Pan Yipan this Silvermoon City, there are more than 50,000 city residents, all the best talents, good-speaking, superb craftsmanship, super bourgeois style.

It is a pity that gang formation is the tradition of Silvermoon City. When this group of key political experts in Silvermoon City broke the city by the Scourge, their first reaction was to go to the villa of "Big Brother" to hug them.

Fira was unbearable.

Besides, the hundreds of thousands of refugees who fled into the city were embarrassed by Sarin and were rejected by the locals of Silvermoon City. They were almost shocked.

It's even more terrible.

Therefore, Bi Luohua's road to series started from killing the members of the Silvermoon City Council.

Suddenly the Great Magister felt the sadness of the Sun King.

Carlos is right. As long as the versatile and high-precision is rectified, he can easily pull 50,000 soldiers.

But there is no time for rectification.

The critical moment is still stronger than whose fist is.

I'm sorry, Bi Luohua's fist is really hard at this time.

There were not many that could beat him, and they were all killed by the Sun King Anastrian in the name of martial arts, and the rest were magisters and others.

Your Excellency the Great Magister took a group of "militiamen" responsible for escorting and kicked the door one by one, one by one against the fortresses of the parliamentarians, and soon accumulated a group of disciples and grandchildren.

On the other hand, Carlos' actions in the direction of the city gate also played a role, and soon some Farstriders ventured to break through the defense line of the Scourge in the city and rushed to the garrison headquarters to seek support.

It's really impossible to look like a human being, Nathanos, a human being, actually has a huge face in Silvermoon City, which Carlos never expected.

A pair of various incisions, good guys, own people, no problem, mix with you.

Soon, Carlos gathered a small army of two thousand usable soldiers.

Arthas led almost 20,000 natural disaster elites and had gone across the sea. It is estimated that there are more than 10,000 undead minions in Silvermoon City, and there are hundreds of thousands of natural disasters outside the city are crazily smashing the bottom of the ship.

There is not much time left for the high elves.

Carlos looked at the highly magical fortifications of Silvermoon City, with a face full of helplessness.

As long as there are more than ten or twenty artillery pieces, it won't be urinary.

How did the city wall fall?

To be precise, the walls of Silvermoon City were not lost at all, and the guards took the initiative to abandon it.

After the supply of Sunwell’s magic to Silvermoon City was cut off, Anastarian knew that something was not good, and finally made the decision of the emperor to guard the country, the king of Kun.

However, it is impossible for the city defense forces to say your Majesty, you JUMP, we follow JUMP.

It's not that I have to quickly disperse and prepare for street fighting.

This is a stupid decision.

The combat units of the Undead Scourge are more than your total population, so you don't want to break through the siege, what do you do to hold the city and defend yourself.

There are thousands of reasons, the first thing to survive.

If Alsace hadn't been busy going to Quel'Danas, if he brushed a layer of bone enamel powder on his horse invincible in Silvermoon City before setting off, Silvermoon City would have no life left.

To survive, the first important thing is to restore the defense facilities of Silvermoon City.

The specific point is the arcane puppet army.

The fortress is the easiest to break from the inside, and the effect of the Sarinians jumping up and down to please the new owner is quite extraordinary.

Just ask the key personnel to have a drink, then bite by the neck, and look, a new Sarin is born.

The battle to retake the Temple of Silver Moon was very easy.

It’s not that Carlos and Bi Luohua are particularly good at fighting, but that the minions of the undead natural disasters are not greedy for money, and the minions who are greedy for money go out to work. The magician technicians hold the parts and repair it all the way, and one or two arcane puppets can do it. Block a street.

It was the regular army in Silvermoon City at this time.

After regaining the Silver Moon Temple as the magic center of Silver Moon City, Bi Luohua quickly opened the portal connecting Alterac City.

The messenger came and went, and soon reinforcements came.

This speed not only caused Bi Luohua to exclaim that the alliance was invincible, but even Carlos was frightened.

In Carlos's plan, Alterac taught that the Corps can complete the preparation before nightfall is already very efficient mobilization.

After all, it is temporary scheduling, everything is understandable.

