Biting the reef is really evil.

The exclusive economic zone of three nautical miles stuck with the Gilneas is really impossible for enemy ships to enter and fishing boats to get out.

Why did Carlos wait for Gilneas City's reply at Keel Harbor?

Not because the bite reef in that place has been continuously destroyed by Gilneas for hundreds of years, and finally there is a narrow navigation channel.

As long as the coastal defense guns at Keel Harbor remain silent, the passage of ships is still safe and reliable.

But Gilneas City is different.

As an imperial city, the bite reef in the open sea is an important part of coastal defense, and no one dares to move.

The densely packed sharp reef pierced the sea level like the fine fangs in the mouth of a sea beast, biting out waves of incomplete waves during the rising and falling of the tide.

Obviously it is an offshore continental shelf, which still creates the effect of deep-sea fear.

It's scary.

Daelin's Kul Tiras fleet plus an elven warship from Quel'Thalas.

Carlos thought for a while, and finally brought the warship of the high elves with a distinctive style.


Military operations that cannot be defeated at all are simply demonstrations.

Thirteen ships lined up on the sea on the west side of Gilneas City, and they are still very beautiful.

Even if the Gilneans knew that these ships could not cross the biting reef, the dense muzzle of those black holes was still scary.

Although Arthas joined the baptism ceremony of the Knights of the Silver Hand, Terenas still invited Gene to attend, but this was only an invitation from the aristocracy at the personal level. The exchanges between Gilneas and other countries have already been substantive after they withdrew from the alliance. Sex was interrupted.

In a generation, Gilneas' new youth have become strangers to fellow human beings.

On the contrary, it is the old guys, very calm.

For example, His Majesty the King of Gilneas.

In addition to sending thirty small boats to transport the supplies of the laborers, it also sent a special envoy to take her daughter home.

As soon as the information was shared, the fog of war disappeared.

In addition to the shocking swordsman and secret battle, it is Gene Greymane's fishing law enforcement.

Sure enough, maintaining one's own rule is the instinct of all kings without a teacher.

Darius Crowley was betrayed again.

Still double betrayal.

Dai Lin listened with gusto, but Carlos was not interested.

There is no way, Alterac has seen a lot of similar stories, and listening to the beginning can automatically make up for the follow-up development, which is really uninteresting.

Darius Crowley, who wanted to save the people, got the help of some "righteous men" in Gilneas City.

Lord Godfrey's inner story is not easy to guess, but his stand is very firm, always standing on the side of the winner.

So under the indulgence of many parties, Darius Crowley, who led the insurgents to break through the gates of Gilneas City, was used by his good friend Gene Greymane as a bait to fish out opponents in the King City.

As a result, Godfrey, who was supposed to be an "ally," unexpectedly "reversed" his old club.

This is not a military coup by the rebel forces at all. It is completely the king's premeditated elimination of dissidents.

Gene's preparations were too good, so the fire in Gilneas City didn't burn at all.

Only the young girl Tess was blinded by her father's superb acting skills and hurriedly played triathlon to find her two uncles to help her father and brother.

Tsk tsk, the people who followed Darius Crowley were pardoned, Godfrey was innocent, and only Crowley was injured.

The sky in Gilneas is still clear and cloudless.

If you go deeper, Gilneas' water is still muddy, but Carlos has no time to spend here.

In the name of the General Marshal of the Alliance, Carlos asked Jean to come to the ship for talks.

Unsurprisingly, Gene didn't come, and didn't even mention his daughter back to the city.

At this time even Dai Lin understood.

The situation in Gilneas may not be as stable as it appears.

But what good is it for Carlos and the league to pierce this level of appearance?

So with a princess, Carlos and Dalin left Gilneas.

"Do you think what Genn said is true?"

"It doesn't matter if it's true or not, anyway, it's impossible for Gilneas to return to the league again in the short term."

Carlos handed the secret letter back to Dai Lin, who shook his head but did not answer.

The envoy was not credible, but wanted to hide such a letter in the supplies.

The means are okay, the pattern is too small.

Isn't this telling Carlos that Gilneas is in trouble?

