The storm that Carlos Barov, a little butterfly inciting its wings, is not strong enough.

Although the high elves of Quel'Thalas are doing better than their fellow worldliness, this is far from enough.

The battle between the Quel'dorei and the Emperor Thoradin to completely ruin the troll's Amani Empire relied on hundreds of great magisters to cast a blazing storm, rather than relying on farstriders to shoot arrows.

Hadulun Mingyi tried his best.

Comrade Carlos Barov, an old friend of the High Elves and the Grand Marshal of the Alliance, has never interrupted his intelligence support for Quel'Thalas.

With just one piece, the expeditionary saved at least tens of thousands of lives to overcome the world-wide problem of first sighting and killing.

But in the face of thirty times the number advantage, the resistance of the high elves is so weak.

The slain compatriots were resurrected as running dogs of undead natural disasters under the action of evil magic. Even the high elves who looked down on humans most began to wonder how the Alliance survived these monsters.

The comrades around him killed one less, but the enemies they faced killed two more.

Hadulun fought and retreated, changing the strategic goal from repulsing the incoming enemy to standing by for aid, and finally to helping the people evacuate.

The goal is getting smaller and smaller, and the possibility of achieving it gradually becomes elusive over time.

"We need support!"

After smashing the bottles and cans of the civilians, Hardulun finally hurried out smoothly before the Scourge encircled him.

At this time, the Farstriders around Hadulun no longer grouped three thousand people.

There is no worst news, only worse news.

When he learned that Lor'themar had been leading reinforcements from Silvermoon City and was increasing the number of troops in his direction, Hadulun thought that things would turn for the better.

However, when Hadulun, who was excited to meet, struggled to rescue the dying Lor'themar from the resurrected high elves, despair inevitably spread to the whole army.

After all, Lor'themar was only Sylvanas' deputy, and being able to deploy a team of thousands to fight out of the city was already a manifestation of his good leadership.

But the Lich King is familiar with playing with the human heart.

A large number of elves resurrected by undead natural disasters pretended that nothing happened and deceived Lor'themar's trust. A Qiang, who was anxious about the battle, also conceived how to rely on the village to build a line of defense, when the backstab knife was out of its sheath.

A thousand people, not killed by Alsace's blade, were simply slaughtered by Sarin's strategy.

If it hadn't been for Hadulun to detect something wrong, the Farstriders he led and Lor'themar, who acted as the bait, would also be chilled.

"All the corpses are burned, and they cannot be left to the undead to be ruined by natural disasters."

The Farstriders trying to find supplies opened the granary. There was no grain in it, but only layers of reinforcement corpses.

Simply check, the cause of death was all assassination methods such as throat wipe, back stabbing, and poisoning.

The death is wrong, the death is aggrieved.

Hadulun took the seriously injured Lor'themar all the way to retreat towards the ghost land, only hope that the garrison in the ghost land is ready.

Silvermoon City couldn't go back.

"Why don't we take the opportunity to kill and squeeze all those elves into scum?"

"The Undead Scourge is not our ally, and the Lich King cannot be trusted."

"Zulkin, are you scared?"

"Question my decision, are you going to take my place?"

The high elves didn't know, and even if they knew it, they wouldn't thank Zul'jin.

The fact is that Zul'jin's distrust of the undead and natural disasters forcibly suppressed the frenzied agitation of the Zul'aman troll.

Otherwise, the troll took advantage of Arthas's attack on Quel'Thalas and sent troops to the south, but the high elves had to face the real crisis of subjugation and extinction.

The calmness of the Zul Aman troll allowed the high elven troops defending the Ghostlands to be divided and rescued, and Hadulun finally got a chance to breathe.

The bad news can never be absent, and the news reported by the wizards of the garrison in the ghost land caused Hadulun and Lor'themar to shake their hearts.

The undead and natural disasters tortured Lor'themar, but most of them were skin wounds. Comrade A Qiang, who was physically strong, gradually recovered his mobility during the retreat.

As the team has been able to investigate with the leaders, it finally understands that something big has happened.

"Where is this, Lor'themar, are we here to inspect an empty secret room?"

"Hadulun, my cheap, nothing is the most terrible thing!"

The desperate Lor'themar told the truth.

The indestructible barrier of Silvermoon City is essentially not a trick of energy transfer.

The generation of Anastrian's father, Silvermoon City had its current overall size.

So the Great Membrane instructors secretly built magical organs in the three places of An'oweien, Antaras, and Andalus, and used three secret crystals as impact nodes to share the damage to the walls of Silvermoon City.

It was not surprising that Orgrim could not cut through the gates, nor was it strange that the red dragon's breath could not retain the black mark.

Because the city defense enchantment passed the damage received by Silvermoon City to the earth through the magic mechanism buffered by the secret crystal.

There are only two ways to break through the city defense barrier of Silvermoon City.

One was to directly break the earth's defenses with a sky-blasting spell that overflowed damage, and to blow up the walls of Silvermoon City.

The other is to use continuous attacks to overload the secret crystal.

Lor'themar, as an easy-to-use little brother of Sylvanas, once followed her boss to inspect these three confidential places.

So Lor'themar knew the truth was not uncommon.

But the secret crystal, one of the top secrets of Silvermoon City, will be stolen.

Lor'themar couldn't believe it.

"What can't believe it, the enemy is in Silvermoon City!"

Haduolun broke the jar a long time ago, and was completely speechless.

"Those magisters are ready to clean up the mess after the rangers have died, right? It's because we neither help the Sun King to deal with the councillors, nor help the parliament's disgusting Majesty. Anyway, the arcane puppets neither eat nor pay. , It's much easier to use than our far travellers. After all, it is the casters who rule Quel'Thalas, not us brazens who use swords and arrows."

Halduron had resentment in his heart, but he also maintained his loyalty to Quel'Thalas.

So he never thought that "reliable" arcane puppets would also have problems.

In the hearts of Hadulun and Lor'themar, it seemed that as long as Silvermoon City reacted, Arthas and his natural disaster army were only minor problems.

Although he criticized the dark psychology of the Magister, the Farstrider never doubted the terrible destructive ability of the Magister Legion.

"Sylvanas must be found, she is the general ranger, and only she can handle the situation in front of her."

Lor'themar awoke from the shock of the stealing of the secret crystal.

"Well, I won't ask how to find it. Tell me, where is our boss? Then [Salary Thief] Sylvanas who can only work 33 days a year!"

Hadulun said that he felt frustrated. If it weren't for the indulgence of the Ranger General Sylvanas, which was almost "dereliction of duty", how could he control the real power of the Farstrider Camp.

"I think, I know where the general is."

Lor'themar thought for a while and nodded firmly.

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