When Jinfeng Yulu met, it was originally the two old dogs of Shengguang...

Friends and buddies, the difference is quite big.

Smart life forms will always have to contact and communicate with other individuals throughout their lives, but how many names can be called out?

Crossing the fourth wall, how many of you can say the names of eight "friends" within ten seconds.

After leaving school, how many people are willing to answer your call at two o'clock in the morning, and how many people can reach you within 30 minutes after receiving a call.

If you talk too much, it’s tears. It’s only when you are middle-aged that you know why brothers are like brothers and feet. As for clothes, it’s not a good guy to kneel down on the washboard, CPU, durian or something the next day! ! !

There are some things that Carlos can't say to his father, but he can talk to Turalyon.

"Don't say anything, there are three more cups after doing this!"

There is no magnificent banquet hall, no glamorous supporters, farms in the suburbs, camping tents, low tables, wooden piers, two middle-aged stunners.

"The battle is very hard?"

"Why are these disappointing people? Drink it."

Turalyon was not hypocritical about Carlos's unkind persuasion. He wiped the corners of his mouth and threw a provocative look.

"So this time it's hard?"


Carlos drank it and filled himself up.

"It's not difficult, but I can't afford to lose."

"Victory or defeat is commonplace in the military. If you don't seek victory, you must first seek defeat. This is what you taught me at the beginning. How come I have changed my mind."

Turalyon persuades the Tao with mock enlightenment.

"At that time, the two cucumber eggs of ours were no more than three to five thousand people. You could wave as much as you wanted. Later, Sir Lothar died and led three to fifty thousand people to feel that although the world is big and everything is possible, he also learned. Think twice. Now, the rise and fall of the whole Hokuriku is weighing on me, and my shoulders hurt."

Listening to this for another person, I'm afraid I can't help but diverge thinking, thinking about what Carlos is implying so hypocritically.

But Turalyon understands that he really understands that his life in Northrend is no better than Carlos. Survival or death may be a decision-making matter. The pressure is not normal.

"Didn't you survive, half a million soldiers and horses, this is an army that has not been used in the time of Emperor Thoradin, what are you afraid of?"

"Didn't I tell you, I can't afford to lose."

"What can't afford to lose?"

"Hey, you didn't understand."

"Then you mean it."

Turalyon spit on the ground, eating a bad melon seed, bitter.

"Generally speaking, a few people raise a soldier."

"In normal times, raise three in one hundred, and raise one in ten in wartime."

Turalyon recalled that year and gave his own answer.

"Yes, Lordaeron fell and millions of people were slaughtered by undead natural disasters. Although it is said that most of the people who escaped were young and middle-aged, the massive loss of population cannot be faked. This time, humans are really hurt. The bones are moving."

The population base of more than three million people needs to support an army of 500,000 or 600,000. It is still a combat unit. Without logistics and transportation, Turalyon thought for a while and couldn't help but shiver.

"There is no way, the war between the living and the dead is more terrible than the war between the orcs and humans."


Carlos hesitated to say something, then finished his mouthful and refilled a cup.

"You mean it!"

Turalyon really didn't get used to it, lifting up was just kicking Carlos's calf.

"It's the human heart."

Carlos also spit, who prepared this seed, so bad.

"Do you really think that the people of Lordaeron are fierce men? Nodding their heads, nodding their faces!"

Carlos took a sip of wine and rinsed his mouth and continued.

"What is the war between the living and the dead? It's nonsense. It's just that you couldn't escape at the time. Lordaeron was broken, and the skeletons were all over the world to kill. It's the only place of escape they can think of, so I am now the Grand Marshal of the Alliance."


Carlos ignored Turalyon's interruption and continued.

"When you settle down, you have a little margin in your hand, and you have the ability to continue to flee. Who wants to continue desperately with the undead natural disasters. Arathi, Anweimar, Irvine, all the way south, there is always a place to eat. This is what Human heart."

"Really not..."

"It's the land, it's the desire for wealth! I watched it all, everyone watched it, and now there is hope of winning, everyone is looking at me, looking forward to the homeland of the kingdom of Lordaeron so big and drooling , This is the inner reason why the battle can be fought."

"No...as for."

Turalyon didn't want to be so snobbish in people's minds, but instinct told him that Carlos was right.

"Once you can't succeed this time, you won't succeed in the future. A large number of people fled south, and they can't stop it. The achievements of mankind in pioneering the north for hundreds of years have fallen short. That's it."

"Stormwind City..."

Following Carlos's thoughts, Turalyon's back was tight, and Stormwind's incredible inaction suddenly had a reason.

"Varian is pretty good, just as a king, he can't think of it."

"But many of the people around him were [sent] past by His Majesty Terenas."

"Hahaha, second-tier professional player."

"Puff, your mouth is still so damaged."

The two pointed at each other, smiled, and fell silent.

"In Draenor, it's hard."

"well enough."

This time, Carlos listened quietly to Turalyon telling exotic stories.

Turalyon's so-called okay, it is completely synonymous with being alive.

At the most critical moment, the Burning Legion soldiers approached the city, and the walls of Honor Hold collapsed. If the draenei hadn't stabbed the demon's ASS, the expeditionary army would have been cold.

No one is easy.

"I heard you have a son?"

Carlos asked.


When it comes to his wife and children, Turalyon’s expression is full of tenderness.

Then, when the two middle-aged men talked about personal matters, they didn't know how to adjust, and started to calculate who the other buddies' daughters were more suitable to be daughters-in-law.

Turalyon had forgotten when he was unconscious after drinking it.

It stands to reason that whether he is or Carlos, as long as he doesn't want to get drunk, no matter how much alcohol he gets, he won't be drunk. It's just that the atmosphere at the time, using the Holy Light to evaporate the alcohol is too horrible.

But when he woke up, Carlos was nowhere to be seen, and Turalyon couldn't help but burst into flames at the soldiers.

The guard left by Carlos handed Turalyon a letter, and Turalyon opened it, moved and mixed with anger.

"Go back and stop your daughter-in-law from committing trouble, Lilas Windrunner is in Lordaeron."

Turalyon was very dissatisfied when he returned to Lordaeron and hurriedly returned to the continent of Lordaeron alone, but he also understood Carlos's meaning and felt Carlos's kindness.

But how could it be possible that Carlos had forgotten that Turalyon was also from Lordaeron.

The Menethil family has been a novice for hundreds of years, and the people of Lordaeron are always loyal.

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