Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 78 Your Majesty, Have Another Glass

Lothar passed through his troops to the shore, staring at the sea in front of him. Kul Tiras ships are anchored along the coast, ranging from small fast reconnaissance ships to huge destroyers. The fleet anchored on the waves and formed a forest of masts.

"A ship with elf characteristics," Daelin Proudmoore said softly. "It's faster and lighter than ours, and it carries fewer weapons than ours, but it also allows these ships to have a very fast speed. This is an excellent and excellent supplement to our troops." Marine The admiral frowned. "But why are there so few? I only saw four medium-sized ships and eight small ships. This can't hold many people, it looks more like a forward scout team."

"Maybe more behind," Turalyon said, standing beside Lothar.

But Dalin Proudmoore shook his head, "This is not their habit, they should all be here."

"Twelve ships also means that our fleet has increased by twelve." Khadgar noticed that the people around him were a little unhappy, and said roundly, "Anyway, they brought troops."

Lothar nodded and agreed: "We should welcome them now."

Others agreed, and the commanders began to traverse the alliance camp. Aiden Perenold was a little bit powerless, and soon began to gasp, Carlos had to follow behind to help his king, while the other few strode forward in good spirits. When they came to the dock, the first An elven warship just landed.

A soft tall figure jumped down and landed gently on the wooden dock. The long blonde hair reflected the sunlight, and Lothar heard a large inhalation sound from behind him. When the figure approached, Lothar saw that it was a woman, a charming woman who was fainting enough. Her slender figure is slender and strong, just like her slender body. She wears forest green or oak brown all over, a light armor over her shirt, shorts, a cloak with a Kabuto hat behind her, a pair of leather gloves wraps her arm to the elbow, just like Boots that protect her knees. A thin sword hung on one of her hips, and a small bag and horn on the other. She carried a long bow and a full quiver behind her back. Lothar has seen many women in these years, some of them have the same beauty as the elf who is approaching them, but he has never seen anyone who can combine strength and grace.

Anduin Lothar belonged to the people who came over, so naturally he could understand why the young man behind him was surprised.

"Madam." Lothar called when she was still a little far away. "Welcome here, I am Anduin Lothar, the commander of the alliance."

She nodded, and quickly left the tidal flat, and walked to Lothar. Lothar could see her pointed ears popping out of her hair, and her wild emerald green eyes glanced at the next corner.

"I am Alleria Windrunner, and I bring greetings from Anastrian Sunstrider and the Silvermoon Council." Alleria Windrunner's voice is very pleasing to the ear, like a combination of oriole and lark body.

Lothar suspected that even the furious guy would feel happy after hearing Alleria's voice.

"Thank you for coming, honorable elf guest." Lothar turned around and gestured to the group of people behind him.

"Allow me to introduce the kings of the alliance and my adjutant." When the introduction was completed, Lothar began to talk about serious topics.

"Forgive my slowness, Ms. Alleria," Lothar said, "but I have to ask a question, is this all the assistance your people can provide?"

These words made Alleria Windrunner frowned.

"I will tell you straightforwardly, Lord Lothar." Alleria looked around roughly to make sure that no one else was eavesdropping.

Others refer to the high elves who travel with each other, including men and women. They were obviously waiting for Alleria's permission to get near here.

"Anastrian Sunstrider and other members of the Silvermoon Council don't care much about the information you send. This tribe is too far away from us and seems to be trying to conquer human territory instead of our forest. Council members. I think it’s best to leave this struggle to the young race, and only need to strengthen our borders to ensure that the Kingdom of Quel'Thalas is not invaded in any way." Alleria's eyes narrowed and looked. She is making some determination as she goes up.

"At least you are here," Khadgar said. "I think this also means something."

Alleria nodded.

"A letter from King Terenas." She nodded in the direction of Terenas Menethil II. "He told us that you, Sir Lothar, are the last heir of Arathor's bloodline. Our ancestors vowed to help your Arathor royal family and all his relatives forever. Even Anastrian cannot deny this obligation. He sent this combat team to thank the original help."

"What about you?" Lothar was keenly aware that Alleria was only talking about this fleet.

