Live with closed doors, good ideas, too many problems.

Just like the famous saying of the three-body man, what does it do to destroy you?

The Kingdom of Gilneas wants isolationism. In principle, there is nothing wrong with it, but its actions are all obstacles.

The undead natural disaster wants to eat people, even if you are not a member of the alliance?

The Greymane Wall is really good, blocking most of the natural disaster troops.

But Gene Greymane is not a fool. He understands that if the alliance outside the wall fails, Gilneas will not become the last paradise for mankind.

Regarding Terenas Menethil II's move to cross the river and demolish the bridge, Gene Greymane is still unforgettable, and the decision to withdraw from the alliance was made after weighing the pros and cons.

After all, he is the king of Gilneas first and a member of the league second.

However, Gilneas has its own national conditions. When Gene Greymane keenly perceives that he should stand with his compatriots outside the wall again, the domestic resistance is so huge.

Even Jean Greymane had an illusion that the world was not worthy.

The Gilneas Kingdom is running out of food.

As the third largest country in terms of land area after Lordaeron and Stormwind, Gilneas has never lacked arable land.

However, Gilneas is short of people.

Since the Second Orc War, the Gilneas have been the main force in the war after Lordaeron.

However, the high cost of war and the huge casualties were exchanged for the maintenance costs of the bottomless pit of the orc shelter.

As a kingdom bordering the sea, Gilneas' maritime trade is underdeveloped. Because of its main coastline and high-quality deep-water ports, there are a large number of hidden reefs. These reefs, called "bite reefs", hindered the development of ocean trade and fisheries in Gilneas, while also protecting the long maritime borders of the Kingdom of Gilneas.

So when the Greymane Wall is completed, the Gilneas Kingdom will have the capital to practice isolationism.

If Gilneas is given two more generations, perhaps the kingdom can continue to thrive.

However, the undead natural disaster shattered the beautiful vision of Gilneas.

Withdrawing from the alliance, repairing the wall, Gilneas self-isolated, unable to conduct material transactions with their compatriots, everything can only rely on themselves.

The Scourge army pressed the land, and the Greymane Wall gathered a third of the young and middle-aged men in the kingdom.

So who is going to farm?

Natural disasters are man-made disasters!

Even if there is a tall Greymane Wall, the Gilnean casualties are still not small, and the consumption of war materials is exaggerated.

So after hearing that Carlos Barov was in charge of the alliance, Gene Greymane wrote a private letter, wanting to chat with his "old comrades" to see if he could buy some supplies from the alliance.

Yes, this is a wonderful misunderstanding.

Gene Greymane didn't mean to return to the league at all. His letter was completely private, and it was nothing more than scrabbling rabbits, wanting to talk about feelings with Carlos.

So when Carlos and Dalin sent messengers in small boats to take advantage of the high tide to cross the biting reef and arrive at Keel Harbor, it even triggered a political earthquake in Gilneas City.

Let me talk about Carlos's companionship with Dalin Proudmoore, which is not an accident.

After half a year of rushing, Admiral Marine did indeed raise a lot of food for the Alliance from the sea, helping the people of Lordaeron who suffered from the undead natural disaster to survive the initial famine.

With the orderly progress of reclamation, the alliance’s food crisis was gradually resolved.

This is a good thing.

However, Daelin Proudmoore's baby daughter poke him a big basket again, and this is the real reason why he is preparing to land.

Thrall led the new tribe and ransacked Tol Barad, and even the Marine civilian ship in Stromgarde and the pirate black ship in Palatine Bay, which was a small sampan, were all used to transport orcs across the sea.

Jaina didn't have such courage, and she didn't dare to rob allies. She forged her father's notes at will, and directly transferred the fleet that had completed the transfer business of Carlos's upper elf population to help her transport her followers. Prepare to go to Kalimdor to "start a business" according to the "Apocalypse".

As for the freight...

What shipping cost?

Daughter pit Laozi still needs a reason?

Hai's daughter still has to pay for her own fleet!

Bai Tiao, I owe it, I owe it first, and I look back for Dad to go.

In this way, Jaina directly took away the more than 40,000 people who followed her.

Leave Dalin Proudmoore with a big face of daze.

Carlos transported 20,000 high-level elves, and had to manage it from side to side. The transit took a lot of real money, and it took more than nine months before and after.

Look at Jaina, it's really a walk-and-go trip.

For this group of "owners", Jaina even called on Dai Lin's forage raised for the alliance.

So Dai Lin had to return from the sea, and took the initiative to ask Carlos to explain the problem.

Kul Tiras is rich, and the Proudmoore family is not short of money. Dalin doesn't care about the money Jaina spends, but the war against the undead and natural disasters is in full swing, and Jaina privately "robbed" military resources. Behavior, that is a serious problem that can be big or small.

To make it smaller, it's just an internal problem in Kul Tiras.

On a larger scale, this is treason and the crime of undermining the unity of the alliance!

So on the journey to South Blue Town, Dai Lin met the ship of the high elves on the main channel and greeted Carlos with a semaphore.

"Two hundred thousand orcs? Where are the two hundred thousand orcs from Thrall. I didn't release water in Arathi. He is at most...Forget it, just treat him as 200,000. Just those boats in Tol Barad, Two hundred thousand orcs in the fortress...Forget it, forget this, even if Thrall has packed the orcs in, what do those orcs eat and drink?"

Regarding Jaina's cheating, what can Carlos do besides sighing with Dai Lin, after all, it was his elder niece who grew up watching him, and of course he chose to forgive her.

But Carlos was a little surprised at the other thing that Dalin mentioned.

Thrall took the new tribe and ran away. This is something Carlos knew. At that time, he had the opportunity to strangle Thrall in the Arathi Highlands.

But the undead natural disasters came. In the choice between Lordaeron and the orcs, Carlos chose the two million survivors of Lordaeron. In a disguised form, it was equivalent to letting Thrall go.

Because he was still shipping the high elves, Carlos believed that Thrall was able to take thirty to fifty thousand orcs to accompany him on the road.

Two hundred thousand, Thrall couldn't even put the orcs into the pigeon cage as slaves!

"When I received the call from Tol Barad, it was too late. That guy didn't take the regular waterway, but the deep water."

Dai Lin explained.

"After learning about this, I immediately tried to chase with my hands, but unfortunately I was always a step slower or even two or three steps. The last time I was only about two days away from the orcs, I missed it, but I missed it. At that time I had to recruit you Food, there is no time to die, I chased it for more than 20 days and then gave up."

"What can I find."

Carlos didn't think Dalin was shirking any more, so he took the conversation and signaled Admiral Marine to continue.

"Yes, that Thrall is called [Prophet] by the guys on the islands along the way."

Carlos nodded and almost blurted out "I know this".

"Thar ransacked the islands he passed by, looted ships, even the pirates, and used lightning to kill the behemoths of the deep sea to eat meat, and summon giant water elements to quench his subordinates' thirst. Anyway, all I heard were these. Weird rumors."

I didn't believe Dalin Proudmoore's face, but Carlos could understand it.

Is this the correct way to use shamans? !

The rumors about Yuanhai are nothing more than small talk. The real priority at the moment is the meeting with Gene Greymane.

The messenger has already been sent out, and counting the round-trip journey, there should be a reply within two days.

Suo Xian Carlos pulled Dai Lin directly to an island with a water source near the main channel, waiting for the messenger to reply.

As a result, his own messenger did not wait, but a fake Gilneas messenger arrived.

"Hello two uncles, this is Tess Greymane."

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