Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 90 Medical Techniques: Hold the Girl in the Arm to Kill!

During the half-month defensive battle for harvesting crops, the tribe’s offensive strategy has evolved from grabbing grain to destroying farmland and then attacking grain transport teams and barns.

After half a month of intensive fighting, more than 10,000 Union soldiers were buried in the hills and rivers of Hillblad. However, estimating the results of the battle, the alliance found that in such a small-scale battle, the battle damage ratio between the alliance and the tribe was actually much lower than the battle damage ratio during the battle of the big army.

After analysis by Anduin Lothar and his staff, they believed that it was caused by the following reasons.

First, the main force of the Alliance led by Anduin has always maintained a high-pressure posture against the tribe. The large number of fortifications in the main theater involved a lot of energy for the tribe. At this time, the advantage that the orcs has less strength than the alliance is magnified. In a local battle, the ratio of the number of troops between the alliance and the tribe can be as high as four to one or even five to one, which is much higher than the previously estimated single-soldier combat power of one to three. The critical value of strength has caused a crushing situation on the tribe.

Second, although the alliance has lost nearly half of its troops since the start of the war, there is no doubt that the remaining soldiers who have experienced the baptism of war have grown rapidly, and the overall combat effectiveness of the alliance has increased.

In the third aspect, the excellent performance of the Paladin exceeded everyone's expectations, and even Alonthos Faor, the father of the Paladin, did not expect it. Inspired by Carlos, the first and second members of the Knights of the Silver Hand did not take many detours in the way of the light. Crusader strikes infused with holy light, holy light in a more reasonable way, holy light shields with excellent defensive effects against physics and magic, and sanctions punches that use holy light to impact the enemy’s spirit. These can be widely spread. The Holy Light Technique makes the Paladin the strongest spear and shield in the league. The sacred storm that Uther used on the battlefield dominated the victory or defeat of a battle. The powerful storm of light swept everyone within 100 yards. The enemy was wounded all over, and the friendly forces were alive. The situation was reversed in an instant. Afterwards, Turalyon's nickname for Uther was widely circulated, and the Envoy of Light became his exclusive title.

Now, as long as there is danger, Lothar's first thought is the Paladins of the Silver Hand.

The fourth and most important aspect is the addition of the Griffin Rider, bringing the sky battlefield back to the balance of power from the unilateral tribal advantage. In order to protect the smoothness of sea communications, at least half of the tribe’s red dragons commute between the wetlands and Hillblad hills. The remaining half of the red dragon could not form the numerical advantage of crushing the Wildhammer Dwarf Storm Air Cavalry regiment, but was beaten with scars.

In the first large-scale air battle, Falstad Wildhammer completed three hat tricks and killed nine red dragons in one battle, shocking everyone on the battlefield. King Terenas of Lordaeron learned of the incident. The honor of Baron Falstad was bestowed. Because Falstad Wildhammer's lift-off operation attaches great importance to a red turban on his head, the red baron's reputation has spread like wildfire. The other hero of the Wildhammer dwarves, Kurdran. Wildhammer and his eldest brother Xuenu, were called the white demon by the tribe because they selected adult red dragons to kill. Hearing this name from the prisoners of the Dragonmaw clan, Kurdran Bronzebeard laughed and said to the people around: "This name is Laozi!"

Although only less than 30% of the grain was harvested in the Hillblad war zone in previous years, the big harvest in Tirisfal and Stratholme gave all the kings a sigh of relief. Under the adjustment of the grain storage, there should be no starvation. Human things.

However, it was Carlos that Carlos smelled a strange smell when Terenas forcibly transferred Brill's grain without the consent of Alex Barov. Although Alex Barov endured this tone for the sake of the overall situation, Terenas also compensated the Barov family afterwards. This is a matter of trampling on the rights of the lord, unlike the scheming Terenas. Will do it. With insufficient intelligence, Carlos could not make too many judgments.

The crop harvesting defensive battle ended almost half a month ago, and Carlos's men were almost half dead. Even without knowing why, Carlos refused the help of his subordinates and insisted on personally writing a death notice for every family member of the soldiers who died in the regiment.From returning to the camp for three days to now, Carlos has been writing about meals every day in addition to his regular two-hour exercise time. Ymir once wanted to ask Dandema Lanyu or Archmage Brick to persuade Carlos, but they were very moved by Ymir's loyalty, and then rejected him.

"Except for the trifle of Fandral Staghelm, which elven general did not write the notice of death by himself. This is the general's obligation." Dan Dema Lan Yu said.

"That is a bitter pill for medical trauma. You should feel that you have such a general." Brick said.