"I came here voluntarily." Alleria declared triumphantly, and tossed her hair, just like an energetic horse did before charging.

"I am a ranger, I choose to bring my own squad and freely provide assistance to the Alliance." Alleria glanced at Lothar's back, her eyes moved.

Lothar knew that Alleria was observing the Alliance troops behind him.

"I feel that this battle will be far more serious than our leader thought. It may be easy to destroy all of us. If the tribe is really as cruel as you said, our forest will not be able to hold on for a long time. ." Alleria met Lothar's eyes again. It wasn't until this time that Lothar realized that under all the beauty, there was a powerful warrior who often fought.

"We must stop the tribe of orcs." Alleria made a concluding statement.

Lothar nodded and said, "I totally agree with you."

He bowed, "Then, you are very welcome here, madam, I thank the great humans of Quel'Thalas for their help. But I am more grateful for your presence and your rangers."

Lothar smiled and said: "We are discussing the next action plan. I am honored to hear your opinion. When your tribe is settled, I will ask you to send them to reconnaissance so that we can know if the enemy is approaching us. ."

"We don't need to rest." Alleria promised Lothar, "I will send them to perform the task immediately."

Alleria made a gesture, and the other elves leaned in immediately. Everyone was dressed the same as her, and all the high elves moved quietly, but everyone in the room felt that the movements of the other elves were far less elegant than Alleria. What Alleria said to her subordinates, her voice flowed like music, and the others nodded slightly to the passing humans and ignored them. Soon, the high elves ran out of the landing field, and then disappeared from sight.

"They will go to reconnaissance and come back to report." Alleria explained: "If the tribe comes to march two days away from here, we will know."

"This is really good news. If you don't mind, please come back to the command tent with us. Then, Madam, I will tell you what we know now, and we can also listen to your views on these things." Luo Sa Xin patted his bald forehead and top of his head.

Alleria smiled: "Of course, but if you want to hear my opinion, you must stop calling my wife again. This is a serious disrespect for an unmarried lady."

Lothar nodded and smiled awkwardly.

At this time, Carlos assisted his King Aiden, the late arrival.

"Presumably this tall warrior is Carlos Barov." Alleria discovered Carlos from afar.

"Huh? Am I so famous?" Carlos found it strange that a female elf he didn't know was talking to him.

On the side, Turalyon had an enviable expression on his face.

"Of course, your feat in the Hinterlands has greatly affected the arrogance of the trolls. I can hear your name from the troll captives of Zuaman." Alleria said with a smile, in her eyes. Men who can kill trolls are good men.

"That's it. It seems that I have to be more careful when I walk in the forest." Carlos proactively stretched out his hand, "Ms. High Elf, Sinua'manore (It's nice to see you)."

"You can speak Salas, I'm Alleria Windrunner. Bal'adash, Sinua'manore (hello, nice to meet you)!" Alleria felt surprised and held it at the same time. Carlos stretched out his hand.

It turns out that this high elf girl is Alleria Windrunner, and Carlos was also surprised. Although the voice is very good and the length is good, the eyebrows are too long, which always distracts Carlos's attention, and the breasts are not big enough. In Carlos's eyes, Leo Leilia Windrunner looked a little arrogant, not as beautiful as imagined.

Carlos, who had been baptized by the four major Asian sorceries in his previous life, far surpassed the young Azeroth native youth in beauty appreciation. He behaved well in front of Alleria, and Lothar couldn't help taking a high look at Carlos.

Well, the palm feels great. After a brief contact, the two separated.

"Snee, Snee!" Carlos had an itchy nose, hurriedly turned his head sideways, and sprayed Turalyon on his face.

"Why, are you allergic to the smell of shimmering hyacinth?" Alleria raised her arm and smelled it, then looked at the others around blankly, wondering if the problem was with her.

The ointment made from the pollen of shimmering hyacinth can effectively prevent wind and sun damage to the skin. At the same time, the light taste can prevent mosquito bites. It is a standing material for rangers to travel, but some people are allergic to it, so Alleria doubted herself first.

"I don't know, maybe someone is talking about me in his heart." Carlos glanced at Turalyon unkindly.

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