Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 795: Arthas Has No Worm Arrow

The alliance as a whole has a vague understanding of the natural disasters of the undead.

It is like the big toy of the Lich King, Naxxramas, the city of terror.

Most of the soldiers believed that the Scourge only had such a floating city, otherwise, why didn't the Lich King send all of them to Lordaeron.

Naxxramas alone has been so shocking. The Lich King has sent ten eight seats. Don’t resist the Alliance. Isn’t it beautiful for everyone to welcome the beautiful life that will not die a second time?

The truth is this truth.

However, the fact is not this fact.

The Lich King is really more than a floating city.

Before the invasion of Lordaeron, there were three "Naxxramas-class" necropolises nearing completion.

Only in order to catch up with the progress, Ner'zhul concentrated all resources on Naxxramas and used this complete floating fortress as the front-line command base for the invasion of natural disasters.

With the fall of Lordaeron, the undead and natural disasters transported the magical and precious materials seized from Lordaeron back to Northrend.

So far, there are nine floating cities actually available to the Lich King!

The small "destroyer" class floating city does not deserve a name.

The three large floating cities of the "battleship" class are Naxxramas, Naxxanar, and Malikuris.

The two floating cities of the "heavy cruiser" class are Tallamas and Voltarus.

As for the Ebon Fortress Acherus, it is still a blueprint ship.

Malicuris, also known as the Obscure Fort, is responsible for the defense of the Icecrown Fortress. Ner'zhul, who cherishes his life like gold, will not move it if he is killed.

Therefore, in order to capture Quel'Thalas, the Lich King gritted his teeth and stomped his feet... Anyway, he sent Naxxanar, Tallamas, and Voltarus all across Northrend to the other side of the sea. .

This is really a bone marrow!

The bones of the undead and the undead cannot be generalized.

Some undead fell apart as soon as they were excited, and some undead died three thousand times as long as they were alive.

The Lich King has always pursued an army policy of strong and weak branches, the strongest undead guards the throne, the second-class undead go to the prince, and the rest, use it as you please, you are welcome.

The battle in Stratholme is like this.

If Ner'zhul can change the habit engraved on the soul and divide it into tens of thousands of elites, it won't be a problem to wipe out Carlos's vanguard in Stratholme.

This wave, this wave is also the task of the master.

Archimonde's urging became more and more severe, and the benefits of the promise became more and more abundant.

The Lich King couldn't help but be moved by himself, after all, the Defiler gave too much.

Really order Arthas to ambush in Stratholme for the sake of Carlos's vanguard, then Quel'Thalas also don't fight.

The key is that Ner'zhul did not have the confidence to keep Carlos.

If you left and right, you should quickly get the sun well to make the most profit.

In other world lines, Guy Elsas and his actual successor, Comrade Aqiang, dumped the fall of Silvermoon City on Dalkhan.

Pot King Darkan is not convinced!

Compared with Sarin, I am Darkanzhong -kun patriotic!

Sarin is not the name of a high elf, but a brand new race.

Sarin is the blood family, that is, the vampire.

Not all high elves are proud of Quel'Thalas.

Regardless of the Royal Court of the Sunstriders or the Council of Silvermoon City, they are fighting for Quel'dorei's rule.

If the Sun King Anastrian dare to believe Carlos, when the undead natural disasters fully erupt, Guy Elsas can sit in prison even if he squats on the throne.

However, the strong are generally stubborn, and most of the kings do not understand human words.

For Anastrian, Carlos is just an ally that can use each other, can be tied up with interests but not trustworthy.

The monsters in Silvermoon City who have lived for thousands of years began to fight to the death for the rule of the next era. Compared with the old predecessors, how could the "weak" of the new generation be willing to be lonely.

Taking refuge in the Lich King seemed to be a pretty good option.

Where is the fault of someone in the fall of Silvermoon City?

The mountain pass fell, and the guards' report was handed over for three days. Silvermoon City did not reply. There were two hundred far travellers and thirteen wizards. Such a lineup of guarding dangerous mountain roads is undoubtedly luxurious.

At least it proved that the internal fighting in Silvermoon City did not affect the high elves' consciousness of guarding the "national gate".

But Arthas didn't have the mind to finish any tactics with the high elves.

Sorry, there are so many people that you can do whatever you want.