Although he seemed to understand but not understand, Ymir was not trying to persuade Carlos, just quietly doing his job well.

After another two days, Carlos watched the long list of deaths and finally only the last dozens of names were left, and decided to stay up late to work. He never wanted to think of those sad template words after waking up.

"Dear Ms. XXX:

Your son fought XXXXX with XXXX in the XXX battle. We can XXXXXX assure you that OO.OOO is a real warrior. He walked peacefully, and the Alliance thanked you for raising such an upright warrior. "

There are more than a dozen similar letter templates for Carlos. The more you write, the more bitter you feel.

Towards the evening today, eight squadrons of supplementary soldiers came to the barracks, most of them were newly recruited rookies, and only one squadron was transferred from the main theater. The rookie recruits are just a bunch of farmers who just put down their hoes. It's time to turn off the lights and go to bed, and they haven't finished packing up.

Carlos couldn't be quarreled, and wanted to come and give recruits a try to get off the hook, but after thinking about it, forget it. In the end, the veterans are still busy.

"Guards, go and tell Ymir and a few wing captains. I can't figure it out in half an hour. Don't sleep tonight." Carlos, who was immersed in writing, ordered one of the two guards at the door to come in and salute immediately. Run away.

As it was written, the noise in the camp was reduced. Carlos nodded in satisfaction and continued to work, but the anxiety from the sixth sense made him stop writing.

Look up, be satisfied with what's wrong, and continue writing.

wrong! I must be missing something!

The sudden feeling made Carlos stand up abruptly, deliberately making a loud noise, and the guard at the door did not respond.

The three shadowed daggers pierced Carlos with dark green light.

Damn, brother Bald was asked to do the task the day before, and he encountered an assassination today. Is the Alliance a qualified thief for Brother Bald?

Carlos faced a certain slaying situation, and he was thinking about the appearance of the assassin.

The three assassins, two men and one woman, all have green skin. It doesn't look like a purebred orc, it's smaller than an orc, and its appearance has human traces. Carlos suddenly thought of Garona, and then he thought it should be the shadow assassin group composed of half-orcs under Gul'dan.

Dressed in casual clothes, with the weapon on the weapon rack three meters away, Carlos was not panicked.

"Holy Fury!" The shouting skill moves are not just a habitual pretence, but also to attract the attention of other guards.

The violent power of the holy light exploded with Carlos as the loyalty. The assassin in leather armor was bombarded by huge energy, breaking through the thin wooden planks of the camp, and flew out.

"There are assassins!" The guards who heard the noise moved quickly.

The two dizzy male half-orcs were quickly taken down by the guards who rushed over, while the female half-orcs were obviously better than their two companions. They had the ability to roll and unload the first time they were knocked off, and they obviously had the ability to fight.

Although the weapon was released, the female half-orc drew out a spare dagger and rushed up again.

"Did you know?" Carlos attacked the female half-orc's tricky dagger with a relaxed crotch, and he still had room to speak.

"When I was young." Carlos blocked a side kick from the female orc again with one hand.

"But I learned to fight with a Pandaren monk." Carlos didn't care whether the female orc understood.

"Even the great monk praises me for my talent." Carlos held the female half orc's wrist and flew the dagger.

"The guard accompanied me from birth to death, and all the swords and flames broke through." The female half-orc suddenly jumped up and clamped Carlos' waist with her legs, preparing to bring Carlos down with her own weight and inertia.

"Actually died silently under the assassination of the assassin." Carlos's horse stepped down, and the female orc couldn't move at all, but instead hung upside down on Carlos.

At this time, Fang Zhuan, Dan Dema, Ymir, and the captains of the various alliances all rushed to the scene. The dense torches in the hands of the soldiers reflected the sky red.

"I'm about to finish writing the notice of death. You let me fall into this kind of pain again?" Carlos held the female assassin's waist with both hands and lifted her a little and hugged her tightly.

"Just use your life to ease the pain in my heart." Carlos began to exert force, and the female assassin realized what was about to happen, struggling desperately.

However, there is no use for eggs.

Carlos's arms tightened, the female assassin's eyes almost burst out of her eyes, and a mouthful of blood gushed from her throat.

In the end, with a click, the female assassin stopped struggling, her hands and feet facing the ground at the same time.

The scene was quiet for a while, and everyone didn't know what to say.

Throwing away the female assassin's body like a rag doll, Carlos roared wildly with red eyes.

"Gul'dan, you eggless old dog, what is coming for me! I, Carlos Barov, is right here. I, Carlos Barov, waiting for you!"

After venting, Carlos felt slightly better.

"The officers above the squadron leader led a team to check the camp. Everyone else should go back to sleep."

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