Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 798: A Spaceship Is A Flying Ship

"Magney, you can actually paint?"

Tirion Fording, who came with reinforcements, finally found Magni Bronzebeard, King of the Dwarves.

"Look at what you said, I'm the best weapon craftsman in Ironforge. Isn't painting a kind of painting? Why should I not be able to do it because of your human arrogance?"

Tirion was suddenly speechless when Magni robbed Bering.

This is gunpowder, so angry.

"Okay, okay, I apologize, you are an elder, and you have taught you the right lesson, then what is the name of this painting."

Tirion had already seen the tragedy of the survivor camp in Stratholme, fully understood the emotions of the vanguard soldiers, and took a decisive step back.

"The Alliance liberates Stratholme."

Magni put down the paintbrush and palette and stood up and said proudly.

"This woman with a turban is an Alliance female soldier?"

"It's the shepherd girl."

"This one with horns is a sheep?"

"It's a cow."

"What is shepherd girl doing?"

"Milk the cow."

"What about the alliance?"

"Liberating Stratholme."



"Where is Carlos?"

"Leading the alliance."

"I'm asking Carlos, where he is now."

"In the leadership alliance..."

Watching Magni's eyes wandering with envy and unwillingness with three-point grievances, Tirion Fording understood that the greatest and greatest marshal in the league was doing his job again.

"Your Majesty Magni..."


"Respected elder of the Bronzebeard clan, the great King of Ironforge, please look into my eyes."

"You are too tall, my neck hurts when I look at your eyes."

"Where did Carlos go?"

"flew away……"


Magni suddenly sat down.

"He built a spaceship, but he didn't take me to play. It's not interesting enough."

Tirion Fording felt a little messy in the wind.

"No, what spacecraft, why did Carlos fly away?"

Because the undead natural disasters failed to ambush the city of Stratholme, the elite minions were lost, and the direct consequence was that although the vanguard army was unable to regain the city of Stratholme, the powerhouses such as Carlos or Magni really were. Come and leave in the city.

The fascinated and confident death knight was rounded off by the paladins of the night watch without even seeing Carlos Barov.

Times have changed a long time ago. The "Paladin" has been improved several times during the actual combat of the orcs by the Knights of the Silver Hand. The Holy Shield has become the basic operation for the Paladin to engrave into DNA.

The death knight who failed the sneak attack was beaten to death, and the corpse was burned in a fire. The vicious paladins also used a mace to knock the bones into dregs.

It was hopeless, the other death knights after observing through the shadow spells decided that the Lich King would question him as if there was no one.

Magni Bronzebeard can't extricate himself from indulging in the treasure hunt in this situation.

Although the Scourge searched Stratholme once and set the fire again, there were still a lot of supplies left in the fire.

For example, this batch of paint and canvas.

Magni really didn't brag [BEEP], except for Muradin's second stunner, among the three Bronzebeard brothers, he and Brian are both literary and artistic.

Although the painter has been surpassed by his third brother and even his daughter, Magni can still lick his face and say that the two paintings were taught by himself.

Accompanied by Magni, Tirion was so much inferior regardless of his status or seniority. This Bronzebeard dwarf was so desperate, what could he do? He was also desperate!

You said that I, Tirion Fording, was a First Generation paladin. Not long ago, I finally gave the bad things to the past. The good brothers became the big brother of the alliance, and the identity was restored. The old brothers in Hearthglen also remember me now. Well, I am happily looking for trouble with bones in my hometown, and revisiting the prosperous years.

How come the support from Uther's cub planted to Stratholme.

It is incumbent on us to do our best to defend the safety of our leaders.

But what about the Carlos of Fuck?

What about others!

In the end, it was Magni who couldn't stand the anger as he talked about it. Under Tirion Fording's compliment of "yes, yes, everything you say is right", he began to criticize Carlos.

Tirion finally knew the truth.

Carlos really flew away!

Previously, in order to take the Whitewater River route, the Kul Tiras fleet sent five warships from the open sea to the inland river. After fighting Stratholme, all four sailed back, leaving one as a gunboat as a means of defense for the river bank base.

Carlos has been undecided what to do, but thought that Naxxramas could fly in such a big tuft, why should I not fly!

So I asked the mages to work together.

As a result, I am afraid of muttering.

Tell me, in Azeroth, flying is nothing.

Ma Da Fei Brick is an unbreakable truth.

Even Carlos can fly by himself.

Just use the wings of light to fly to Quel'Thalas and use it as a fart. It is not uncommon for one person to break Naxxramas, one person to defeat Alsace's more than 200,000 troops...

Everything in the dream.

The Dalaran mages of this era don't have the ability of the daughter of certain sea, and one person is a magical spaceship.

But it's really not difficult to make magic items fly.

The warships of Kul Tiras are all enchanted warships.

If this is the case, it may be just a king and a bunch of mages talking about the mountain.

However, as news spread that the vanguard was blocking the door outside Stratholme, a certain "big man" led the refugees hiding in the mountains to come to the door for asylum.

"Nathanos Marris, the human ranger?"

Tirion Fording knew this man.

Because Carlos' hard fight in Andorhal delayed Alsace's offensive, Stratholme had time to issue an evacuation order and a mobilization order in advance.

Therefore, Nathanos, who died on his farm on other world lines, responded to Stratholme’s call and left his homeland to participate in two defensive operations, and relied on his excellent skills when Alsace invaded Stratholme. It can also protect the refugees outside the city from fleeing into the mountains to avoid being chased by undead natural disasters.

This is nothing, the only human ranger has this ability.

What really makes Nathanos special is his moneymaking activities.

"What are you talking about? On the surface, Nathanos is a farmer who makes a living by farming, but in fact he is a second-hand dealer?"

Tirion Fording even wondered if he had been in the boat for a long time, and hearing voices appeared in his ears.

"Yes, Nathanos himself admits that there is a lot of money in farming. He has been relying on the relationship he met when he was studying in the high elves to do the business of smuggling magic products."

Magni Bronzebeard answered with a serious face.

"No, Silvermoon City has always been Lordaeron's largest supplier of magic supplies. How many high elves' specialty stores in Dalaran need him to be a second-hand dealer?"

Tirion Fording thought this was unreasonable.

"Military supplies..."

"Well, it makes sense, what did he offer Carlos?"

"Six [Walnuts]."

"Excuse me, what is a walnut?"

"Oh, that's their black word, [Walnut] refers to the military arcane core."

"The relationship between Nathanos is strong enough, and the Kingdom of Lordaeron is properly going to a military court."

"Ironforge will also be hung on the beam."

Tirion Fording learned to answer at this time.

"So Carlos and the wizard under his hand directly installed a Marine warship on the arcane core and transformed it into a spaceship and flew away?"

"Yeah, they said I was overweight!"

Magni Bronzebeard's resentment is deep.

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