Normal humans hate meetings.

Especially the kind of grand meeting where the brains and brains were present, everyone said Blacken in a high-sounding voice, and there was a large group of small brothers around to take notes with stinky feet.

Sitting on the top who are qualified to speak and racking their brains to speak makes their brains hurt, and below are those who are only qualified to listen and are drowsy and afraid to sleep for fear of being caught.

What a pain.

This is probably the highest form of torture invented by mankind.

But this is necessary again.

If there is no meeting, there will only be a fight.

The so-called meeting means that everyone can move their mouths and try not to move their hands.

In the past, Magni Bronzebeard has always served as an arbiter in Ironforge.

Sometimes it’s Muradin, sometimes it’s Brian, and more often it’s his own royal advisory group. They are responsible for singing the white face, acting as the role of "placing" Magni to pull off the sidelines, so that the red-faced Magni can All kinds of unreasonable requests from Ironforge's troubles are returned, or part of it.

Now, it's Magni's turn to sing the white face...

Life is not easy, the dwarf sighed, only the ale was soothing the sorrow.

With the arrival of representatives of various forces in Tarren Mill, the important meeting on the future of the alliance was directly torn apart.

Carlos did his best to preserve the heritage of the Kingdom of Lordaeron. At least two million refugees from Lordaeron escaped from the clutches of the Scourge and entered Alterac's sphere of influence.

This is a remarkable achievement. Carlos sometimes even wonders how other world-line alliances have won.

At the peak of Lordaeron, the population exceeded 7 million. After Alsace, I destroyed my own country, even if Carlos tried so desperately to stop it, there were still 4 million people slaughtered.

Even if the old people and children are removed, there are still 3 million bones that can be converted into combat units by the undead natural disasters.

Okay, I hate that kind of suture monsters take up a lot of people. Let's count it as two million.

Two million, that's a combat unit!

Carlos is really curious about how humans on other world lines win, it's not magic at all.

The story is pulled back, although Carlos has reserved two million more people for mankind, but this is not only a huge capital, but also a heavy burden.

When there are more people, some guys think they can do it again.

This is very annoying.

In particular, the elders and children of Stormwind are also mixed in, and the problem is even more complicated.

Yes, the Menethil family fell fire. Even if Stormwind City was unable to support Lordaeron in a short period of time, it also sent the world through the portal of the Mage Tower and took the dwarf's downwind boat to Hillsbrad.

There is no need for military supplies, but the meaning must be brought there, which is very interesting.

Varian Wrynn is not such a person, but if the king is angry, he needs a minister.

Don't forget that the reconstruction of the Kingdom of Stormwind itself has the factor of diverting domestic pressure from Terenas Menethil II.

Many people around Varian Wrynn were originally high-class people in Lordaeron.

These people couldn't play Terenas, so they compromised with Carlos' old father-in-law and moved the base area to Irvine, and helped rebuild Stormwind City with their people and money.

If it weren't for these guys, just count on the poor and white survivors of Stormwind, and count on Terenas to draw in and divide a part of the elite Brotherhood of the Iron Horse?

I'm afraid Varian can't even repair the walls of Stormwind.

In fact, the Kingdom of Stormwind cannot support Lordaeron, really because of the wall.

The hanging men owed money to the Brotherhood of Stonemasons for repairing the walls, and Van Cleef had already begun armed demands for salary.

Having lost the pressure of Terenas Menethil II, there is another mess in the kingdom of Stormwind. These nobles of Stormwind, who have already escaped from the Kingdom of Lordaeron, have started their ideas since ancient times.

In addition, Stromgarde wanted benefits, and Dalaran wanted benefits. Except for Kul Tiras's envoy, who stood on Carlos's side with a clear-cut stand, only the dwarves and dwarves who had the status of aloof eat Guara.

No way, it's not that Magni is not important, but that in front of the million-level Scourge, the more than three thousand dwarf dwarves are really noble alliances.

If you ignore the Legion of Undead, the natural disasters will surely spread to Ironforge and even Irvine, but if you want to resist the invasion of the Lich King, you really have to rely on the power of the kingdoms of Lordaeron.

In fact, Carlos himself understands that there is no free lunch in the world. If you want to wear the crown, you must bear the weight. That's what it means anyway.

Some people are really bad, thinking that troubled times will make a big difference.

For this kind of person, Garithus is very useful, hacking to death on the street light pole and it's done.

Some people are bored and bluffing, but they actually want Barov's family to benefit from it.

For this kind of person, it's not that the things that will come are not benefiting, but those who choose the price will be buried to the death.

Others knew it was bad, and bowed to Carlosna, Barov’s elder brother, I will confuse with you in the future.

For this kind of person, although Carlos looks down on him, he has to keep his greasiness down when it rains.

In this tumult, the Alliance of Lordaeron led by the Kingdom of Lordaeron collapsed.

Although Carlos has a personal sense of goodwill towards Gene Greymane.

But under the current situation, Gilneas refused to join the League, which was set up as a target.



Breach of contract.


Untrustworthy country.

Carlos couldn't stop the venting of other people's emotions.

The non-progressive wrangling meeting lasted until the arrival of the old father Alex Barov and his wife Galiya Menethil.

The Grand Duke of Regent Alex Barov, who had been suppressed by his father-in-law Terenas for a lifetime, finally showed his amazing political skills.

In other words, the blood relationship, which has been ignored by Carlos, played a decisive role at this time.

The great aristocrats of Lordaeron are actually citizens of the upper-class cities of Stromgarde during the Arathor Empire. In the long years of hundreds of years, who hasn't gotten acquainted with them.

After the father and wife joined together, the situation became clear.

A large number of emotional connections were mixed with coercion and temptation, and the Barov family quickly completed the "clean-up" of the pedigree.

This provided an "excus" for Carlos to obtain the pledge of allegiance to the refugees of Lordaeron.

Galiya gave up her claim as the price and gave Uther the name of pursuing Alsace.

As a price, Uther, as the last and most influential formed army in the Kingdom of Lordaeron, promised to obey the orders of the Alliance.

And Uther privately promised that if he confirmed that Arthas had betrayed the kingdom of Lordaeron and killed his father, he would help Alphonse Barov to obtain the crown of Lordaeron.

Carlos doesn't know whose idea this is, but the operation of this song is really cool.

The coolness of praise words.

The Silver Hand Expeditionary Army that successively landed from the town of South Blue has extraordinary significance.

Regardless of Carlos or Uther, they can avoid each other's existence.

But Uther, whether intentionally or unintentionally, has become the "reliance" of Lordaeron's survivors.

Galiya gave up her claim to the throne in exchange for Uther's compromise, and Carlos's biggest obstacle disappeared.

If the 30,000 expeditionary forces, including the Knights of the Silver Hand, are willing to obey the alliance's dispatch, then Carlos does not even need to wait for the training and defense of the conscripted troops, and can immediately launch the Anhador breakout operation.

At this point, Carlos finally had the confidence to question Guy Elsas.

"You Quel'Thalas golf?"

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