Daelin Proudmoore brought an amazing news.

"A pirate contacted my subordinate and tried to sell me a message."

"What news." Anduin Lothar couldn't help frowning when he saw Admiral Marine's expression so solemn.

"The orcs quietly built a large number of ships, trying to fight across the sea." Daelin Proudmoore hesitated for a while, and still said it.

"Oh, my God, are those pirates crazy for money? What kind of ship the orcs use, from drying the wood to finishing a ship, do the orcs know how much time and process it takes? Fighting across the sea is simply unimaginable." Some generals mocked the greedy and foolish pirates so much.

"Whether it is true or false, it is worthy of our attention. Dai Lin, don't be stingy with that gold coin, and give it to the pirates to let them know the generosity of the alliance." Lothar pondered for a moment, and said to everyone: "We need to contact all the allies we can contact. , Unite all the forces that can be united, even if he is a liar, gambler, or villain."

"I understand. If it is really going to fight across the sea, it is really desirable. The Marine of Kul Tiras will send all the green monsters to feed the fish." Dalin Proudmoore's eyes are cruel. Light.

Carlos did not squeeze the command camp with the big figures, he was packing up personal belongings in his tent.

The orc's fierce attack on the Saldo Bridge forced Stromgarde’s forces to retreat, so Carlos received the task of changing the defense and went to garrison on the north side of Thoradin’s Wall.

Although there were 3,000 people under his staff, he was promoted to get the title of Rear Admiral. But this kind of exile and protection is not Carlos's original intention.

As a soldier, you must obey orders.

Carlos could not refute Lothar's reasonable instructions, only to be honestly ready to go on the road.

"Brother Bald, how is the control of the pirates." Carlos asked at the same time, without stopping, Todd was rushed back to Guy Erdalon by him, and the only thing he had to do was to pack his luggage.

"The General Marshal and Admiral Marine happily gave a reward, whether to kill those guys." Brother Bald's voice came from the empty tent.

"No, just get our share as agreed, and let them go back safely." Carlos replied.

"Selling fake news..." Brother Bald hesitated. The pirates are real pirates, but the news is fake. Professional thieves questioned Carlos' decision.

"Fake news is sometimes more useful than true news. Don't use your previous gang thinking on the battlefield to consider problems. No, you don't need to use your brain to think, just perform my orders perfectly." Carlos Finally finished the preparation work and sat down.

"Yes, your will." Brother Bale now feels the majesty of Carlos more and more, and his posture is very low.

"I heard that the perfect Marine Admiral Delin Proudmoore sent his son to the front?" Carlos had met Drake Proudmoore before, and he was a guy with good senses.

"Yes, I went to sea the day before yesterday. I arranged the troublemakers after a banquet according to your arrangement, and they were all brought down by Drake Proudmoore. Do you need follow-up actions against him?" asked the bald brother. , I don't know where Drake Proudmoore offended Carlos, making the elder master want to break his leg.

"No, it's enough, just work hard for some things, let the others go with the wind." Carlos finished speaking, put his hands on his knees, stood up abruptly, picked up his suitcase, and walked out of the camp.

"Adjutant Ymir, inform the assembly of the troops, we are ready to go." Carlos gave his first order as a general.

The war between the Alliance and the Horde was about to break out, but the Wildhammer dwarves of the Hinterlands were beaming.

Although the maintenance of the Terminator fortress involves a lot of energy of Lord Metz, but relying on this fortress, the dwarves of Eagle’s Nest Mountain have a broad strategic buffer zone, and the locust-like human friends cut down a lot of trees, dwarves Only need to burn the roots of the tree to restore a large area of ​​arable land.

It can be said that the dwarves are the real winners throughout the Hinterland War.

A whole year of trade has allowed the dwarven lords to taste the sweetness. A large number of finished weapons and arrows are sold to the Alliance of Lordaeron, and the dwarves do not need gold coins to pay, but only accept cloth, blankets, food, bacon, wine, etc. For daily necessities, they even purchase large quantities of materials with gold and silver jewelry. This made the nations of the alliance realize that these short guys in the depths of the mountains are very good, and they are friends that can be made.

