Facing the undead troops surging like a tide under Arthas, the high elves on the island of Quel'Danas felt the pain of the compatriots in Silvermoon.

Sylvanas fought and retreated.

Sylvanas was in a dilemma.

Sylvanas has nowhere to go.

Why did things become like this?

Obviously, we rowed a boat on the shore with my good sister. They clearly said that it is indispensable for us to defend Quel'Thalas' glory. Obviously, we have a second chance to face Alsace's revenge.

How did things become like this!

The general ranger suddenly had the illusion that he could not keep up with the times.

It’s not a good idea to rely on the magnificent magic power of the Sunwell to deploy layers of defense, relying on the fortifications of the Sunwell Heights for four thousand years to kill and injure a large number of enemy forces, and to create miracles with the indomitable will of the Quel'Dorei elves...

How come to the point where there is no more ammunition and food?

I, Sylvanas, just want to tell everyone that whoever can't kill me will make me stronger, and no one can threaten my belief and mission!

It's ironic.

Recalling how she pretended to be [BEEP] in front of Sora Starbreaker, thankfully that girl was not there, otherwise she could laugh out loud in front of Arthas.

Sylvanas was distracted in the siege of the undead natural disasters on the way back to the final gate.

Then, a chill went straight from the tail vertebrae to Tianling Gai!

Sora of GTM this bitch!

When did this old lady have a black hand on me.

If she hadn't been in the magic, how could she teach her the last hope of defending the sun well.

Although it is not clear whether it is a charm spell or a mental control, the huge impact of reality makes Sylvanas aware of the anomaly on the spiritual level.

So she woke up.

"Can't be trapped in the siege. Contact the Magisters platform and let the Mages send us out at all costs!"

At this time, the high elves who were still fighting bravely in Sunwell Heights were almost suppressed to the edge corners away from the main road, and the number of interceptors led by Sylvanas was also sharply reduced.

The defensive methods of Taiyangjing Heights are not without methods similar to the "Final Agreement".

Sylvanas' original plan was to do her best to stop Arthas from advancing, and to allow time for the dead men behind the final gate to arrange them properly.

But what kind of evil spell did he have on earth that would appoint Sola Starbreaker as the defensive captain of the final line of defense?

Sylvanas felt regretful for the first time.

Yes, Sola is a high elf with conviction, a social activist and idealist.

She can shed her blood for the high elves, but she will never die for the Sunstrider family or members of the Silvermoon City Council!

Sylvanas understood that she had been calculated by the sisters.

In the end, there is a high probability that the agreement will not be launched.

Regardless of whether it is Sarin or Sola, they are essentially the second and fifth sons of Silvermoon City.

So the Ranger General gave up his plan to die in the line of duty and die on the battlefield.

"It will be killed in the future!"

Unlike Sylvanas, who broke out with great grievances and gave up her martyrdom and struggled to survive, Sola was at this moment serving Carlos with tea and snacks.

Don't ask why there will be dim sum, black tea, barbecue and wine in the final defense line. This is the last embodiment of Quel'Thalas' dignity!

Wearing sunglasses, Carlos was sitting on something similar to a beach chair, his attention drawn by these high elf guards.

"your people?"


Sylvanas' orders helped Sola one last time.

Although I don't know exactly how Sola did it, Carlos was sure that Sylvanas was pitted.

The last time Anastrian brought Carlos here, he took a look at the Sunwell from a distance. Although the sun well at that time was brilliant, the magic in it was a sense of peace and harmony, like the first-born sunrise, warm and bright.

However, the magical power emitted by the Sun Well at this time was fierce and violent, just like a volcanic crater about to erupt.

"Any thoughts?"

"You are your robber and I am my thief, and Shiva is her loyal minister, Arthas, as his robber. What do you think?"

"So you are not from the Lich King?"

"Who wants to be an errand for that bunch of stuff."

Some words don't need to be explained, after all, Carlos is not willing to give Sola what he wants, so it is only natural for this female high school to change the owner.

Carlos didn't ask which side Sora was on now, as long as she was not from the Lich King.

"Speaking of which, your Majesty, are you planning to hide here for my brother-in-law?"

"Well, I have this idea."

"Then I advise you to stand aside for a while, after all, my movement is a bit big."

"What do you need me to do?"

"You see enough of the excitement and do whatever you want."

"Well, as you wish."

"As expected to be the man I like, happy."

Sora is also satisfied that Carlos is so on the road.

After all, if Carlos wants to make trouble, Sola is also very difficult to do.

But Carlos dismissed Kalecgos, obviously there was something to talk about.

So far, the results of the negotiations between the "friends" and the "traitors" have been very satisfactory.