However, from the time the messenger was sent, the messenger returned, and wrote a letter again, the entire process was less than three hours before the vanguard came.

Looking at the old faces filled with "human brilliance", Carlos felt that he understood something, but he didn't seem to understand anything.

The most exaggerated thing is that not only did the old soldiers arrive, but even the battle plan was completed, Carlos just got up, and the spokesperson of a group of officers had already thrown the battle plan on Bi Luohua's face.

One sentence summary: "If you save people and lose land, you will save people and land. If you save land and lose people, you will have fun at the grave."

Don't say anything, let the people quickly evacuate with their coffins.

"I regretted it, if His Majesty Anastrian listened to your advice, why did Quel'Thalas come to this."

Bi Luohua couldn't help crying. At this moment, the Great Magister was moved by the friendship between the high elves and humans.

Check it out, check it out, His Majesty Carlos Barov is worthy of being an old friend of the High Elves, and the Kingdom of Alterac is worthy of being a loyal ally of Quel'Thalas who has experienced the test of war.

No, no, Carlos TMD didn't understand what was going on, so he arranged it.

Especially the teaching corps not only came, but also the mule carts.


Forget the mules and carts, how come the dwarves who left Magni on the plateau have also been brought.

We don't bother to care about the left-behind dwarves, what is the situation with these five hundred dwarf engineers who are jumbled with scum.

"Your Majesty, the reinforcements of Ironforge."


What else can Carlos do except oh.

Of course it is to save Guy Elsas's house!

The Royal Court of the Sunstrider is the essence of Silvermoon City. Even if the royal family's treasury cannot be opened without the blood of the Sunstrider family, the flowers and plants in the yard are also treasured species and are worth saving.

Wealth and danger, the portal at this time is completely maintained by the magic power squeezed out by the Sunwell Heights to eliminate all difficulties. Once Quel'Danas has any accident, Alterac’s troops will be compensated in Silver Moon. city.

Especially Alsace might look back for a while, brother-in-law at any time, which is a bit of a military crime.

Hurrying to mobilize the army for defense at all levels, Carlos did not expect the Enterprise's half of the ship's bottom to last for long, and it was a blessing to be able to support it until dark.

Because the Scourge that was blocked outside the city was not all mindless and unhappy, after discovering that the Marine ship’s structure was very capable of resisting long-range strikes, the ghouls and the abominations began physical dismantling.

The decision of the Scourge to change its tactics was quite wise.

The Lich King gave a death order to the undead army remaining outside Silvermoon City, and supported Arthas at all costs.

In the face of the value of Sunwell, Silvermoon City is not worth mentioning.

As a result, the alliance forces with the Undead Scourge Recruiters planted explosives and arranged roadblocks while arranging the evacuation of the residents of Silvermoon City, not forgetting to take the last stitch and thread.

The originally very tragic scene was completely tragic and tragic by these Alterac soldiers.

As time went on, the Enterprise was finally torn down by the undead army before sunset.

The undead and natural disasters, whose offensive channel was re-smoothed, swarmed in again, but they were more disciplined than the Alterac people.

The Lich King urged too hard, Arthas's attack on Quel'Danas was not smooth, and the natural disaster army rushed down the port area to the magic ice bridge cut out by Frostmourne, with only a few undead. The troop flowed out into the urban area of ​​Silvermoon City to suppress the guards.

Carlos watched all this, and did not issue a combat order.

"His Majesty Carlos, what are you waiting for?"

Bi Luohua asked worriedly.

"Waiting for reinforcements."

Carlos answered calmly.

"There are reinforcements?"

Bi Luohua is unknown. Therefore, in the eyes of the Grand Magister, allowing the undead natural disaster to attack Quel'Danas is also a stupid decision.

Once the Sunwell falls, Silvermoon City is dead.

Before Carlos could figure out how to explain, a dwarf ran over to report in a panic.

"It's not good, it's not good, let's shoot a blue dragon down."

Bi Luohua turned his head to look at Carlos, but found that the Alliance Grand Marshal looked regretful, as if he had missed the expression of 100 million yuan.

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