It is a pity that the master of the exclusive supply contract for arms sales is in the hands of Alex Barov, which hurts other merchants who want to negotiate with the Wildhammer dwarves.

After eleven days of trekking, Kurdran’s response force finally arrived on the eastern coast of the Hinterland.

After another two days, dozens of dwarf-style pot-bellied cargo ships finally appeared in sight.

"Kudran, there are trolls moving around."

The subordinate reports to Kurdran.

"Leave them alone, Falstad is coming. If the evil tooth trolls dare to make small moves, we will invite them to participate in the barbecue meeting." Kurdran replied indifferently, bringing more than five hundred people. In addition, the migrants of Grim Batol have beaten up a small troll evil tooth tribe, and they didn't just want to barbecue.

Since the dawn offensive, Kurdran has fallen in love with the barbecue convention.

The long-lost relatives and friends met, and the whole landing field continued to laugh and laugh, except for half of the dwarves who were seasick.

"Falstad, it's nice to meet you, my eldest cousin." Kurdran spotted Falstad and first walked up to him and gave him a vicious bear hug.

"Kudland, I have to say that it was a wise decision for you to go north to open up new territories." Falstad said with feeling.

"The things of the older generation, let it go, the Wildhammer dwarves are not so mother-in-law." Kurdran was really excited.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about it anymore. I have been floating in the sea for so long and tell me how the situation is now." Fustard asked concerned.

"What I know is the news ten days ago. The orcs are attacking the Saldo Bridge, but the guys in Ironforge and Biglas's family are blocking the orcs, and the Saldo Bridge is still in the hands of the Alliance." Derain threw a bag of spirits to Falstad, "Everyone must be very happy to see you. Can your Griffin fly? If it doesn't work, you can ride me. Xuenu is a beautiful girl. Take you first. There is nothing wrong with returning to Eagle's Nest Mountain."

"That's not good, Kurdran, I have to go back to organize the second migration." Falstad poured half a bag of wine in one breath, and hiccuped with satisfaction.

"Oh, this is really bad." Kurdran's face was full of regret.

"In the coming days, my cousin, I have a hunch that this war is likely to be far more terrible than we thought. Wildhammer dwarves can't stay out of the matter. You'd better do the work of other lords first. When I come back next time, I will Talk to them in person." Falstad was worried.

"You are the son of Cardros, the King of Wildhammer, talk to the old folks yourself." Kurdran was unwilling to do the work, and refused in one fell swoop.

"Come on, Wildhammer is now a lords conference system, don't mention the King of Wildhammer." Falstad lapped Kurdran's chest and laughed.

After a rest night, Fustard led the fleet back to Grim Batol, and Kurdran led the landed compatriots back to Eagle's Nest. The Wildhammer dwarves were full of longing for a new life in the future.

On the same day that Falstad's fleet returned to Grim Batol, the pirate who tasted the sweetness bypassed the bald brother and met Anduin Lothar directly.

"Your Excellency Grand Marshal, this is big news worth five hundred, no, one thousand gold coins." The yellow-toothed pirate grinned.

"I think I have proven my credibility, gentleman. The problem now is that you have to let me judge whether your news is worth the price." Lothar did not despise the other party because he is a pirate, still calm and elegant. Eye-catching.

"Of course, those green-skinned guys suddenly mobilized a lot of supplies. This is a sign that they are going to sea." The pirate answered carefully.

"Oh, can you be more specific?" Daelin Proudmoore needed enough information.

"More than 800 large wooden barrels have been filled with water, and the orcs have oiled the sails, and the other is the expansion of the wharf, which looks like it can dock at least dozens of ships at the same time." The pirate recalled and answered selectively.

"When did it happen?" Lothar asked the question he cared most.

"When I left the wetland," the pirate replied.

"If there is no other information, then your news is only worth five hundred gold coins." Admiral Marine replied.

The greedy pirate didn't expect that the Alliance really intended to buy news of five hundred gold coins, and for a while, he racked his brains to think about whether there was any information that could be exchanged for money.

"By the way! I have heard unusual roars of beasts near the orc camp."

The pirate suddenly remembered something.

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