which was an unstoppable green ocean.

Anduin Lothar quickly calmed down. At least, this alliance army is several times stronger than the army of the Kingdom of Stormwind. One hundred thousand men are standing by, ready to defend their homes and the country.

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