Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 769 Rivendell's Sword

There is a saying how to say it.

Men don’t care about loyalty. Loyalty is just not enough temptation.

A woman doesn't care about betrayal. Betrayal is just a price too high.

Baron Rivendell's insistence on Corinth's Crossing is also not because of the great golden spirit, nor is it because he wants to play the hymn of mankind, it is just a choice of interests.

The sect of the curse seizes every opportunity to threaten him. If the front-line commander can be the second or fifth boy, then the human defense will be vulnerable.

It is a pity that the Scourge did not give enough, and Baron Rivendell ignored the temptation and retained his loyalty.

So when Arthas arrived at the front line, as far as he could see, the invincible under his crotch screamed with disdain.

Don't worry about how a skeletal war horse yells, anyway, the prince is just right to be dissatisfied.

Although the Lich King controlled the soul of Arthas, the prince at this time was still a spiritually independent individual.

Moreover, even though Arthas had accepted the power of blood, shadow, and frost at this time, he was still alive.

In addition to his absolute loyalty to the Lich King, His Royal Highness is still the twenty-something young man with a fine shot.

Loyalty is not absolute, which means absolute disloyalty.

Ability is not outstanding, which is equivalent to all waste.

After busying with the Summoning Tower, he went to the forefront again. Although Alsace did not have a Master "just this", he was desperate for the commanding art of the Scourge.

An army of more than 100,000 has fought for a few days, and it can't even take a Corin junction. What use is this waste?

Under the encouragement of Kel'Thuzad, Arthas took the initiative to contact Ner'zhul.

As a result, the Lich King felt Alsace's dissatisfaction with the Scourge.

Yes, it is very loyal.

So Ner'zhul, the Lich King, granted Arthas greater authority, or Frostmourne.

At this point, all the energy provided by the Summoning Tower built before can be used by Frostmourne.

Arthas finally gained power beyond mortals.

He no longer looked forward to the corrupting wooing of the cursed cult to the human resistance forces, and no longer entangled in the tactical command of the natural disaster army dog ​​Shi.

There is nothing that can't be solved in a military assault.

If so, then twice.

In the days of war, mankind discovered the disadvantages of low-level soldiers of natural disasters.

Rivendell laughed at the ghouls recklessly, the skeleton soldiers were ignorant, the stitching monsters were bloated, the death knights were scarce, the only noteworthy corpse car was not far away from the artillery, and the Scourge was not a hero.

As a result, Arthas looked at the Corinth line dug into the rotten ground by the Stratholmes who had been dug to survive, and he rarely wondered if he was too harsh on the Scourge.

Twenty-seven trenches, eleven layers of fences, there are thunder in the trenches, and soldiers behind the fences. It is really difficult to fight.

The Scourge has filled three trenches with bones and flesh and blood, and broke through two layers of fences. The huge number advantage crushed the resistance of Stratholme soldiers and civilians, and consumed a large amount of supplies in Kaolin Town.

If the attack continues step by step, the human enthusiasm for fighting and the will to resist will soon dissipate.

These are all predictable endings.

But Alsace didn't want to wait, or could not wait.

He has no time to waste.

Therefore, His Royal Highness dismounted his horse and flattened Frost's grief on his side. After a long charge, a torrent of souls gushed out. The majestic magic power destroyed the fortifications built by the Stratholmes at the Corin junction like a landslide and tsunami. The mud mixed with flesh and blood plowed a deep scar on the ground like debris wrapped in an avalanche.

The road to charge had already appeared, Arthas no longer paid attention to how shocking his actions were just now, and the army of the undead swarmed from behind him.

Rivendell knew that he was finished.

A massacre is about to take place.

Nearly a month of preparation time, Stratholme's defense line that had spent all of its manpower and material resources was completely wiped out by the shock of His Royal Highness Prince Arthas. Originally relying on the solid defenses to bring the morale completely collapsed, even the supervising team could not stop the large-scale escape.

"Don't control the deserters, gather all the troops that can be commanded, and close the gap!"

It wasn't that Baron Rivendell didn't want to escape, but he knew that Sa Yazi would definitely not be able to run away from the sleepless Scourge.

Although Arthas ploughed the ground with a sword and tore a gap in the defense line outside Corin Town, such a earth-shattering move is definitely not easy to use, and it is very likely that it will not be used for the second time in a short time.

So if the troops are called to block it, there may be rescue.

No matter how bad, if the Scourge's offensive is delayed, he has a chance to escape, right?

The defense line built by Stratholme's strength, if you flee without a fight, you will be killed when you go back, and you must do something before running away.

Although the starting point of the Lord Baron who did not serve his compatriots to become unscrupulous is open to question, at the moment when panic and chaos are spreading, the worst order is better than no order.

Thus, the tragic fight began.

A deep and wide trench predicts that the thick log fence does hinder the advancement of ghouls and bone soldiers, but it can’t hold back the abhorrent brute force.

Arthas came, he came with a large number of spellcasters and death knights.

In the face of the absolute power gap, Stratholme's soldiers' bravery became a trick to please the Lich and the Summoning Warlock.

The death cloud technique covers the artillery positions of human beings, and the plague poison cloud not only corrupts the bodies of the martyrs, but also corrodes their minds.

The cursed cultists lurking in the crowd are making waves, fear is destroying reason, and despair is spreading.

Stratholme Cathedral, as the training base for the Silver Hand, sent most of the paladins to help Rivendell deploy defense in Corinth.

But the paladin's aura of concentration and devotion can't cover everyone.

The cowardly escaped to death, the brave went to death generously.

The battle situation presents a one-sided situation, and human beings are already lacking in Revolving Heaven.

"Enough, you shouldn't die here."

"Dedication and sacrifice, we are fearless."

"If you die here, who will defend Stratholme, retreat, this is my order."


After Baron Rivendell tried hard to persuade the Paladin who was about to die, he looked at Collin Town on the verge of collapse and felt that he had done enough and should be able to cope with the business.

So, while giving the command to defend the front line, he gave the command to retreat all the staff at the same time.

With these powerful children in Stratholme endorsing themselves, who can accuse themselves of ineffective fighting.

Although the Lord Baron does not think that this great collapse is his own problem, one has to stay behind.

The Scourge should be left to the great knight king to deal with, and it will be done by defending Stratholme by himself.

With this idea in mind, Baron Rivendell is ready to do a full set of the show.

With absolute confidence in his beloved horse, Rivendell and his relatives held high the banner of the alliance to the end.

With the sound of one after another roar and explosion, it proved that the dead man successfully sneaked into the lost battle line and ignited the explosives buried in the last three trenches.

Whether this action accidentally wounded the soldiers who were still insisting, Baron Rivendell didn't know, but he knew it effectively blocked the Scourge's attack.

I can leave safely.

"Bring the horse here, everyone is ready to..."

Turning his head, Baron Rivendell didn't even finish a sentence before he realized that something was wrong.

One by one, his protagonists shook their bodies in a daze.

A strange man in black stood aside with a smile.

"On behalf of His Highness Alsace, I greet you."

Rivendell sighed, drew his sword and rushed up.

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