As the number one archmage in Azeroth, Guy Elsas can hypocritically claim that the busy state has delayed his craftsmanship.

As the king of Quel'Thalas, the fate of the high elf Master is in his hands, and this burden makes him breathless.

It was too tragic.

The residents of Silvermoon City did not survive, and the entire population of Quel'Thalas lost more than 70%.

The country is not broken, the home is forgotten.

Guy Elsas was sitting in the position once belonged to his father, lowering his head and stroking the family heirloom sword and flame attack recovered by Grand Magister Bi Luohua. It seemed that the disputes in the royal court had nothing to do with him.

Thousands of things are disturbed one after another, and there is only one core of the dispute-everyone does not want to pay.

This is the typical survivor bias.

Most of those who dared to work hard died on the night when Silvermoon City was broken.

Such a composition of members of the council created a scene where Sylvanas was like a shrew cursing on the street.

The wise man is not only Guy Er'thas alone, at least the so-called "military" understands that the threat of undead natural disasters has not gone away. Kel'Thuzad only contracted defenses and withdrew from Quelsa in response to the military threat from the alliance. As long as the Alliance army loses a little on the frontal battlefield, the Scourge will immediately make a comeback in the territory of Lars.

Therefore, the high elves must immediately, must have a clear-cut stand, and must devote themselves to the war against the Scourge without reservation.

This is no longer a problem of dying lips and cold teeth, it is a desperate need to live.

After losing the arcane energy of the Sunwell, Silvermoon City is no longer the indestructible shelter that used to be.

If you don't take the initiative to attack, Quel'Thalas will only be the meat on the chopping block of the Lich King.

But what do these members and "alternate members" say?

"We need to recuperate."

"The covenant corresponds to the fact that the orcs invaded the human world and we helped them. Now it is time for the humans to repay them."

"Your Majesty, please put the people first!"

The hat is so good, whether it is wearing a hat or buttoning a hat.

Sylvanas was already laughing angrily.

Although he does not wait to see Carlos personally for personal reasons, as the highest military commander in Quel'Thalas, he has to admit that the judgment made by Guy Elsas is not wrong.

The more you lose, the more generous you will be, and the more exhausted you will be, the more you will have to fight to the end.

It is the high elves who really want to pull the covenant obligation.

If Quel'Thalas really sent troops at the time, perhaps the undead natural disasters would not break out.

Now, what does Silvermoon City use to discuss benefits with the same severely damaged humans?

Can only talk about "feelings".

Only by grasping the traditional friendship "since ancient times" can the high elves re-tie themselves to the side of the alliance.

Only by sending troops at all costs can it prove that Quel'Thalas is still the "owner" of the Alliance.

It was the moment of life and death, and he still couldn't figure out where he should stand.

Some people are stupid, some are bad.

After finding that her words were useless, Sylvanas waved her hand, and the dozen or so officers present collectively retreated to the chair and sat down with the ranger general.

Guy Elsas raised his eyes and glanced at Sylvanas, without saying a word.

In the past, such behavior may be a provocation to the crown, but as a general who defended Quel'Thalas' dignity, Sylvanas' behavior at this time did not touch Guy's bottom line.

As for Bi Luohua, he drank tea and ate cakes throughout the whole process, without any intention of opening his mouth.

Only a large number of "congressmen" tried to "take advantage of the victory" to persuade Guy Elsas to transfer the army from the border back to Silvermoon City.

Yes, although the Alliance has been notified, Quel'Thalas will officially participate in this war, and the high elves' army will obey the Alliance's dispatch.

But so far, the Farstriders led by Hadulun have only retaken the country and are building new fortifications.

Because the Undead Army retreated in an orderly manner, Arthas broke through Silvermoon City and ransacked Quel'Thalas. As a result, Guy El'thas simply did not have enough supplies to supply the already "limited number" of his own army.

The high elves still have money.

The master of several hundred years is not for nothing, even in the Alterac Kingdom, the high elves enjoy the most favorable commercial treatment.

But sometimes money cannot be used as "money".

So Guy Elsas has to endure the pain of missing his father, listening to a bunch of waste rap in the place of former authority like the vegetable market.

Because only they have enough material reserves in their hands.

Food, ordnance, magic materials, and the most precious... manpower.

"Calculating the itinerary, Carlos should have passed Biting Reef. That is to say, the Gilneas Kingdom should have reconnected with the Alliance, and there is not much time left for us."

Guy Elsas suddenly said softly.

"Who said no."

Only Bi Luohua, who was closest to Guy Elsace, heard his words clearly and responded casually.

The others, including Sylvanas and the officers, just saw the prince's lips move, but no one heard what Guy Elsace said.

But as the master of the Sunstrider King's Court, Guy Elsas has spoken, and it is hard for a courtier to say that he didn't hear clearly-what the Lord Kun said.

"Your Majesty, what are you talking about? It's too quiet. I didn't hear it clearly. Can you say it again."

There are really alternate members who spoke out with a simple face.


The scene was very embarrassing.

How did this kind of stunned green come in.

If it is really important, Guy Elsas will naturally find a way to make everyone hear his words clearly. Need you to interrupt? !

What is contempt for kingship? This is called contempt for kingship.

Finally, Guy Elsas raised his head, hit the floor with a sword, and made a crisp sound. Sylvanas took the lead and stood up, Bi Luohua also tidied his robes and stood up.

The veteran members of the Silvermoon City Council returned to their positions and stood in the order of status. Only the newcomers did not understand what they should do, and were somewhat at a loss.

After all, political movements are full of unspoken rules.

"My Excellency Grand Magister, I’m sorry to ask you to draft an official letter to inform His Excellency Carlos Barov, the Grand Marshal of the Alliance, that I will complete the coronation ceremony before the middle of this month. After thanking him for his selfless help, I will emphasize that , Quel'Thalas abide by the covenant and help each other with the nations of mankind."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

When Bi Luohua heard this, he immediately changed his words.

Before Guy Elsas was unwilling to be crowned the throne because of his personal wishes, he called his Royal Highness the covenant issue, but once he changed his tone, his Majesty took it for granted.

While Sylvanas was surprised, she cheered.

Is Guy Elsas finally ready to end the internal friction of Silvermoon City for thousands of years?

It was not only the Ranger General who thought of this, some members of the Silver Moon Council who had survived the natural disasters also thought of this, with a look of horror on their faces.

Look, Guy Elsas, he is carrying his father's sword!

However, Quel'Thalas is not Alterac after all, and Guy El'thas is not Carlos.

He raised the blow of the flames high and put it down gently, only asking the nobles present to offer gifts.

Sylvanas suddenly became disheartened, thinking of Thorah Starbreaker's comments on Sunstrider and his son.

"Anastarian knows how to unite his own people, but Guy Elsas tries to unite everyone."

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