Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 91: The Three Martial Arts of Taoyuan Plate Armor

Although Terenas was out of good intentions, he added more than 10,000 recruits to the league. But including Anduin Lothar, no commander does not feel a headache for these recruits.

In the kingdoms of Lordaeron before the start of the war, a recruit needs to receive a full six months of training before he will be placed on the battlefield. And Alterac Kingdom’s recruit training lasts for one year.

In the first month, he was running and practicing, and was beaten by the veteran in the name of learning from each other.

In the second month, he started to learn basic weapon control by arms, and further practiced the array, and was beaten by veterans in the name of fighting.

In the third month, physical fitness was strengthened and the infantry drills were learned. The array did not practice for now, and grouped against each other to practice. The loser group was beaten by veterans in the name of additional training.

In the fourth month, I continued to strengthen physical training, especially endurance training, and learned in-depth infantry exercises. The array began to practice again, and the team was fighting against each other. The winner group was beaten by veterans for not seeing enough.

In the fifth month, the so-called intensive training of physical fitness became a daily homework, and the team training was added to the team formation and coordination subjects. The infantry exercise code was unable to clear the pit and strengthened the group confrontation practice. The veterans lost their food and halved.

In the sixth month, at the same time as the daily physical training, the squadron-level confrontation rehearsal started, and the strengthened group confrontation exercises continued, and whoever loses will cover the night whistle.

In the seventh month, the recruit battalion was disbanded, and the recruits were decentralized according to the size of the squadron, and the training was arranged by the wing captain.

In the ninth month, the recruit squadron was disbanded, and the recruit squad was dispersed to various squadrons, and then they were pulled out for field training for three months.

In the twelfth month, the army counted the number of teams with outstanding performance, and awarded rewards to the landlords and nobles of the soldiers, and the unqualified ones were transferred to the second-line army as hand-operated soldiers.

During the war, everything was kept simple. Even if the six-month practice is halved again, this batch of recruits did not have enough training time.

The result was that Lothar, who couldn't bear to let the rookie die to death, devolved half of the recruits and required each commander to conduct at least two months of training before he was allowed to put recruits on the battlefield.

The result is an increase in troops, and the alliance's troop strength is even more stretched.

The Horde did not have a better direction to break through, and stalemate with the Alliance in Hillblad Hills, continuing the bloodletting war.

The battle line stabilized suddenly.

While Carlos is training recruits, he leads the team out from time to time.

After the assassination, Carlos's security level rose a lot. Dan Dema no longer lives in a tent by himself, and moved to live with Carlos; the bald brother who rushed back slapped his man twice, and the band of thieves who beat him had no temper; Uncle Brick was taking part in the capture of the orc assassins. After the interrogation, he found that his early warning circle had flaws in his eyes, and he spent all his time on magic improvement.

The only regret is that after the Garona incident, Gul'dan improved the sealing spells of his opponents. If the captured assassin wanted to answer some key questions, he would be tortured from the soul. Brother Bale had already forced one to death, and he didn't dare to force the remaining one to death. The torture work had reached a dead end.

And the secret letter that detective Alex Barovto brought to Carlos brought bad news.

His Majesty Aiden's queen has confirmed that she is pregnant, and she will be born within two months at most, but it is still unclear whether it is the species of Pirinold and needs to be verified.

In the secret letter, Alex told his son euphemistically, let him not worry, Laozi will help him handle everything. At present, Carlos’s reputation in the alliance is getting higher and higher, and there is a saying that the only general who will fight on the southern front has been spread. Alex will find a way to help Carlos operate the position of the commander of the front and make his son be careful. be careful.

After hearing the news about Aiden, Carlos felt surprisingly calm.

Let's talk about Aiden's body, not to mention whether it was a biological problem. Carlos and Aiden stayed together around South Blue for several months, knowing that Alterac's Lion King is really old, and if he is not tempered, he may not live for fifty. Without Aiden's escort, his several-year-old son would be taken away by the cold current in the dark part of Alterac without even the Barov family.

Carlos now suddenly doesn't value the throne that much. What Carlos was worried about after Aiden had had any impact on the Alterac's apostasy incident in the original history.

Carlos didn't know whether Aiden Pirinold would stay firmly in the Alliance because of his son, or whether he would take refuge in the Horde even more decisively for his son's throne.

"I don't know how the bronze dragon feels. I, the false prophet, now knows that I am about to have a phobia of choice. It's so painful! It's better to know nothing and do things with my heart." No one can talk. , Carlo whispered secretly in his heart.

At the same time, Orgrim was summoning Gul'dan at the tribal camp.

"Gul'dan, stop your hypocritical smile! This makes me sick. The Horde needs your power, don't forget, we are grasshoppers on a rope." Orgrim was right without the presence of soldiers. Gul'dan spoke unceremoniously.

"Warchief, when you executed my warlocks, didn't you think you would need their power? Or do you think Gul'dan alone can fight against all the mages of mankind?" Gul'dan continued to be crippled Smile.

"I know your secret tricks, don't treat me as a fool. But I can tolerate your behavior." Orgrim sat in the seat of the warchief and said his exchange terms.

"I made the tribe by my own hand, and naturally I won't see it go to extinction. Come on, my chieftain, what kind of trouble you have encountered." Gul'dan's smile was even brighter at this moment.

"The Mage of the Alliance seems to be an incredible guy. Our warlocks and shamans seem to be somewhat powerless. Although the sword saints are not afraid of human paladins, there are too many, too many, and the tribe needs more. Powerful fighter." Orgrim said his troubles.

"Great Doomhammer, don't worry, as long as you agree and allow me to summon some men from Draenor, then the human mages will not be worth mentioning. As for the powerful warriors, there are two solutions." Gul'dan proposed. A solution to the problem.

"Yes, I will give an order to the guards of the Dark Portal to allow you to mobilize five hundred warlocks into this world. Tell me about your approach." Orgrim readily agreed to Gul'dan's request.

"The first one is to conscript the ogres of Hanghammer." Gul'dan said.

"No, Margok can't be trusted!" Orgrim rebuffed.

"Then the second way..." Gul'dan sold it off, "Tyron. Gorefiend."

"Huh? Tell me." Although Orgrim knew about Tyrone Gorefiend, his name didn't know the details.

"Using the great power of the soul of ancestors and the shadows to bring the fallen warriors back to life, giving them the ability to strengthen their bodies and strength. That is the fearless soldier named death knight." Gul'dan's eyes were bloodthirsty. Red light.

"I don't allow you to desecrate the corpse of the hero!" Orgrimmar stood up, looking very angry.

"It's not necessarily the corpse of our orcs. My chief chief, don't you think it is a pleasure to use those strong humans to create death knights belonging to our orcs?" Gul'dan laughed. The sound is dark and sinister.

Orgrim is a noble orc, but his nobility is only for orcs. Orgrim was not afraid to use some methods to deal with the enemy.

"I will arrange for my men to collect the corpses of some powerful enemies." Orgrim agreed to Gul'dan's Plan B.

"Please try to ensure the integrity of the corpse." Gul'dan looked even more cheerful.

After Gul'dan retreated, Orgrim paced slowly in the empty fortress hall.

Zujin's troll army has been suppressed by Orgrim without any action, and the envoy who sent to the Hinterland to contact other troll clans did not reply. These are not worth Doomhammer's hesitation.

What really made Orgrim unable to make up his mind was the secret letter of Aiden, king of the human Alterac Kingdom.

Opportunity is still a trap, Orgrim can't make up his mind.

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