Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 826 Alliance of Losers (Part 2)

People's sorrows and joys do not want to pass, this article also applies to elves.

There is no distinction between night elves and high elves.

The Sunwell was polluted, but the Grand Magister Bi Luohua survived because of Carlos' intervention, so Guy Elsas did not rush to blow up the Sunwell.

Therefore, the problem of the addiction of the high elves has not yet erupted, and the high elves are still hypocritical of their pain, human beings do not understand.

The Emerald Dream was polluted by Satyr, Malfurion was often drowsy, and Tyrande received the news that Ashenvale Forest was stolen and stolen by orcs, so she could only let her adopted daughter Shandris Feathermoon look after the backyard, no more Instructions.

The reason is simple, Illidan made a big news.

After all, Dan Dema underestimated the two old men. Whether it was Jarod Shadowsong or Illidan Stormrage, they were not fuel-efficient lamps.

Although Illidan agreed to the deal between Dan Dema and Jarod, he did not intend to follow their plan.

Similarly, Jarod did not expect Illidan to be obedient after accepting the current situation.

So the three night boys... maybe two and a half?

Anyway, the three old men went back to the Baiyang Valley, and then went to the Black Crow Fortress. They should take the inheritance and convene the old ministry. Anyway, there is no secret action at all.

In this way, although Dan Dema and Gallodra rallied a group of old comrades in arms and had the means to check and balance Illidan and his Naga army, they also made a huge movement.

Anyway, Fandral Staghelm is a pick, one is your son-in-law, one is your former leader, and the other is your old lover. I can't control or control it, whoever loves it.

Tyrande had no choice but to follow up with the Sisters of Elune, ready to arm and ask the three "Bs" what they wanted to do.

Tyrande. Whispering can handle things I’m in charge of Maiev Shadowsong, and Tyrande’s whispering can’t control things, Maiev Shadowsong is even more concerned. I don’t need anyone’s permission to slaughter first and then play. It's the watchman!

Especially since her stupid brother had disappeared for thousands of years and then appeared again, plus Illidan's previous hatred, Maiev had no reason not to get involved.

As a result, Dan Dema didn't understand how big a battle he had made, so he went to Northrend with pride.

Illidan's purpose was very clear. Although he couldn't tell the truth from Dan Dema, using the power of the Eye of Sargeras to shred the Ice Throne was originally one of his means to achieve his goal. The deal proposed by Dan Dema and Jarod was in line with his purpose, so Illidan didn't mind "using" two old acquaintances.

Although Jarod was a bit clouded, he imagined Dan Dema and the "future" that Dan Dema had shown him, so the elven commander who had avoided thousands of years stood up again.

As for Dan Dema, although she didn't understand why Elune would go over her priestesses and directly issue oracles to herself, she didn't mind doing something for the goddess.

As a result, the destruction of the Ice Throne began half a year earlier than the other world line.

It's just that all of this has suffered Dandema's daughter-in-law Shandris Yuyue.

Because Thrall is here.

The biggest difference from another world line is that shipping in this world is more developed.

After Gromsh Hellscream was trapped in Azeroth by Ner'zhul Pit at the end of the Second Orc War, he did not guard the white mountains and black waters of Lordaeron, but took the ship and took his remaining Warsong clan directly to the sea. Run away.

Something went wrong, or under the arrangement of fate, the chief of the Warsong clan came to Kalimdor five years earlier than Thrall.

Do you know how Gromsh Hellscream lived the past five years?

Tenten was all playing battle royale, and they were all forced to eat chickens, fast (bitter) and happy (forced) to no avail.

When leaving the Eastern Kingdoms, there were more than 20,000 warsong clans who followed Gromsh Hellscream and traveled all the way to Kalimdor, fighting with naga, centaur, and tauren. Fighting with wild boars and fighting against the negative effects of exhausted demon's blood, the warsong clan has lost up to 60% of its staff.

Gromsh Hellscream, even though his heart is as hard as iron, is still tortured by the clan's constant weakness and decline.

So when he learned that Thrall had led more than two hundred thousand compatriots to land, Gromsh Hellscream was overjoyed.

On another world line, Thrall led his tribe to cross the ocean for more than half a year. It was so miserable that even the murlocs could bully the orcs. On the one hand, because there were few people, on the other hand, it was because of the wrong seasons, and went against the sea breeze and ocean currents. Long way.

This time, Thrall went smoothly, and the dividends of the undead natural disasters that were perfectly eaten led the new tribe to survive the difficult years at sea.

Then the natives near the crossroads suffered.

Kalimdor, who is unfamiliar with one or two thousand orcs, may not be considered a cruel role, just look at Gromsh Hellscream and his Warsong clan.

Two hundred thousand orcs in a hungry state, that is really going to fight heaven and earth!

Especially when the scouts of the Warsong clan took the initiative to find Thrall and told the warchief of the tribe that there were actually some compatriots who had already drawn a map in this area...

World famous painting, Gromsh and Thrall successfully joined Stonetalon Mountain.

At this time, on the other side of the ocean, Carlos was still struggling to support the Andorhal line of defense, unwilling to let go.

The Horde triumphantly joined forces in Kalimdor, the alliance marched forward to regain the lost ground, and the Lich King was content to complete the strategic goal. It seemed that it was a situation where only the legs of the table were losing money.

Then Illidan broke out.

Lordaeron was not built in a day, and it is impossible to destroy the Icecrown Glacier.

In fact, according to the estimation of the Naga Storm Ritual under Vaschi, it would take at least half a year to use the Eye of Sargeras to destroy the Icecrown Glacier if the spell was cast in the coastal zone of Northrend.

When Illidan heard it, it was pretty good, half a year?

What to do, advance inland, the closer to the magic node of Icecrown Glacier, the shorter the casting time.

It's best to go to the Blue Dragon King's lair, and you will be able to react after chanting there in the middle of the afternoon.

Well, very good, first hit the Blue Dragon Legion and then step on the Scourge Legion.

Who is going?

You go!

I am not, who is going to die, are you serious?

Old decent man.

What a coincidence, me too.



Anyway, neither Illidan or Vaskey nor Dan Dema and Jarod had any intention to provoke Malygos, so they symbolically marched along the river for two hundred miles, and found a magic node. That's it. Er.

At this time, the Lich King had not realized the seriousness of the problem, and his attention remained on the continent of Lordaeron, remotely controlling Arthas and Kel'Thuzad to speed up the magic ritual for summoning Archimonde.

After all, Archimonde's reputation is much better than Kil'jaeden.

Unlike fraudsters, polluters are domineering and never default on the promised benefits.

Therefore, the Lich King Ner'zhul still dreamed of winning directly by building the wonder.

At this time, about 0.4 light-years away from Azeroth, a naaru technology-style spacecraft was continuously accelerating under the towing of the gravitational lock.

At this time, on the other side of the Dark Portal, in the broken Draenor, someone was trying to reopen the portal.

At this time, Carlos Barov is about to arrive at the sea outside the Kingdom of Gilneas.

The curtain of a big drama is being accelerated.

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