It's not that Carlos suddenly guilty of hypocrisy to drive Turalyon away.

Turalyon has a wife and son, so Carlos is not the same.

The real reason lies in the composition of the alliance.

Poor means racism, and rich means separate kingdoms.

Today, in order to resist the "ancestral law" that Carlos has changed in order to resist the Scourge, he will become the "original sin" of political opponents to denigrate him in the future.

Turalyon was too easy to be the target that was erected.

The people of Lordaeron, the marshal of the expeditionary army, had a vote of human merits.

Hey, the key wife is Alleria Windrunner who can break the wrist with Guy Elsas

Those who knew knew that he was a good brother of Carlos, and those who didn't know thought he was Turalyon Barov II.

The survivors of Lordaeron are important weights to support the basics of mankind, but it takes too much effort to get a good balance. Carlos really doesn't want Turalyon to come to this muddy water.

At least not now.

There are other behind-the-scenes forces intervening in Azeroth's affairs. Carlos understands this, but is unable to intervene.

The frontally dismantled the Lich King's arm extending towards Lordaeron and maintained the dominant position of human beings in the Eastern Kingdom, Carlos had the strength to change the future.

Because Malfurion and Tyrande are both...the brains are ill.

Malfurion was considered a reliable leader most of the time, but as soon as the couple got involved with Illidan-related matters, they immediately lowered their IQ by 250 and allowed negative numbers.

If the strength of humans cannot be guaranteed, even if Carlos pulls the night elves into the alliance, this alliance is also a bad luck stimulus to eat jujube pills.

The true and false set of bronze dragons belonged to reasonable nonsense, and the gods would die. It was not a matter of course that the broken ball of Azeroth was on the verge of exploding in place at all times.

People will die if they are killed, and the ball will definitely explode if it is poked!

Therefore, in order to counter the threat of the ancient gods, there must exist a Lich King...

Carlos thought about it for a long time, and couldn't think of which ancient god was killed by the undead.

The little dagger Sarasta was dismembered by friends and sisters.

The Big Eyeball was blocked by the Alliance and the tribes during the vacuum period of resurrection.

Y'Shaarj was squeezed by the Titan himself.

Yog-Saron did not complete the final corruption of Ulduar, and was rushed into the dream space by the footman, and his will incarnate Sarah, pawn.

The worst was N'Zoth, the king of the foreign war, the ancient god Bai Yueguang, who died of incompetence in the civil war.

That’s right, the white moon, moonlight, and flawless N'Zoth are the weakest and invincible ancient gods. The invincible dream city of Ny'alotha is about to cover the real world and rewrite reality. As a result, the heroes found the body. The body abandoned by the black dragon prince Wrathio with Sarasta was the blade of the dark empire that broke the defense directly.

Come, come and say, what is the role of the good dead spirits to fight against the ancient gods?

The curse of flesh and blood of the ancient gods corrupts everything, and it doesn't work for the undead, right?

The problem is that there is no ancient god out of control at all. Carlos doesn't believe that he can go to the Titan Cage to block the resurrection point of the ancient god and still overturn.

So, what is the use of this natural disaster?

Unite all the forces that can be united, in fact Carlos can only hope to talk to the bronze dragon.

However, after Ere'Thalas, except for the Green Dragon, Carlos could not contact the other three at all.

Don't get me wrong, these three refer to the Red Dragon, Bronze Dragon, and Black Dragon.

It was useless for Blue Dragon to contact, Northrend was playing lively.

Kalecgos had contacted Carlos once after the Silvermoon City incident, and he politely expressed his apologies, and at the same time told Carlos a very important news.

That is, the Lich King transferred a large part of the proceeds captured by the Scourge in Lordaeron back to Northrend.

Everything makes sense.

Kalecgos's intelligence answered Carlos's confusion and strengthened his determination to counterattack in an all-round way.

The Lich King stole the mines, and Carlos was still playing operations.

So, comfort Turalyon who has caught up, avoid the friendship of good brothers, and bludgeon what the dark gate is very important. The safety of the south depends on you. Yang was confused for a while.

Then I took the time to see Garrosh Hellscream.

Carlos, the brainwashed orc, has seen a lot. The glorious orcs of Alterac alone cost 200,000. It is the first time Carlos has seen the orcs who took the initiative to wash their brains.

The brawny guy with brown skin didn't feel nervous when seeing Carlos, he just looked at him repeatedly with a slightly suspicious look.

With this look, Carlos's heart is frowned upon, and I always feel that Garrosh's next sentence will be God, you are so high!


"To prove that I am better than him."


"I am Gromsh Hellscream's son."


"The tribe he and Thrall played was a mistake in my opinion."

"Hmm hum ↑!"

"Can I beat you up."

"You can't beat me."

Carlos suddenly remembered how much he was beaten by this behavior.

This um, um, um, is the psychological shadow left by the last time I tried to talk to Gilneas a few days ago when I was disgusted by the special envoy of Greymane.