The lowest-level skeleton soldiers consumed a large amount of the defenders' weapon inventory, and the seemingly endless offensive exhausted the guards' energy and magic.

Even the final method of rockfall is also used.

Arthas launched a total offensive.

It was him, Arthas drew out Frostmourne and swung out the broken mountain road, and the undead army lined up.

It was not until Arthas began to destroy the runestone barrier at Ner'zhul's instruction that the Farstrider Camp knew that the undead had invaded the Eversong Forest.

"How can it be?"

Hardulun Mingyi felt inexplicably funny about the messenger's words.

The guards persisted for a day and night, but Silvermoon City did not issue any instructions to the Farstriders.

As the commander-in-chief of the Farstrider Force, Harduren is not like a "taboo."

So he hesitated for the first time.

It is not uncommon for the truth to appear false because it is too exaggerated.

At least the magic communication between the Farstrider Camp and Silvermoon City was smooth.

While sending out several teams of investigating sentinels, while sending emergency correspondence to Silvermoon City, Hadulun's calm personality made him give instructions for the Farstrider's entire army to prepare for war.

It was another day and night, and the team of sentinels who had gone out to investigate did not return, and Hadulun knew that something really happened.

However, apart from Sylvanas' adjutant, Haduron's good friend Lor'themar replied that the Ranger General was not in Silvermoon City, and he would find the opportunity to directly report to the Sun King, Silvermoon City never heard back.

This is very abnormal.

It is not unusual for Haduron that Sylvanas is not in Silvermoon City.

The position of General Ranger is not easy to do. Now King Sunstrider is fighting against the Silvermoon City Council. Sylvanas has no choice but to go out of the city to "refuge" if she doesn't want to stand in line.

Only the ranger-general Sylvanas did not make a stand, and the people under her had an excuse not to stand in line.

This wave, this wave is Sylvanas skipping work so that all the rangers are not difficult to do, it is a mixed salary of justice.

But even if Sylvanas is not in the city, what is the situation of not getting a reply day and night.

Hadulun was distraught.

In the end, on the evening of the third day, Silvermoon City finally gave clear instructions to the Farstriders: half of the troops were on standby, and half of the troops went out to check the situation.

Dog SHI!!!!!!

Hadulun Mingyi directly used the public letter for private use, directly using the magic channel in the Farstrider camp to ask Lor'themar in plaintext, and at the same time, he added a ciphertext letter to his family.

Lor'themar quickly replied that the Sun King already knew the situation, and then nothing happened.

However, the Mingyi family gave Hadulun a terrible fact.

The Silvermoon City Council did not receive Hadulun's emergency military report at all!

The enemy is in Silvermoon City...

Hardulun made a decisive decision and treated the half-and-half of the instruction document as toilet paper, and all the soldiers in the Farstrider Camp attacked.

Not only that, but Haduron also demanded that Lor'themar must also transfer the garrison guarding the Ghost Land no matter what means.

But Haduron didn't know that the reason why the Lich King didn't destroy all the enchantment runestones was not because Arthas couldn't do it, but the Scourge did not need it.

From the time of Gul'dan, the orcs began to study the runestone technology of Quel'Thalas, and Ner'zhul, who had obtained the dark knowledge of the Legion, understood the main technology.

In Silvermoon City, there are twenty-five young people who have taken refuge in the Scourge, but the number is not as many as Hadulun had imagined.

What really hindered the communication between Silvermoon City and the Farstrider Camp was the runestone eroded by the shadow spell.

When Hadulun led his army to attack, the Farstriders had no possibility to retake the mountain pass, and the natural disaster army of more than 30,000 had poured into the Eversong Forest.

The runestone barriers are being destroyed or corrupted one by one by the Summoning divisions.

Without the assistance of the Legion of Magisters and Arcane Puppets, Farstriders with less than 7,000 people have no chance of winning.

Because Alsace can control thirty times the force of Hadulun.

The leader of the Farstriders made a decisive decision and abandoned the plan to retake the mountain pass outside the gate of the enemy.

When most of the unexpected high elves in Silvermoon City were fighting desperately, a small group of traitors accepted the gift of the Lich King.

Kneeling in front of Arthas, enjoying the infusion of blood and shadow, these Quel'Dorei elves drowned in the thirst for power.

Became the original Sarin.

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