Rivendell sighed, drew his sword and rushed up.


Never played.

Was captured alive.

A matter of course.

Otherwise, why would the Lich King go down to build the Summoning Tower instead of ravaging the mountains and rivers when he has the advantage.

Of course it’s because repairing the Summoning Tower is even more troublesome.

The power of the Ice Throne is strong. As long as the Lich King concentrates, Azeroth has no secrets to it. But after all, there is only one Lich King. Ner'zhul's method of manipulating the Scourge is similar to frantically cutting the screen, and this method of operation will greatly deplete its energy and weaken its soul strength.

Playing games with my life, I would like to call Ner'zhul the king of games!


To get back to the point, it's not that the Lich King didn't know that the first few days after the breach of Lordaeron were the so-called golden opportunity period. If frame A was indifferent, it would be possible to destroy mankind.

But the question is, what good is this for Ner'zhul?

It was not his volition to become the Lich King, but the master's oppression.

You said that Ner'zhul's good leader of the Shadowmoon clan, how did he become the Lich King?

Then the natural disasters are raging, and Ner'zhul also has no direct benefit.

But the task of another master is nothing more.

After all, the Lich King just hopes that the polluter can help him get rid of the control of the fraudster.

Therefore, the siege of the city is not as good as the infrastructure, and the lands and mountains laid are fake, and the radiation range of the Summoning Tower is true.

Although the magic web of Azeroth shattered with the big explosion of the Well of Eternity, Malygos's lair was in Northrend, which also made it easy for the Lich King to spy on the nodes of arcane energy.

Each Summoning tower is not only a generator set, a signal base station, and a service terminal.

Because of the huge energy provided by the Summoning Tower, Arthas was able to use Frostmourne to slash out that shocking sword.

For the same reason, the Lich King can bestow extraordinary powers on speculators without sacrificing the strength of his own soul.

So it is really a matter of course that Baron Rivendell is no match for Marduk in black.

Arthas wanted to kill all the captives and turn them into undead, but Kel'Thuzad dissuaded him.

In other words, the Scourge actually left prisoners, this in itself is because of Kel'Thuzad's order.

With the increase in the number of Summoning Towers, the souls of Kel'Thuzad in Alsace are no longer just the secret sons of the prince. Kel'Thuzad can also use the power of the Summoning Tower to perceive the situation of the outside world, and even issue low-level undead natural disasters. instruction.

This is Ner'zhul's authority to grant Kel'Thuzad, and it's also the Lich King's compromise with real needs.

Archimonde's will is getting more and more condensed, opening the door to welcome the Tai-kuns of the Burning Legion is the current priority of the Lich King.

So the Lich King needs Kel'Thuzad.

He needs his wisdom, his magical talent, and he needs his body again.

The Sun Well, the Scourge desperately needs the Sun Well.

Although the Sun King Anastrian hid the Sunwell very well, Quel'Thalas' magic barrier could not completely block the Lich King's prying eyes.

The energy of the Sunwell can not only help the almost demigod lich like Kel'Thuzad to reshape the body, but also provide energy for Archimonde's arrival.

Even if the core items including the Book of Medivh have been obtained, opening a portal that Archimonde can pass through is still a big deal for most spellcasters.

Malygos’s magic hub is actually more suitable than the Sunwell, but let’s not mention whether the Blue Dragon Legion and the Scourge are strong and weak at the same headquarters in Northrend, so I asked Archimonde to be summoned in Northrend. , Is it really good for Ner'zhul?

I'm afraid it's not because the old birthday star hangs himself and loses his mind.

Therefore, Kel'Thuzad, who maintained the same goal and interests as the Lich King, did his best to assist Arthas, who was full of loyalty and killing.

Therefore, it is necessary to develop offline among the captives.

"His Royal Highness, we have no time to waste. Your brother-in-law will soon rush out of Andorhal. We must break through Silvermoon City before the Alliance hinders us."

"So we need more Scourge soldiers."

If it weren't for the ellipsis in the soul state, Kel'Thuzad didn't know how to deal with Arthas, this absolutely correct nonsense.

"Yes, we need to gather more forces, so dispatching too many troops to attack Stratholme is not worth the gain."

"At least 200,000 undead soldiers can be created by breaking Stratholme."

"Yes, but if we attack, we need at least one hundred thousand troops, and we must be prepared for more than half a month's siege."

"I can break through the walls of Stratholme with one sword."

Arthas didn't care about Kel'Thuzad's advice.

"Summoning Tower has not been repaired yet."


Kel'Thuzad once again lamented the damn rule that souls are not allowed to play the ellipsis.

"What you said makes sense."

Alsace decided to do good things once.

Even without the prince's intimidation and temptation, Rivendell was the first time he saw Arthas to kneel down and bow his head with a shovel.

So the next thing is simple, with Rivendell as the internal response, the Scourge only needs to chase the fleeing humans all the way to the outside of Stratholme, and leave the rest to the cursed sect and Rivendell.

In this way, Arthas could lead more troops to attack Quel'Thalas.

While the Scourge was invading like fire, Carlos was also actively preparing for war.

The most important step of this is to convene a meeting of leaders of the alliance.

This is not a job of face-saving, but a political project that really greatly improves combat effectiveness.

Although with Arthas killing his father, the fall of Lordaeron also meant the destruction of the Kingdom of Lordaeron, and the Alliance of Lordaeron had survived in name only.

At this critical moment of salvation, it is impossible for Carlos to rely on his wife Jia Liya's claim to inherit the inheritance of his father-in-law.

In that case, the Scourge didn't have to fight, Alterac's force was at least half of the points and it was consumed by the refugee group in Lordaeron.

So the importance of the alliance is particularly important.

Because Terenas Menethil II is dead and Gene Greymane retired, when the reinforcements of dwarves and dwarves cross the Palatine Bay to reach Lordaeron, Carlos only needs the Stromgarde regime. Supported in the name of, he will be able to pass the control alliance unanimously.

In the name of the alliance, forcefully press all the careerists.

With the justice of the alliance, the oath of war was officially issued.

With the great righteousness of the alliance, unite the forces of the entire continent of Lordaeron.

Those who are truly obedient, and those who oppose, perish.

So Carlos ignored the news of the collapse of Collin's line of defense, endured the rumors of the despicable, ignored the slander of the friendly army who did not understand An Rushan, and dedicated himself to waiting for Magni Bronzebeard and Guy Elsas Sunstrider to bring.

Most of the army’s transition has been completed, as long as a consensus is reached at this meeting.

The counterattack will begin immediately!

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