Carlos is not without reinforcements.

In the face of natural disasters, all beings are equal, and the alliance can really raise a million troops.

The problem is that the hanging life can go on, and the broken jar is reluctant to fall.

So the current number of 300,000 troops is close to the limit that human society can withstand.

Forcibly transferred more than 4,000 backbone elites from Andorhal, in fact, it greatly affected the removal of the undead and natural disasters.

But Carlos had to come.

It was a very unwise choice to allow Arthas to lead the Scourge to attack Quel'Thalas.

Anastari died soon...

Elementalization is not a very advanced spell. Dalaran's gang of human archmages, as long as they choose the elemental specialization, there is nothing that can't be elementalized.

The advantages are very prominent. After elementalization, the corresponding elemental spell power is at least 500% of the initial bonus. The wizard himself also has a resistance that is almost immune to physical attacks.

But the shortcomings are also very prominent, reversing the elementalization will be short-lived.

The irreversibility of elementalization is a white lie of the instructors, just to prevent the apprentices from knowing the heights of the sky.

The cost of reversing elementalization is very high, and the loss of the upper limit of magic power is second. The loss of vitality and physical damage are still unsolvable old problems.

Therefore, the human archmages basically use elementalization as a last resort.

At least it is a means of suicide.

It's amazing to hug the enemy and burst into flames. It is also Faye's ultimate romance.

Silvermoon City has gone farther than humans in this respect, all kinds of substitutes are elementalized, and local elements are all routine operations.

However, the long life of the Sun King has entered the sunset, Anastrian is really desperate to kill himself in order to pave the way for his son Guy Elsas.

Desperate in the literal sense.

Carlos didn't know exactly how far the internal fighting in Silvermoon City had reached. The biggest high elves, Sola. The Starbreaker, had been missing for a long time, and the alliance lacked much information on the high elves.

There is only one thing that can be determined.

If the Sun King is forced to play in person by Silvermoon City, it will be the beginning of the greatest tragedy in Silvermoon City.

Anastrian is no longer an opponent of the Lich King. The Burning Legion has rich experience in anti-magic warfare. Arthas doesn't even need to follow me. He only needs to charge me to exhaust the magic power of the high elves.

So Carlos took the vanguard to cut Alsace's back.

However, in the battle of Stratholme, the vanguard was salty.

The saltiness of salted fish.

For the news that Magni brought, Carlos was noncommittal.

Naxxramas floated into the air and greatly expanded the fortress.

It was terrible, so scared that Carlos wanted to take a sip of the Holy Light.

Naxxramas really dared to float to Stratholme. His Majesty the Knight King didn't mind to do it again.

The core of the problem is that Naxxramas has a high probability of going to Silvermoon City.

This is very troublesome.

If you go after Alsace regardless of it now, there is a high probability that you can catch up in Yongsong Forest.

Then what?

Carlos is not a fool.

The downturned U-shaped landform of Stratholme area determined that even if Alsace had more than a hundred or two hundred thousand high-level undead under his hand, he could only draw a line.

The vanguard wants to hang the rear of the undead natural disaster, without worrying about being attacked on all sides.

Chasing to the Yongge Forest...

Carlos didn't want to perform the famous stunt of a certain tactical master of micro-manipulation that was a hundred years ahead of the time.

Can't catch up.

The time is gone and never comes.

Missed is missed after all.

Now Carlos is worried about what he should do next.

The military operations to purge Andorhal and Hearthglen were controlled by Uther and the Knights of the Silver Hand in the Burning Legion's expeditionary army with rich experience in bad debts. Carlos felt relieved.

Now the alliance and natural disasters are in a state of double-teaming each other.

The Scourge that blocked Lordaeron in Hillsbrad went south, withstood the former in Hearthglen and moved eastward, and the Undead Scourge was trapped in the Lordaeron area by the Alliance army.

However, Luoquan dialect can also be said in another way. The main force of the alliance has also been blocked by Lordaeron and Arthas in Andorhal-Hearthglen.

If you can't achieve strategic results, the vanguard created by Carlos is simply an archive stain that can't be erased for a lifetime.

Carlos doesn't mind these false names, but the elite soldiers have gone for nothing. What is the picture?

"There is no horse, we can chase with two legs. We can't stand the bones without eating or drinking and sleeping."

Originally, the vanguard outside the city made three huge wooden barrels, ready to take away all the holy water at once.

However, there was no need for Carlos to point a question mark. When trying to install the water, the barrel exploded by itself.

A group of hard-working amateur coopers said it was the fault of the one next to them.

Floating, all floating.

Unable to fix it, Carlos took another two days of bathing in Stratholme Cathedral, and finally waited for the two-hundred-liter small wooden barrel rushed out by the vanguard.

Get it done.

There is no need to guard the bloody battle, the character of the all-members of the vanguard army has finally played a huge role, and the undead army of Stratholme City, which has been lost, has no effect except for symbolic obstruction.

Magni Bronzebeard even took the dwarves to explore the ruins, smashed two Summoning towers and uncovered a lot of belongings.

It's just a small game.

The main force of the undead responsible for setting up traps in Stratholme was almost exhausted in the battle of Carlos and the others to rescue the survivors, and the remaining crooked melons were not enough to see in front of the most elite vanguard of the alliance.

After being transported for another two days, the remaining death knights had no choice but to watch the vanguard transport buckets of holy water out of the city.

In addition to watching, it is also watching.

But there was an absolutely loyal Lich King who tried to attack Stratholme Cathedral and kill a few Paladins.

However, my colleagues really don't know where this buddy's courage comes from.

The death knights who had lost their humanity silently watched their colleagues be sent to death, and even had no intention of going to guard the corpse and resurrect it.

Is Carlos's prestige blown out?

Is that really good?

To be an undead, the most important thing is to have self-knowledge.

The Lich King asked them to hold Stratholme and drag Carlos's vanguard.

Isn't it fragrant to complete the master's task well? What are you doing?

that's all.

Carlos spent another five days in Stratholme after receiving information from Naxxramas.

So much so that Uther sent supplies and reinforcements along the Baishui River.


Am I missing a fighter?

I am short of skilled workers, short of civilian husbands!

The bridge across the Baishui River has been blown up, and now you can only use boats to travel between the two sides.

Abandoning the frontline base is a bit reluctant. After all, the plague mages have already contaminated the land in Hearthglen. If they retreat like this, the lost land will be recovered in the future, it will be nothing more than wasteland.

The territory that has been beaten down still cannot be given up.

Thinking of this, Carlos suddenly remembered that there were refugees from Dahlone County in the mountains of Guy Erdalon.

"You have to make the trolls and orcs move, so that Dahlone County can be preserved, and the food will not be tense next year."

Thinking of this, Carlos immediately contacted his old father through magic.

However, Carlos was still undecided about how to interfere with Quel'Thalas.

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