Sylvanas is an extremely contradictory ranger.

Compared with her mediocre parents, the eldest sister Alleria satisfies all the requirements of the teenage Sylvanas for idols.

Beautiful, powerful, and knowledgeable.

Sylvanas didn't even realize that the root cause of her awkwardness with her sister was that Alleria was not an enhanced version of Sylvanas, but Sylvanas was essentially a weakened version of Alleria.

Sylvanas became like this because she discovered the fact that she couldn't surpass her on the path Alleria had walked.

In one sentence, Sylvanas was reckless and reckless.

The Windrunner family is also one of Quel'Thalas' "national clan", but Alleria can mix into the copper pea that the high elf dignitaries look upset and dare not provoke, but not just because of her family background.

Alleria is the kind of A and rusty intellectual big sister character, the night public enemy who has more female admirers than male suitors.

The key is still iron.

How did Sylvanas get into the position of Ranger General?

The salary thief has his own logic.

For the next, every time with Ao Tong, everything can be done.

Right, every time you fight with Austria, auspicious imperial exemption.

Sister, if you don’t see, your heart will not bother you.

Vereesa was born in the Windrunner family and has never lacked material comforts, so she was desperately eager to be recognized, and she didn't realize how perfunctory the second sister's "is not to poke with needles".

Similarly, Sylvanas, who denied that she was chasing the back of her elder sister, did not notice the fatal flaw in her character compared to Alleria.

Alleria is a thorough military victory argumentator. In order to achieve strategic and tactical goals, she doesn't mind sending her hands to death.

Because Alleria understands the cruelty of war, no one is special, and if necessary, she can die by herself.

But as long as there is a choice, Alleria will definitely protect herself first.

Life is equal, but the value of life is high and low.

Sylvanas is different.

Although the two sisters were promoted by fighting trolls, compared with Alleria who had participated in the battle to destroy the Trolls of Amani, Sylvanas' inner battlefield romanticism had not been wiped out.

Sylvanas, who sent people back to Silvermoon City to seek support, didn't know that Lor'themar had already mobilized a thousand people out of the city to support but was completely killed by Sarin Pit. Therefore, Silvermoon City did not pay attention to Sylvanas' request for help. It was already the biggest compromise to send refugees into the city. It was absolutely impossible to send troops to fight again.

Therefore, Sylvanas can only arm the people while requesting reinforcements from the villages far away from the attacking direction of the undead natural disasters.

The effect is not good.

The number of enemies is so huge that the personal bravery of the high elves looks like a joke in front of the undead natural disasters.

If it weren't for Lor'themar and Haduron all the way to find Sylvanas, the ranger general would have returned to Silvermoon City to be the gatekeeper.

"Boss, this battle can't be fought like this, there is a ghost!"

Unlike the angry Haduron, Lor'themar, who attributed the death of a thousand soldiers in non-war war to his incompetence, didn't know what to say to Sylvanas, and could only remain silent.

"I used to watch the battle reports sent by the alliance as a collection of jokes. After I really played it, I realized that Carlos was right. The best way to deal with these undead natural disasters is to fight head-on with the army and use the absolute advantage of combat power. Go crush."

Sylvanas stood on the top of the hill and looked south, as if talking to Haduron and Lor'themar, and also seemed to be muttering to herself.

Silvermoon City is in the north, Alsace comes from the south, and half of the Eversong Forest has fallen.

Now that the undead's natural disasters are used to increase the number of people by war, then thinking about retaking the southern occupied area has become a stupid plan.

"Lor'themar, give my order to withdraw all the garrisons in the ghost land back to Silvermoon City, quickly."


"Hadulun, the person with you, prepare with me, and must block the undead natural disasters at the intersection."


Sylvanas' decision was approved by the two subordinates.

Quel'Thalas has never been a populous country. In the case of the Eversong Forest in the south, if the undead natural disasters are allowed to ravage the north, the high elves will be over.

It has only been more than 20 years since Orgrim Doomhammer led the orcs and the red dragon to attack, and the population of the high elves has not even recovered to before the second orc war.

Therefore, Sylvanas must protect the northern villages of Yongsong Forest and evacuate safely.

Just at this time, Lor'themar had just left, and Haduron was still looking south on the hill with Sylvanas, and Arthas appeared.

About five kilometers away, His Royal Highness, who was riding a horse-loving Wudi with the words Invincible on his face, was surrounded by small groups of invincible natural disaster elites walking towards the intersection that must be passed to the north of Yongge Forest.

"It's Alsace!"

Hadulun pulled out his spear excitedly.

After several rounds of hard fighting, Hadulun has discovered that weapons such as double-swords and stabbing swords do not work well in dealing with undead natural disasters. They are still reliable heavy weapons such as broadswords, spears and warhammers.

Sylvanas was also moved.

At this time, there were not many guards around Arthas, and in the forest on his side were more than two thousand travellers brought by Hadulun.

If launching a desperate raid, there is a great possibility that Alsace will be defeated.

But is it worth it?

Sylvanas thought.

"No, it is the first priority to ensure the evacuation of the people. If we all die here, who will defend their lives."

Sylvanas smiled at Haduron and patted him on the shoulder.

"A sneak attack is a dishonorable thing. I will kill the prince of Lordaeron on the battlefield."

Sylvanas greeted Haduron to leave while saying that she didn't take it seriously.

If Alleria was here, what would she do?

Sylvanas asked herself secretly.

Of course he killed Alsace at all costs!

Even if it was to lose all the Farstriders, plus Haduron, Sylvanas, and herself.

The eldest sister is such a person.

Behind Sylvanas was the slow and heavy Scourge, and in front of him was the heavy and slow fleeing civilians.

After making a simple and difficult choice, Sylvanas cocked her mouth in mockery.

"I am not her after all."

As a result, the only chance to turn the tide of the battle passed by the Ranger General.

Compared with the huge number of Scourge Legions, Sylvanas' fighting may have bought a lot of time for civilians to escape into Silvermoon City.

But she didn't understand that, compared with the minions of the Scourge, Arthas was the most terrifying weapon of the Lich King.

Behind him was Silvermoon City. Most of the Farstriders had already retreated into the city. The gates of the city were really slowly closed, and Sylvanas could not ignore the death of a mother and son by the hand of Arthas.

Sylvanas came on, and was stunned by Frostmourne for a second. What can she do?

The word seconds are not prepared.

The exhausted Sylvanas was not Alsace's opponent, and the anger of the general ranger could not melt the ruthlessness of the master of Frostmourne.

The heirloom of the Windrunner family, Saratos, the divine bow, was lost in the previous battle. The bow in Sylvanas's hand could not withstand the sharpness of Frostmourne.

Instead of saving people, he wanted to catch himself, Arthas had already raised his arm to penetrate Sylvanas' chest.

Already... nothing can be done.

However, the arrow shot from behind Arthas made His Royal Highness temporarily give up killing Sylvanas.

Slightly dodge the first arrow sideways, Arthas immediately noticed the second arrow coming.

Then came the rain of arrows.

Arthas had to pull the invincible reins around his body, and with Frostmourne, he used Frostmourne to splatter the hoarfrost that was enough to freeze his soul.

"Stupid woman, what are you in a daze, the wind is screaming!"

Sylvanas, who had recovered from her dying state, felt the difference. She was the last of the troops behind her palace. Who is this Quel'Dorei woman who wears heavy armor and shoots a bow and arrow?

"Run! Sylvanas, you stupid [BEEP]."


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