Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 824 Water of Lordamere, Tears of Guy Elsas

Stormwind has the anxiety of Stormwind, and Carlos has Carlos's troubles.

Kel'Thuzad was resurrected.

Although the whole process was full of conspiracy and weirdness visible to the naked eye, the strategic purpose of the Scourge was achieved.

Carlos may earn blood, but Ner'zhul certainly did not lose.

With the strategic contraction of the undead natural disasters, the war in the north has entered a stalemate.

Kel'Thuzad led the elite main force of the undead and natural disasters to the Stratholme area in an orderly manner. Magni made the decision to guard against the Baishuihe camp as soon as he received the news, with the vanguard and rescuers. The refugees who came out ran away.

This is a wise and helpless decision.

With the loss of the barriers, the undead natural disasters caused by the alliance is uncomfortable.

With the mere round of military power, over time, the alliance’s combat power will eventually surpass the Legion.

Unfortunately not now.

Lordaeron still has a million bones and countless savings of the Menethil family.

On the vast land east of the Baishui River, three to four hundred thousand undead spirits are ready to go, waiting for the master's order.

In a short period of time, the Scourge was still a terrifying slayer.

Especially after Alsace lost track.

The battle of Silvermoon City was the last time the living people witnessed Arthas.

Since then, countless pieces of information, both openly and secretly, have told the fact that Kel'Thuzad, the demigod lich, has taken over the control of the Scourge in Lordaeron.

This is a good thing strategically.

Because Arthas was the eyes of the Lich King, the substitute for Ner'zhul's will.

As long as Alsace exists, the Undead Scourge will have the sharpest knife, and it will never be disadvantageous.

But from a tactical point of view, it is not so comfortable.

Unlike Alsace, who won with strength, Kel'Thuzad perfectly interpreted that old saying.

The heart of playing spells is dirty.

After changing a commander in chief, the tactics of the undead natural disasters have changed, becoming more damaging and dehumanizing.

Finally, the vast land east of the barrier gate and west of the Baishui River was largely cleared, and the siege of Hearthglen was lifted. Uther finally had time to reflect and evaluate the situation.

If Carlos hadn't defended Andorhal desperately like an iron-headed baby, the situation at this time might be too bad to imagine.

Andorhal is like a wedge, just stuck in the transport artery of the undead natural disasters.

At that time, everyone felt that abandoning Andorhal’s vitality was the right and cost-effective choice.

However, once the half-step retreat is taken seriously, the damage of a small action will inevitably be so great.

Holding a group of 200,000 heavy soldiers, Uther still felt his scalp tingling in the face of Kel'Thuzad's tentative attack.

The Lich's way of commanding troops is completely different from that of Arthas.

Alsace's offense is generally divided into three steps.

The first step, little ones, come on.

The second step, young ones, follow me.

In the third step, Frostmourne is hungry.

This kind of natural disaster army fought fiercely, but it was not difficult to deal with it, and the hard work would be over.

However, Kel'Thuzad led the army, it really carried the annihilation of humanity to the Ultimate.

Plague corpse bombs returned to refugees infected with the plague, a large number of plague ghouls were dropped, and spies were sent to drop the plague on the settlements.

Regardless of your artillery fire, I'll just do something new.

Under Kel'Thuzad's plan, the Alliance army and the Undead Scourge fell into a weird battlefield balance.

The Alliance defended the barrier and seized Dahlone County. There is also a remnant of high elves in the north that can be used as reinforcements. If these hundreds of thousands of undead elites are annihilated, the undead natural disasters will not be played.

To the east, the alliance is on the offensive.

On the other hand, in Lordaeron, the Summoning divisions are constantly making new undead soldiers, and there is no shortage of armaments. Before, it was to supply Alsace to use, and go eastward with all his strength.

Now that Quel'Thalas is broken, Kel'Thuzad is resurrected.

All the pressure hit Garithus for a while.

Once Lordaeron's undead legion pierced the defense of Silver Pine Mountain Road with millions of ranks, then the current good situation of the alliance will be ruined. The pressure was so great that Garithus, who was flourishing, went bald overnight, which was really sad.

Bingxuan ploughed the ground, and there were so many troubles that he couldn't get away from it.

So Carlos didn't even have the time to meet Guy Elsas, and hurried off by boat.

no way.

An old friend of more than ten years can't stand the fact that Gilneas is more important than Quel'Thalas.

This is the strategic posture.

Arthas didn't care if he only had the sun well in his eyes, then Quel'Thalas was the main direction, even if there were only a few hundred people, Carlos would also come.

Now that Kel'Thuzad is resurrected, the movement of Lordaeron has become the most important issue, and Carlos can't help but feel anxious.

It's not that there is no plan.

When necessary, it is possible to abandon the entire northern part of the Hillsbrad area.

Because on the life-and-death battlefield, only strength can not deceive people, Garithus's regiment can't stop the undead and natural disasters that have occupied the wreckage of the Kingdom of Lordaeron.

This is determined by the hard power gap.

So when Gene Greymane's letter was relayed, even the toughest alliance diehard chose to shut up.

Regardless of whether the spoils are unevenly distributed, or whether Terenas is an improper person, if you Gilneas quit the league, you will deny yourself to Lordaeron and be an improper brother.

After all, the alliance is a political and military organization, not a cultural and commercial food circle. You can come and leave if you want.

Loyalty does not mean absolute disloyalty, and withdrawal from the alliance is a big deal.

Therefore, in the so-called "normal" historical line, after being cursed by the werewolf, Gene Greymane had to pay an extremely high price, and even the night elves had to coordinate and coordinate before returning to the big family of the Alliance.

Because the traitor is always more hateful than the enemy.

With the destruction of Silvermoon City, the Lich King wished, and the undead natural disaster strategy turned, the Gilneas Kingdom suddenly had room for strategic maneuvers.

Whoever shares life and death with me is my half-brother.

If Gilneas is willing to fight the war with all its strength, then the Alliance does not need to abandon the strong fortifications of barriers to carry out a last resort counteroffensive, nor does it need to expend huge manpower, material resources and energy to carry out troop transfers.

If Gilneas is willing to return to the league at this time, then everyone can let the past go.

The timing is really good.

Even when the elders of Lordaeron who were very grieving against the Gilneas Kingdom held private gatherings, they admitted that they were advancing in this alliance to regain lost ground.

At the time, Gilneas did catch a good card.

What is this called?

The sky is falling!

The sky didn't seem to collapse completely, and a tall man resisted it.

Not only has it withstood, it seems to be able to plug the loopholes.

The Kingdom of Gilneas is the big rock.

So Carlos hurriedly ventured back to South Blue Town from Silvermoon City.

As long as it survives the short period of weakness of the Silver Pine Forest Defense Line, with the recovery of production and life, the withdrawal of the undead from Lordaeron will be an inevitable result.

So when Guy Elsas looked at his kingdom full of scorched earth, his king’s capital was ruined, his father’s bones were gone, and his people shed blood and tears, he could only endure the grief of mixed tastes, and he asked. .

"Where is Carlos?"

"There is an emergency military situation, the Knight King has returned home by sea."

"I will remember to call him the Grand Marshal of the Alliance from now on."


Guy Elsas even refused the surviving dignitaries' request that he immediately ascended the throne to stabilize the people's hearts, and turned around to gather the army to prepare for the south.

At this time, it is the high elf who needs an alliance, and he must make a gesture for the survival of the people.

At this moment, just like that moment.

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