Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 809 Old Dwarf and Dragon

With the old thing Bi Luohua leading the way, the spell of the Sunstrider family to block the royal court was easily solved.

Standing in the resplendent Sunstrider King's Court, Bi Luohua explained to the last guardians that the royal army...too -kun...the leader of the alliance is here to save the suffering.

Carlos was in a daze.

Since the undead natural disaster broke out, Carlos has a question.

Where are the dragons who are super housekeepers of Azeroth?

Carlos is very clear about his strategic intentions.

Although the alliance has entered a strategic stalemate, with the adjustment of production relations in the human territory, it will certainly be impossible to defeat the natural disasters of the undead in the end.

But the quick win theory is to lie to oneself.

Really let the Lich King take away the magic power of the Sunwell, the Scourge changed hands to give Azeroth an equal summoning technique for all living beings, Archimonde is too-kun who can bear it.

So Carlos did not rush to Quel'Danas.

Because the plan that he hides in his heart is that things can't be bombed for me.

That's right, the Sajia can't get it and don't give it to you. It's so arrogant.

Carlos has no evidence, but with this confidence, he can blow up the Sunwell.

The method is unknown, the principle is unknown, but Carlos thinks he can do it.

This kind of self-confidence is called bragging compared to ordinary people, but it is called self-knowledge derived from the sixth sense in Carlos's level of power.

So Carlos had to wait until Quel'Danas' defenders fought to the end, and the high elves felt that the Sunwell could no longer be held, and waited for the blue dragon to agree to this plan.

Yes, Blue Dragon.

Before the War of the Ancients, how strong the Kaldorei Empire was, and Queen Azshara, the number one strongman in Azeroth, did not have to agree with the Blue Dragon to monitor the Well of Eternity.

Although the big cousin Nesario killed Malygos and the whole family in one shot, the Quel'dorei Elf didn't have the confidence to say no to the Blue Dragon King.

So although the right to use it is in the hands of the high elves, the blue dragon has been supervising the sun well.

This is a mutual compromise between the Sunstrider family and Kadala.

"Quickly, quicker, all that can be moved are removed, and those that can't be removed are destroyed on the spot. You can't leave any available resources to the Scourge. Any hesitation is a shameful collaborator!"

As the great magister who was almost martyred, Bi Luohua expressed a full understanding of the friendly forces' behavior.

After all, whoever stood on the wall and looked at the tens of thousands of undead souls of natural disasters outside the city knew that Silvermoon City had suffered a lot this time.

But the guards who stayed at the royal court couldn't stand it and felt wronged.

The high elves handle things by themselves. The old cubs of Alterac don't care at all, the important thing is to be fast!

Once Quel'Danas falls, the portal loses power from the Sunwell and immediately becomes unstable.

Then the Alterac Kingdom had to use the inventory of magic materials to continue to maintain the portal until the army withdrew.

The battle plan this time is to make a loss or make a profit.

And Carlos also waited for fluctuations in the portal to signal his departure.

It's not worth going to fight for Quel'Danas' defenders early.

As the old saying goes, when Quel'Thalas rejected the alliance, he already renounced the alliance.

In another timeline, why does Garithusgaard not wait to see Guy Elsas and the blood elves he leads?

On the one hand, it was because Silvermoon City refused the human's request for help.

On the other hand, because of being so miserable by the undead and natural disasters, the entire mankind of Lordaeron would not be able to survive, and could not afford the survival needs of the high elf immigrants.

The first problem still exists for the alliance led by Carlos.

But the second point, today's alliance is still much better than other world-line miserable alliances.

After all, Carlos is agile, Alterac is arrogant, and there are more than 800,000 more Alterac kingdoms, plus 2 million refugees from Lordaeron, the kingdoms of Lordaeron will not be mixed up and have to go to Elvin to seek a living. , There is no need to travel far away to seek refuge in the Kingdom of Stormwind.

With such confidence, accepting tens of thousands of high elf refugees is really not a big problem for Carlos, who is not overwhelmed by debt.

Especially this group of high elves are not proletarian refugees, and the reinforcements are to encourage everyone to flee with the guys.

Just highlight a humanity.

Anyway, as long as Quel'Danas' defenders do not collapse, Silvermoon City will have enough magic power to maintain the portal.

Time is tight, but it hasn't reached the point of urging one's life.

Silvermoon City was presenting a strange to strange situation at this time.

Hundreds of thousands of undead and natural disasters lined up along the Kingdom Avenue and walked along the ice bridge split by Alsace to Quel'Danas Island to beat the high elves' defenders. From time to time, they separated a small part from the large army and entered the city of Silvermoon to suppress The resistance of the high elves.

Taking the Kingdom Avenue facing north and south as the decomposition, one side is the desperate resistance of the members of the Silvermoon City Council based on their own (magic) villa (fortress), and the other side is the remnants of the regular army gathered by Carlos’s Teaching Corps and Bi Luohua .

Alterac’s reinforcements drove a flatbed truck loaded with explosives and barbed wire, and escorted refugees and various supplies away.

Obviously, the undead natural disasters can destroy Silvermoon City with just one shot, but the various undead creatures with hideous appearances and the automatic path finding units generally do not pay attention to the "secondary units".

Probably because Quel'Danas' defenders were too able to fight, and Arthas couldn't hold it a bit.

Carlos didn't believe in this kind of tacit understanding. The cost of his daring to grab food was the millions of pounds of explosives piled up in Alterac's armory.

The old gangsters of the teaching group also operate in the same way, and they are not their own city.

In just half a day, more than 10,000 high elves have been evacuated.

This efficiency is already quite high.

If it were not for the ridiculously high proportion of officers in the teaching regiment, it would have been impossible to evacuate personnel of this scale.

However, even a small part of the undead partial divisions still caused a large number of casualties on the Alliance side in front of the huge overall number.

But Carlos didn't care, it was a war, where is the undead thing.

You can be kind before making a decision, but you can't bear it, but once you make a decision, you must follow through to the end.

The human army participating in this "humanitarian rescue" doesn't even care.

One Ten Thousand Years are too long, and you can only make a fortune in time!

Even the human beings as reinforcements can't care, and the morale of the Farstriders and the volunteers is even higher.

The delicate balance will eventually be broken, but if you maintain it for a minute, dozens more high elves can be rescued.

There is nothing bad.

The falling blue dragon reported by the Dwarf Musketeer to search and rescue was fruitless, and Carlos didn't care.

There is no crime without a corpse.

Except for the old dwarf talking about the real thing, it crashed and fell down and other unclear words, everyone quickly put their energy into the logistics business.

Until the human claiming to be Carre came to the door.

"I wasn't shot down, don't be frightened, I'm just too tired, you understand, I was so tired that I was unconscious!"

Kalecgos denied the old dwarf's accusations.

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