Leave his daughter on Dalin's ship and ask Carlos to send Tess to Dalaran.

Doesn't this make clear the meaning of Tuogu, implying that Gilneas City is not stable?

Which one did Gene Greymane play?

Carlos was confused and headed south with his niece.

After all, he didn't want to understand that if he left the center of the stage for too long, his acting skills would change.

The former Kingdom of Gilneas was the well-deserved second kingdom of Lordaeron. After the fall of the Kingdom of Lordaeron, shouldn't it be logical to become the strongest kingdom of Lordaeron?

The logic is perfect, but the fart is not useful.

While the Greymane Wall blocked Gilneas' prying eyes from the outside, it also shackled the internal vision and vision.

Darius Crowley wanted to appeal to the people and forced Gene Greymane to reintegrate into the mainstream of human society by means of military remonstrance.

So Darius Crowley stood on the opposite side of almost all Gilneas nobles, and it is not surprising that he was betrayed and knocked down.

The noble lords who "united" around King Jean were also divided into two parts.

Some of them are conservatives who are content with their fate. They think that repairing the wall will help the family for generations. It's good, and they don't want to move.

The other part felt that Lordaeron was in a disaster, and that the undead was raging is a good time for Gilneas to make progress, and I am sorry for not doing anything.

Desperately grabbing benefits is the core action logic of the landlord’s wealth.

It was at the time when the "national disaster" was at the head that the inexplicable turmoil in Gilneas City took place.

Although Gene was old and cunning and used his strength and intelligence to quickly quell the crisis of Darius Crowley's uprising, he was plunged into another kind of panic.

That is, "there are always unsophisticated people who want to harm me."

What if Godfrey wants to replace him and really help Crowley attack the city?

If people who oppose the Greymane family once again hold a group, how should they deal with it?

Hundreds of thousands of small question marks haunted Gene Greymane's head, making his thinking tend to be conservative.

As a result, Godfrey’s "King Guardian Army" that Godfrey had brought to Gilneas City was not immediately transferred back to the Greymane Wall.

Then, the Undead Scourge came.

At this time, the civil chaos in Gilneas was only five days away.

Carlos, who had already landed in Hainan Town and headed north, was also confused after receiving the emergency military information.

Did Kel'Thuzad brain pump?

The natural disasters of the undead entrenched in Lordaeron finally moved.

Overwhelming undead soldiers pushed south into the Silverpine Forest, and the northern defense line of Hillsbrad was in a state of emergency.

However, the army of the undead did not use their concentrated strength to forcibly attack the Silver Pine Mountain Road guarded by Garithos, but instead continued to fight with Gilneas and Garithus like a flood.

The biggest advantage of the Undead Scourge at present is the quantity.

The Alliance has proven in several wars that if the superior forces can be concentrated in frontal combat, humans can achieve major results with minimal casualties.

At the same time, it is also a lesson of blood and tears. If the Scourge is dragged down by its numerical superiority, no elite troops can escape the crisis of destruction.

Therefore, the undead army entrenched in Lordaeron simultaneously attacked the Greymane Wall and Silverpine Mountain Road, which is completely incomprehensible to the generals of the Alliance.

How arrogant and arrogant this is.

But no matter how arrogant and arrogant, the undead soldiers starting at a million are still a huge threat that cannot be ignored.

Carlos hesitated for a long time, after all, he ordered the transfer of 30,000 soldiers from Uther's side to support Garithus by boat and waterway.

Because the strategy of undead natural disasters makes the alliance completely possible, don't try it.

"Not enough, not enough, don't care about the loss, just push it with all your strength."

Kel'Thuzad muttered to himself on the group Yamanaka in the northwest of Hearthglen, on the floating fortress Naxxramas.

The spirit fire in the hollow eye sockets of the demigod lich fluctuates, no one knows that all its attention at this time is focused on the barrier gate.

The flooding of Lordaeron was false, and the subsequent full-scale outbreak in Stratholme was also false. Kel'Thuzad's real strategic intention has always been only one-to regain the barrier.

For this reason, the vital forces of the alliance must be mobilized.

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