Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 832 BIG HALF LIFE

War, war has never changed.

Compared with the second orc war, this time the alliance's war against the undead and natural disasters is even more tragic.

But not desperate.

Alex Barov didn't know how Terenas Menethil II felt when he stood on the wall of Lordaeron and watched the orcs flooding like a dark tide.

Regarding the siege of undead natural disasters, the Grand Duke of Regent standing on Alterac's wall did not panic in his heart.

It has been three months from the great victory of Anjador to the recapture of Hearthglen.

It has been a month since Lordaeron's undead counterattacked to Uther counterattacked Stratholme.

With the passage of time, summer grains were put into storage, and the food problem that had plagued the Grand Duke for half a year could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

With the full recovery of life and production, the nations of Lordaeron are no longer pressing for the supplies of the southern compatriots and allies.

The undead and natural disasters of Lordaeron attacked in a three-line manner with an imposing attitude, and the Silverpine Mountain Road guarded by Garithus brought the Kingdom of Gilneas to fight together. By the way, at least 200,000 troops were allocated to counterattack Hearthglen.

The undead elites in Stratholme were not idle either, hitting Dahlone County, pressing Quel'Thalas, and blocking the White Water River.

One by one, they all showed that Kel'Thuzad was ready to crush the people, and was ready to crush the Alliance army with the number of undead natural disasters.

But even Alex Barov hadn't thought of what a monster the alliance his son had reinvented was.

To liberate the productive forces is to liberate the combat power!

The gnomes may have some ideas about this. After all, in Gnomeregan, these shrewd little men have crossed the hurdle of automated production, and even touched the edge of intelligence.

However, the dwarf population is just that, and their industry may be cutting-edge, but they are restricted by their size.

The factories of the Barov family are inferior to dwarves in terms of technology, inferior to dwarves in terms of quality control, and inferior in terms of management of dwarf dwarves.

But under the endless demands of the war beast of the Alliance, the scale of rounds could not be matched by ten Gnomeregans.

Just as much as it is, it is beautiful.

In just six months, the thousand-year loneliness of Alterac Plateau was shattered by the roar of machinery.

Before the outbreak of the undead natural disasters, Alex Barov, with an annual output of less than 130,000 tons of steel, firmly held the status of the alliance's largest metal manufacturing supplier and withstood the economic sanctions imposed by his father-in-law.

In just half a year, Alterac's domestic steel output has doubled 12 times faster, approaching 1.5 million tons.

Originally, the nobles in Alterac were also worried that the Barov’s acceptance of two million refugees from Lordaeron would destroy the ruling foundation of the big guy.

Half a year has passed, and now who doesn't sing praises to Carlos.

Not enough manpower!

There is a shortage of labor from Hearthglen to Stromgarde.

Because of Gnomeregan’s painful lessons, the dwarfs have a deep sense of automation and shut their mouths about intelligence. They use the sweatshop model and rely on the huge population base of the alliance to forcibly complete the industry of the era of magic.*** .

Although Kel'Thuzad was shrewd and capable, even though he stepped into the realm of a demigod, he couldn't understand the unheard of ways.

So his strategy of all-out offensive was completely ineffective.

Because the truth is within the range of the cannon!

Whether it was the Lordaeron garrison under Garithus or the Southern Crusade under Uther, they had never fought such a wealthy battle.

During the heyday of the Kingdom of Lordaeron, the standing army was no more than 100,000. Only these professional soldiers enjoyed the full food and salary of the Menethil family and the treatment of weapons and equipment provided by the kingdom.

What about now?

As long as you join the army, you will first send out a complete set of armor.

The sword was cut at random, the gap was replaced with a new one, the gun was used casually, the rear was missing, the artillery entered the company, and the explosives went down to the grassroots level.

Even Carlos, in order to quickly transform productivity into combat effectiveness, directly ordered Guy Elsas and the elven wizards he brought to rub the rails and open the way with Pyroblast, and forcibly moved from Alterac City to Tarren Mill. The railway came out.

As for the locomotive, dismantling two steam tanks allows the dwarf dwarves to change it.

At this point, Lordaeron's undead natural disaster did not crush Garithus in the first time, and there was no chance again.

The Lordaeron Legion, full of tragic and tragic, defended the Silverpine Forest Mountain Road in return for the alliance's consciousness.

Just guard and discover that it seems unnecessary to be heroic.

Because the undead army that had dispersed its forces did not crush Garithus.

The fighting is still fierce, and the casualties are still huge.

But the loss of the undead natural disasters is also great.

In the first three days of the war, seemingly boundless skeletal soldiers and ghouls' tireless offensive destroyed nine of the eleven fortresses that Garithus had built in the past few months, and the alliance’s defenses were pushed back. Thirty miles.

Just as the evacuation order in the northern part of Hillbrad was ready to be implemented, Garithus found that the offensive of the undead natural disaster had weakened.

Garithus did not flinch and organized a counterattack decisively, so he discovered the reason.

The losses of undead natural disasters are also very serious, especially the losses of ghouls.

The so-called high mobility of the Undead Scourge is based on sleeplessness. After the ghouls that react quickly and incorrectly are consumed in a large amount, the loathing and the movement speed of the bone soldiers have problems.

The interruption of the attack wave gave the Alliance soldiers time to rest.

So Garithos wrote twelve war reports to Carlos, begging him to cancel the evacuation plan, and instead use his manpower to continue building the bunker.

Garithus believes that as long as there is a chance to hold the Silverpine Pass, the undead natural disasters cannot be put into Hillsbrad.

What else does Guguo rely on without the risk of mountains and streams?

Rely on human life to fill it!

Garithos admitted that he had a gamble, but he was right.

Carlos agreed to his request. After the eleventh fortress, the 200,000 humans who should have been evacuated were dispatched, and three more walls and five fortress trenches were built.

However, the battlefront of the Undead Scourge never broke through the tenth fortress.

At the same time, the barriers were kept under Alessandro Mograine's stubbornness.

The scale of this battle was much larger than the two battles of Anjador, but the officers and soldiers of the alliance generally felt that the battle was easier than before.

Uther worried about the barriers, and never dared to adjust the main force of Andorhal to the Stratholme area.

So Kel'Thuzad helped him, took the initiative to clear the passage of the White Water River, and mobilized heavy troops to attack Darrowshire, which was recaptured by the orcs and trolls, and then divided the troops to prepare to trouble Quel'Thalas for the second time.

As a result, Uther had to switch from defensive to offensive, leading the 100,000 most elite troops in the league to the land on the east bank of the Baishui River.

At this time, the long-planned Kel'Thuzad finally showed his fangs and appeared in the sky above the barrier gate on its loyal Naxxramas necropolis.

As a result, the Lich King sent a warning like it.

Carlos, Guy Elsas, and Mograine are hiding in the offensive of the barrier gate. As long as Kel'Thuzad launches an offensive, these three guys are ready to attack Naxxramas to behead Kel'Thuzad.

After receiving the warning from the Lich King on the whole picture, Kel'Thuzad calculated it, and after a time difference, he rode the floating graveyard and continued south, preparing for a surprise attack on Alterac City.

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