Carlos didn't know how much psychological damage was caused to old Magni by the excuses that the wizards freely compiled, but he knew how much psychological shadow was caused by the wizard who didn't know how to pretend.

Stop it, really let Magni Bronzebeard go with him, what about the vanguard?

The elite is the elite, and the problematic vanguard is a team of elites assembled from the backbone of the entire alliance. There is no big man pressed down, who is convinced!

Even if Uther personally threw down the mess and came to take over the vanguard, these bastards would dare to smash the light messenger.

So in addition to Carlos, only international friend Magni that status and status can hold the ground.

Yeah, Magni is super important.

Carlos, who was still guilty of the old bronze whiskers, threw his guilt on Uzumaki's side after experiencing the first air crash.

Thank you, Brother Fan, quickly!

Ah, thank you Barov!

The wizards of Dalaran are all stupid [BEEP]———— Carlos Barov has written absolutely nothing.

Because Kul Tiras’s authentic warships have full participation from the selection and construction of the Storm Brothers, the warship itself has its own enchantment effect. So when Nathanos dug out the six fresh [walnuts] from the soil, the wizards immediately got inspiration.

You don't even need to consider the problem of structural stability, and go directly to the fourth and second. The four arcane cores provide lift, and the two arcane cores provide impetus.

Perfect design!

Don't doubt, although Azeroth's caster circle has been enchanted for ten years, the project ruined a lifetime, and only stepped into the antique world, ruining the family and ruining children and grandchildren. However, 95% of the masters still take enchanting and engineering as elective subjects.

Just as the methods of making money are written in the "Criminal Law", the young apprentices use the utmost malicious speculation to treat the sincere admonitions of the big brothers as a blockade of knowledge and technology.

Drawing on paper, just follow the beauty of the numbers, where the calculation is wrong, it is definitely not the drawing is wrong, it must be the person who made the drawing, and it will be fine to change the drawing by someone else.

While Carlos was still wondering whether his sudden idea was feasible, the wizards had already completed a change to the battleship.

What an amazing power of action!

When the huge battleship with splashes rose from the surface of the Baishui River, the shocking scene strengthened the hearts of the wizards!

Numbers can't be deceived, don't you see them floating up?

The sailors who were thrown off the ship by the wizards even took the opportunity to clean up the parasites at the bottom of the ship, and whispered to discuss whether the floating magic plus the ship maintenance service had any problems.

Carlos quickly discovered the problem after a brief excitement.

This is an empty ship.

In order to let the ship float in the air, the mages not only drove the sailors and gunners ashore, but even unloaded half of the artillery and ballast.

What use do I want this waste!

Seeing that the project plan was about to be cut in half, the wizards were anxious to gain wisdom, and after asking the sailor brothers for help, they gave a rectification plan.

The ballast is nothing but the sad shackles of the ship being restrained by gravity. Now that the ship is out of water, any ballast is down.

The artillery is just the tears of the old age. Staying on the spacecraft not only takes up space, but also needs to consider the reaction force when launching. There is a human-shaped fort like a mage as an upper-level replacement, and it is unloaded.

All other equipment added to adapt to water navigation is not suitable for embracing the sky of New World, so they are dismantled.

Even the five masts are redundant, chopped off...

It seems that one can be left, and it looks like it can be accelerated with a sail.

The masters, who usually can't afford to climb, asked the sailors in a low voice, and all kinds of "small gifts" and promises that were not on the table made the sailors of Kul Tiras forget that the fleet is the property of the country.

Even the captain was filled with ecstasy by the masters, the first flying battleship, the first captain to go to the sky.

In the face of such a huge temptation, the captain who usually yells at the deck even if it is not clean is easily bought by a non-existent "ship ticket".

As a result, the fanatical wizards quickly completed the transformation of the battleship.

The huge battleship with a staff of one thousand people can finally successfully carry two hundred people to maintain a stable floating posture after deletion, modification, and modification.

However, when Magni Bronzebeard boarded the ship in great interest, the spacecraft began to slowly fall downward.

This is the origin of the "overweight" stalk.

After all, the numbers will not "lie", the total weight of the ship exceeds the lift provided by the arcane core, and the whereabouts are a matter of course.

So he fooled Magni away with an annoyed look, and Carlos ordered the captain to start dismantling the ship.

To reduce the weight, the non-load-bearing structure can be dismantled.

Especially after the captain realized that the flying ship does not need a rudder, and finally released himself beyond common sense, he quickly unearthed about twenty Magni lifts.

Armor, too heavy, no more.

Food and drinking water, take up the backpack, no more, Faye packs a full set.

The metal buckles are gone, and the waistbands are tied with rope!

Prow like!

Marine tradition or something goodbye you, let it go.

Human beings’ ability to manage and cope with this is far greater than development and innovation.

Addition is difficult, but subtraction is easy.

In addition to maintaining the magical necessities necessary to maintain the operation of the arcane core, the members of the vanguard who were eligible to board the ship even starved themselves in advance.

Alterac's excellent battle armors all stayed on the ground and only carried weapons. The men dressed in civilian clothes and boarded the ship. In order to lead by example while maintaining decency, the masters put a gap directly under the mage's robes.

"As for?"

Nathanos asked Carlos confusedly.

If it weren't for the worried teacher, he wouldn't want to wade in this muddy water at all.

In the eyes of the ranger, these fellows of the vanguard are already stunned, and they didn't even think about what to do if they fell!

"This is a great progress in human history. Except for Dalaran, the Alliance has a second aerial platform!"

Carlos patted Nathanos on the shoulder and gave the command to set sail to the captain who was wearing only a pair of big pants but insisted on keeping his Marine cap.

As a result, the Alliance’s newest levitation warship, which was temporarily renamed Enterprise by Carlos, lifted off at a speed of five centimeters per second.

What does not match the slow lift-off speed of the Enterprise is the strong linear acceleration.

Amidst the sound of humiliation, the Enterprise was only thirty steps away, and even Carlos could not stand firmly. Everyone on the ship was thrown onto the deck by the sudden inertial force.

Carlos thought this was just a small accident in the exploration of the unknown, but he didn't know that the ass was the beginning of the suffering, not the end.

The Enterprise number flew faster and faster, and soon disappeared from the sight of the farewell crowd on the ground.

However, when Carlos found that the distant mountains became clearer and clearer, the excited wizards realized that the lift calculation had a big problem.

"Slow down, slow down!"

"Raise the sail!"

Seeing that he was about to leave the army before he died, under the dispatch of the captain and the sailor, a gang of laymen finally put down the mainsail.

Then with a click, the main mast broke.

Carlos spread the wings of the holy light like a superman in the howls of ghosts and wolves, flew to the bottom of the ship to lift the Enterprise quickly, and avoided the mountain cliffs dangerously and dangerously.

Amidst the cheers of the crowd, the solemn Carlos walked into the captain's room, and reserved a surrender book with the most sincere attitude.

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