The activities of the muscles and bones are also quite good.

The long-term experience of getting along with the orcs tells Carlos that it is the basic etiquette of the orcs to meet friends with fists.

From the fist style to the character, from the fist style to the painting style, the sacred Makgora ceremony connects you and me...

Well, this isn't the orc's Mac'Gora, it's just that Garrosh is picking things up to pretend to be young orcs.

And want to measure the aura of this Carlos Barov.

Different, completely different, the Knight King and the Steel King are simply different allotropes of carbon twelve and carbon fourteen.

In Garrosh’s opinion, the King of Steel is a master of tactics and deception. The full-body power armor chain saw sword is his best disguise. In essence, his fighting style is still Faye's set—there is always one. Spells exist in response to the current situation.

In other words, knowledge is power.

The King of Steel is fighting with his Master's knowledge.

Therefore, the Iron King can fight against the demons of the Burning Legion, but he cannot face Kil'jaeden and Kil'jaeden directly.

This was confessed to Garrosh by the Iron King himself, that knowledge is the sweetest poison, and he is happy with it.

Although Garrosh is an orc, he also understands the subtext behind the King of Steel. If Sargeras throws an olive branch at him, he will not be able to withstand the temptation.

But the Carlos Barov in front of him was different.

This difference is not a difference that can be described by language or words, but a more perceptual difference.

The Knight King will not abandon his beliefs.

"Your skill is not like a young orc, old and hot reminds me of Orgrim Doomhammer."

Garrosh was judging Carlos's style, and Carlos was weighing the orc "Little Roar".

"If your father is Gromsh Hellscream, you will also have my rich experience in fighting and fighting."

This is a true lie, so Carlos who didn't delve into it took it for granted.

Because it was not a death match, Garrosh could not use the methods of injury-for-life. Three minutes later, he was overthrown by Carlos to the ground.

The chest landed on the ground, replaced by the enemy's sharp blade on the ground and became a corpse.

Garrosh lost this battle.

"Why, give me a reason."

Carlos took two breaths with his hands on his hips, sighing that he deserves to be Shao Xia, he can indeed fight, and he is sweating when he is hot.

"I want to prove him wrong."

Garrosh propped up and sat cross-legged on the ground, looking at Carlos with his head up.

"The Iron King told me that Gromsh Hellscream chose Thrall, not his son. So I chose the Alliance, not the Horde."

Carlos looked at Garrosh seriously and asked.

"what do you want."

"Seek a place for the orcs."

"What can I get."

"Me, Garrosh Hellscream. And the allegiance of the orcs."

Carlos couldn't help laughing.

"Don't laugh at me in a hurry, I know what glorious orc you have gotten, but they are old, how many times can they be used. The nature is inseparable, the young orcs have never experienced that war at all, and they have no intention of repentance. , Otherwise Thrall will not gather so many followers so easily. The Alliance is the perpetrator for them, and they think they are innocent."

Garrosh looked at Carlos calmly, and watched Carlos put away a smile.

Yes, Garrosh was right. The younger generation of orcs, even the glorious orcs brainwashed by Carlos, do exist in confusion and resistance.

The killing made by their parents is a heavy shackle to them, but they can't empathize with them. The seeds of resistance have always existed in their hearts.

This is also the real reason why Carlos dare not release the orcs on the plateau completely even if he is in urgent need of combat power.

"I can help you."

"How can you help me."

Carlos put away the contempt of "Brain Roar" and began to take Garrosh seriously.

"The short-sighted Thrall didn't realize that when the undead natural disasters broke out, it was a good opportunity for the orcs to reconcile with the humans. The Iron King drove us out of Draenor. The orcs must find a new home. Who can give us a home? Who is our savior."

"If the alliance can't give it, you are going to grab it yourself?"

"They prepared this way, not me."

"It's you instead, what do you want to do."

"I have no idea."

"you do not know?"

"I really don't know, but the king of steel told me, you know, so I'm here to see you."

Carlos didn't even want to understand, anyway, he just laughed.

I don't know what I'm angry about, and I don't understand what I'm laughing about.

But he accepted the challenge.

"Gromsh of the Warsong clan will not recognize a son who has joined the Alliance."

"I am the chief of the Mag'han clan, not a member of the Warsong clan."

"Then how many people are under your hand?"

"Twenty thousand. Not all orcs are willing to go to the sea to find an illusory tribe. If you are determined, I can keep more orcs."

"It's interesting, go, I will arrange for you to go back. If you can really take 20,000 orcs to the Watch Fort, I can accept you."

"A lie is meaningless. As long as you agree, I have a way to notify the party that the negotiation is settled, and there is no need to go back."

"Then you want to..."

"Grandma taught me that trust requires giving, and loyalty requires blood. I know you are fighting. Arrange me to the front line and go to your glorious orc, and I will prove it to you."

"Even if I just use you?"

"I have the value to be used."

A conversation made Carlos an eye-opener. You call this guy Garrosh "Brain Roar"?

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