The false light in the light, to sell the people to the empire for his own marriage, and go to sea as squid.

Criticize a Sara by name.

The real light in the light, all members of the anti-corps, destroy the clan and guard the order.

Naru Cow [BEEP]!

This is a race older than the Pantheon Titans.

This is the cosmic hero of the whole family who resists the death order of the burning ancestor.

However, the Naaru clan that once spread throughout the universe has withered.

The plan to form the Light Legion against the Burning Legion has no possibility of success from the beginning of its design.

Fighting infinitely with limited, the only gain is doomed to failure.

But the Naaru did not regret it.

The dying Naaru had no regrets, and the surviving Naaru moved on.

This is true for Adal, and so is Mulu.

With the final message from the dark side of the universe from the astral mage Medivh, all the surviving Naaru almost foresee the fall of Mulu at the same time.

This mighty Naaru will perish on that planet called Azeroth.

Mulu was not afraid of his own destiny, he readily accepted his own destiny, and accompanied Adal to the broken Draenor, waiting for what was about to happen.

However, Mulu's fate has twists and turns.

The first to arrive at Shattrath was not a visitor from Azeroth, but a fleet from the universe.

The man who claimed to be the King of Steel offered Adal a deal, which involved Mulu.

So Mulu accepted the reality of his own death in advance.

This Naaru divided all its power of light into three, and gave one to an orc who wears an iron mask but believes in the holy light next to the King of Steel, and one is given to Adal for use. The last one Part is used to redeem the sad broken ones.

Thus, the King of Steel swept the entire Outland in a way that burned the Legion even more than the Burning Legion.

"What is your purpose?"

Turalyon looked at the man in front of him and asked the most core question.

"Obviously, now the Outland belongs to me, where are you outsiders going back and forth."

The King of Steel responded to the leaders of the Human Expeditionary Army with an unquestionable attitude.

"But the orcs are the aboriginal people here, why..."

Alleria's words were interrupted by the Iron King.

"Don't try to irritate me, for the last time, Outland is already my territory, understand?"

Frankly speaking, the humanoid creature wearing power armor in front of him gave Turalyon an inexplicable sense of familiarity, but the more arrogant temperament than the void demon reminds Turalyon that this guy has just eliminated all the demons in the outer domain. .

In terms of fist, the expeditionary army is incomparable.

To be fair, the plan of the King of Steel caused great comfort in the middle and lower classes of the expeditionary army.

Because the Iron King does not want "outsiders" in his territory, he plans to reopen the dark gate and send the expeditionary army back to his hometown of Azeroth.

Turalyon was still skeptical of the intentions of the Iron Lord, wondering if this guy wanted to use the Dark Portal to invade Azeroth.

But Adal's guarantee is credible and reliable.

This makes Turalyon very contradictory.

Instead, Alleria's dissatisfaction was much simpler.

Because the King of Steel is not only preparing to expel humans, but also expelling most of the orcs to Azeroth.

Either go or die.

Different from the entanglement of human beings, the receptive ability of the suffering orcs in this respect is much higher than that of the expeditionary army.

At least Gaiaan, the de facto supreme leader of the Mag'har orcs, did not oppose it.

In other words, Gaia'an was persuaded.

Because there is an orc beside the Iron King.

Mag'han means untainted in orc language.

Because the Burning Legion used the blood of the devil to transform the orcs into a tool of war to invade Azeroth, in addition to the orcs whose skin turned green after drinking the blood of the devil, a kind of red pox was also found among the orcs who did not drink the blood of the devil. Spreading wantonly.

Until the second time the Dark Portal was opened, Gromsh Hellscream went to Azeroth, and the red pox still tortured the orcs staying in Draenor.

Gaiaan took in and raised many war orphans.

For example, the "famous" Nagrand Three Masters.

They are Dranosh Saurfang, Garrosh Hellscream, and Jorin Blind Eye.

Dranosh Saurfang, commonly known as the little Saurfang, is the son of King Saurfang and Varok Saurfang.

Unlike Garrosh Hellscream, Dranosh Saurfang was a child who was handed over to Gaia'an by his father Varok Saurfang to raise him.

Because Varok Saurfang did not want his children to be involved in this war with no end in sight.

Gromsh Hellscream really wants to take his son to fight the world, but Garrosh Hellscream has been plagued by red pox since he was a child, and his body is weak. It has only been a few years since he recovered. He has his father's. Kind of style.

By the way, Garrosh Hellscream's Mag'har Chieftain was obtained by beating his grandmother.

Although Gaia'an didn't care about this, Garrosh, who was beginning to be sensible, would call him the chief and who would be anxious now.

But the Mak'gora ceremony is sacred and inviolable, and Garrosh defeated Gaia'an, so he is the new chief of Mag'har.

As for Yorin Deadeye, because of the basic plate of the Deadeye clan left by his father, the relationship with the Mag'har orcs is very close, and it is not easy to evaluate.

Although it is not clear what price the Mag'har orcs were offered by the Iron Lord, it has become an established fact that both humans and orcs must leave Outland.

The Hellfire Citadel has been slaughtered by the Iron King’s army. Kargath Fist Blade tried to challenge the Iron King and was killed. The Honor Hold has been a rare leisure for many years, and the orcs are gathering from Nagrand towards the Hellfire Peninsula.

Under the power of the Iron King, Outland is operating according to his ideas.

"This is just nonsense. Humans and orcs leave this broken Draenor together, are you preparing us to go out of the Dark Portal and fight for it first?"

Danath Trollbane slobbed at the old man Turalyon, venting his dissatisfaction.

"It's a good thing to be able to go home, but what do you think Terenas would think about walking with the orcs?"

"The problem is that we can't fight the King of Steel. You have seen his fleet and his soldiers. We don't have the power to fight, or even stand to fight."

Turalyon was also full of irritability.

"Yes, yeah, who made this guy an enemy of the Burning Legion? The enemy's enemy is a friend, and he is willing to send us home."

However, she continued to slobber, staring at Alleria with her eyes, and motioned to the female high-quality lady to speak too.

However, Alleria just hugged her son Arato and said nothing.

The troubles are all high-level, and the middle and low-level officers and soldiers of the Expeditionary Army are simply ecstatic to return to their hometowns in their lifetime.

Every day without the Burning Legion is a good day, and the temptation to go home makes the soldiers of the expeditionary army reluctant to think about the orcs.

So what became a sharp contrast was outside the Fortress of Glory, singing happily to the wine, the conference room in the Fort of Glory, a bunch of heads and brains were weeping.

"Wait until Kurdran comes over from Shadowmoon Fortress."

Turalyon had no better way other than procrastination.

In this way, Shattrath, who was happy and sad, and still calm, Adal "looked" directly at the humans in front of him, and handed the Mulu Nucleus that had moved his hands and feet to the King of Steel.

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