How to evaluate the ranger general Sylvanas.

A good girl who smokes, drinks and burns her hair?

I guess so.

At least Alleria was still active in Quel'Thalas, and Sylvanas was still diligent and diligent in playing a humble social tool in order to make a difference with her elder sister.

Because Alleria is a famous thorny head.

The Windrunner family is old and noble, and the same as the Sunstrider family, it is the origin of the high-level elves, plus Alleria's skills, military skills, and good-sounding speeches, fans and brothers are full of silver and moon, where do you need to interact with old things? You are polite.

Sylvanas is different, the second child in the family, according to human standards, there is also a third sister Vereesa who can be a daughter, and the fourth eldest Lilas who can be a great-grandchild.

Sylvanas, who was always used by her family to compare with her elder sister since she was young, can only compete with Alleria in all things.

So Alleria is a fanatic, and Sylvanas is a courteous corporal.

So Alleria was dismissive of power, and Sylvanas tried desperately to climb up.

It is precisely the process that Sylvanas is constantly climbing towards Quel'Thalas' political tower, which gives her a deeper understanding of the class consolidation of the Quel'Dorei elves.

Originally, this Silvermoon City was a magical kingdom built by the upper elf remnants who refused to obey Malfurion's "Abolition of Magic Order".

For four thousand years, the descendants of the nobles at that time were still nobles, and the common people were also common people.

In Quel'Thalas, civilians can only change their class if they have a genetic mutation with magical talent.

But a cruel reality is that the magic genes of Quel'Dorei are actually deteriorating.

In the eyes of human beings, the great mages who still existed like the gods were actually far inferior to the upper elf mages of the ancestors.

For four thousand years, the high elves of Silvermoon City have advanced their magic skills, not magic itself.

Sylvanas doesn't need to understand the reason behind it, she doesn't need to study the difference between the Well of Eternity and the Well of Sun, she just needs to understand this fact.

The Quel'dorei is eating his own money.

The children of nobles will always be nobles, and the children of common people have almost no ascending channels unless they join the Farstriders.

After all, to become a ranger does not require Penultimate's magical talent.

Unfortunately, this is not the case.

Magic penetrated every aspect of the lives of Quel'Thalas' people.

The real situation is because the high elves have a long lifespan. A fool who has practiced for hundreds of years can also have super high shooting skills and good martial arts.

However, most of the rangers with outstanding talents will be able to become a master in only a dozen years.

For example, Sylvanas broke the rules of the human apprentice Nathanos Marris.

Guy Elsas is a child spoiled by his father.

At that time, Anastrian did not oppose Sylvanas's unconventional grant of the title of Ranger of Nathanos. Instead, Guy Elsas stepped up and reprimanded Sylvanas for breaking the tradition.

Sylvanas didn't know what Anastrian was feeling at the time, anyway, after this incident, the Ranger General of Silvermoon City drifted away from the center of power.

The naive Guy El'thas thought that he had maintained the tradition of Quel'Thalas and the reputation of the ranger, but he didn't understand that this was a temptation for Sylvanas, and it was for the solidified class of the Quel'Dorei elves. The problem has a powerful impact.

The Sun King Anastrian acquiesced to the temptation of the ranger general Sylvanas, but the real beneficiary Guy Elsas did not know which old thing was fooled by a few words and stood up and blocked Nathanos. before.

Although Sylvanas' tough stance caused Guy El'thas to back down, it also made Nathanos lose confidence in Silvermoon City.

After being banned as a Ranger, Sylvanas kept Nathanos by her side for another two years before giving him a lot of belongings back to his hometown.

It was also this time that the frustrating temptation to Sylvanas turned her into a complete salary thief.

Even if Anastarian finally mustered up the courage at the end of his life to wield a butcher knife at those stubborn vested interests, Sylvanas didn't think it would change much.

Because the education of the Sun King is problematic.

Guy Elsas has become a powerful mage, not a -kun king who understands the sentiments of the people.

The Ranger general even speculated maliciously, suspecting that Guy Elsas was not the species of the Sun King.

Why is the overall magical talent of the higher elves slippery, and Anastrian gave birth to such an excellent son.

Guy Elsas is too strong, there is no need to wait for him to grow up to his father's age. Give him another two hundred years, and His Royal Highness can touch the height of the ancestors.

Guy Elsas is so good as a mage, so good that Anastrian doesn't have to worry about the future of the Sunstrider family.

So the Sun King opened his hands and feet to clear away possible obstacles for his son.

Without the invasion of the Scourge, Quel'Thalas would be able to prosper for at least a thousand years under the fully grown up Guy El'thas.

Based on this judgment, Sylvanas left the stinky puddle of Silvermoon City, ignoring the congressional party's solicitation.

Guy El'thas may not understand people's minds, but his extraordinary magical talent is enough to support Quel'Thalas' future.

If there was no invasion by the Scourge, there would be no such disgusting bone racks and flesh and blood suture monsters!

Taking her adopted son out of town to relax, Sylvanas encountered the worst situation.

The Undead Scourge is coming, and the Ranger General is short of manpower around him.

Sylvanas may be a salary thief, but not the arrogant warlord.

Except for a few ranger trainees who were born in the Windrunner family, the manor was all non-combat members.

Hadulun's battle was not useless, and the struggle of the Farstriders bought time for a large number of people to flee towards Silvermoon City.

"Go back to Silvermoon City immediately, take your mother to find a way to escape, go to South Blue Town, and find your father!"

"But mother, didn't you say that my biological mother is dead? Besides, you never told me who my father is."

"Ha! Is this the time to make fun of you? Your mother is socially dead, so you want me to raise her son for her. Whoever comes to our house ten times a month is your mother, and who is your father? Ask her to go."

Sylvanas sent her adopted son away impatiently.

"Um, Aunt Mingyi?"

"Called Aunt Fuck, that's your mother!"

One person was separated to escort the adopted son away, and Sylvanas moved against the crowd.

Because it was out of the city to relax, the ranger general's Seiko armor and the ranger general's guardian bow were stored in Sylvanas' office in Silvermoon City.

But even without a well-fitting armor and familiar weapons, Sylvanas is still a terrifying ranger.

Because the heirlooms of the Windrunner family are stored in this manor.

"Shiva, I am about to leave our world because of hatred and go to an unknown foreign land to pursue small hope. I am comfortable with hatred and I no longer deserve to use this bow. In the future, sister Vereesa will be taken care of by you."

There was also this handful of Salados sent back with the farewell letter from the eldest sister Alleria.

Although everything is different from Alleria.

Although he is always awkward with his sister in adulthood.

Although he didn't say what he was saying in the end.

But Sylvanas chose to face the difficulties without hesitation.

Because she will never forget the glorious back of her sister.

"Quel'Thalas is guarded by me!"

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