Holding Frostmourne in his hands, Arthas strolled forward in the Sunwell Heights. The so-called final line of defense was no different from a piece of paper in front of the strongest death knight.

The Lich King still felt the incomparable magic power of the Sunwell across the ocean. How could Malygos, the guardian of the mystery, be unclear.

While the high elves of Quel'Danas desperately defended the dignity of Quel'Dorei, the Blue Dragonflight received the Dragon King's will and went out to severely damage the natural disaster forces that besieged Kadala.

It's just too late.

What Frostmourne Jianfeng pointed to, the solid magic gate was nothing more than a paper folded in half.

Arthas came in.

The huge custom-built arcane puppet was disassembled into parts. Quel'Thalas’ last loyal guard proved Alsace’s bravery with his life. Kalecgos flew in backwards down the doorway split by the Prince of Lordaeron. .

Then Sora executed the final agreement.

The huge magic power of the sun well rushing into the sky was deflected by the magic prism, and the arcane torrent spewed out against the pipeline, burning all non-magic life below the "index line".

The last group of high elves guarding the Sunwell was signaled by Captain Sola, bypassing Arthas, who was only a few people around, and rushing towards the outside.

Arthas walked slowly in front of Carlos and Sola, pulled a chair by himself and sat down.

"I'll take care of the remaining minor troubles, you two will talk first."

I don't know what is going on with Alsace, anyway, Carlos ran through 10,000 wild horses.

Brother-in-law and brother-in-law were silent, and the death knights and liches weren't the opponents of the high elf revolutionist Sola Starbreaker who had the magic blessing of the sun well.

Soon, Sola returned to the small dining table with an ashes urn, and placed Carlos's father-in-law, Alsace's father, on the table full of food.

Arthas kept his gaze on Stomka, who was leaning on the edge of the table. Carlos questioned Sola with a sharp look. The female superstar shook her head at the former boss, indicating that she had never taken refuge in the Lich King. .

Kalecgos lay on the ground and pretended to be dead, completely unknown what was going on under Byakugan. A weak and helpless blue dragon dared not say anything, could do nothing, and could only lie on the wall and pretend to be dead.

After about four hundred heartbeats, Arthas looked up at Carlos, an unidentified meaning flashed in his eyes, stretched out his hand to pick up the ashes and stood up.

Carlos restrained the idea of ​​hands-on with great perseverance and silently followed the development of the event.

Then, Arthas also held Frostmourne in one hand, and his father's ashes urn in the other, walked to the edge of the sun well, raised his arm and threw the urn in.

The magic of the sun well quickly melted the material of the urn itself, and the ashes infiltrated by the power of the shadow crazily absorbed the magic of the sun well, rotating and trembling, turning into skeletons imprinted with mysterious textures, and reuniting the human form.

A phantom came out of Arthas's body and plunged into this torrent of arcane and soul intertwined.

The rune light of Frostmourne also dimmed.

At this time, Kel'Thuzad finally reappeared in the world.

Carlos took Stomka and stood up.

Sora walked to Arthas before him, leaving Carlos with an undefended back.

"Are you ready?"

Sora seemed to be asking Alsace, and he seemed to be asking Carlos.

"ready anytime."

The words Alsace said made Carlos feel the difference.

"The magical power of the Sunwell blocked the spiritual power of the Lich King, and resurrecting Kel'Thuzad consumed the power of Frostmourne. Therefore, what is in front of you is not the most loyal dogleg of the Lich King, but the one you know. Alsace."

Sora turned sideways and pointed to the chest of the Lich, who was still bathed in the torrent of magical power, and said to Carlos.

Looking along the female high-precision fingers, Carlos's eyes under the sunglasses are already round.

Kel'Thuzad's body of the Lich had a bleak core of Naaru condensed in the chest.

When did Sora move his hands and feet in the ashes? ? ?

"What I have to do is over, Carlos. Although I can't get your people, I will help you educate your children to become talents."

Speaking words of inexplicable meaning, Sora waved his arms and opened a portal to leave the place.

Arthas turned his head and opened his mouth slightly. In the end he didn't say anything. He raised Frostmourne and lit up the soul fire in Kel'Thuzad's body, and the demigod lich was finally fully resurrected.

"What a pleasant reunion, Carlos, my old friend."

Kel'Thuzad made a loud snap of his bones, and the restless magic of the Sunwell was instantly calmed down.

"Your Majesty, please leave it to me to deal with this. The natural disaster army still needs your command."

Kel'Thuzad also opened a portal, and Arthas nodded and stepped into it.

As a result, Kel'Thuzad, who was unclear on his position, Karegos who was carrying a corpse, and Carlos who was wearing sunglasses were left on the scene.

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