Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 92: There is only one Los in the Alliance, and that's me, Carlos

The golden autumn is over, and the winter is approaching. In this time when the weather is getting colder and humans are wearing shirts, the extremely tolerant orcs feel extremely cool.

Why not do something in such a good weather?

As a result, the tribe shrank its forces, and the second large-scale legion-level battle was about to start.

The Hinterlands are guarded by Wildhammer dwarves, the road to the Hinterlands is blocked by Dunhold Castle, the Arathi Highlands is separated by the Wall of Thoradin, and the Wall of Thoradin is guarded by the army of Stromgarde.

Lothar suddenly discovered that it seemed a bit wasteful to throw an army of 17,000 people in the southern theater.

As a result, the 10,000 troops of the Alliance, including Carlos's independent regiment, received the order to go north and join the main force.

"When I came, the leaves were still green, and when I left, it was time for the chills to cry. Time flies!" Carlos couldn't help sighing.

Unknowingly, he was eighteen years old. Carlos didn't know what happened. He thought of the snowman king at his coming-of-age ceremony, his father and mother, his two stupid brothers, and Ilucia.

If there hadn't been this war, I would have married a certain noble girl. If the marksmanship is better, the son can crawl.

"You are so young and pretend to be so deep, if you are too free to panic and command the troops to pack up." Uncle Brick couldn't understand Carlos's sadness of spring and autumn, and said in an angry sarcasm.

"Everything must be done by the general, and what do the officers need to do?" Carlos said irresponsibly.

"Your image will be ruined by those soldiers hearing it." Brick said with a sarcasm.

"Since I heard some strange rumors of tearing orcs, I don't think I have any image anymore."

Hearing this, Fang Zhuan turned his head sideways with some guilty conscience.

"Uncle Brick, what's the matter, just tell it." Carlos suddenly lost the mood to continue talking.

"There is a communication coming from over there, saying that a force is secretly targeting you, preparing to remove your military power and kick you back to the Silver Hand." The brick leaned against Carlos and whispered.

"A bunch of clowns, boring tricks, don't bother." Carlos stretched his waist, "The current league Anduin Lothar has the final say."

The discordant episode did not affect Carlos' mood. All the way north, Carlos's army, as the fastest marching unit in the southern theater, first arrived at the Alliance headquarters camp outside the town of South Blue.

"Marshal Lothar, Independence Corps commander Carlos Barov came to report."

In the command of the big tent, Carlos met Lothar. In less than a year, Lothar looked a lot of aging. Although the corners of his eyes were always worn away, the deep gaze still exuded breathtaking power.

"Thanks, Barov Rear Admiral. Or can I call you Carlos?"

Although Lothar had met Carlos during the formation of the alliance, and was surprised when he was that strong and undecent little guy at the age of sixteen, the troubled Anduin Lothar really did not have a good relationship with Carlos. He had said something, and Carlos had no intention of making friends with Lothar.

So the two people who had known each other for almost two years met again, politely like strangers.

"Just call me Carlos."

"To be honest, I should apologize to you, Rear Admiral, the youngest in the league. I transferred you to the south to protect your safety. After all, your identity is a bit special. But ah..."

Carlos put his palm on Carlos's shoulder and pressed heavily.

"Yes, what you did is really good. It's impressive. Originally, according to your contribution, it would be no problem to promote to the Vice Admiral rank or to command an integrated army. But ah..."

This is Lothar’s second time. But Lothar smiled and shook his head. He took back the hand on Carlos’s shoulder, walked to the side table and poured two glasses of black pine wine, and handed one of them to Card. Los.

"Your father lobbied everywhere, hoping that you will become the commander-in-chief of the front army instead of the youngest Vice Admiral in the human kingdom. What a loving father. And some people hope that I will transfer you back to the headquarters, like Turalyon. Serving as my deputy, those people really think of me as a fool. And the Silver Hand Knights, you old folks, really hope you can go back. To be honest, if it weren’t for coordinating the various things in the alliance, it’s costing me too much. With so much energy, I really want to try a game with you. Turalyon’s second stupid man who can’t speak but his head hears that you are the number one paladin in the league, but Uther and Saidan Dathrohan follow. What a mess, it will add unnecessary trouble to you for no reason."

Carlos drank everything in the cup, then took the empty glass in Lothar's hand, put the empty glass back on the short table, and then returned to the spot and stood upright.

"Your Excellency Commander-in-chief, it doesn't matter, I just want to know what arrangements you have for me next."

"No hurry, you have to rest for a few days. It's been almost a year in the wilderness. Relax. I'll give you a three-day vacation. Go to South Blue Town for fun. Let me talk about it when you come back. Remember, the town of South Blue is still the territory of your Barov family, hahahaha!"

After Lothar finished speaking, he made a few more polite words before letting Carlos go.

As soon as he left Lothar’s camp, he saw Turalyon, Tirion Fording, Saidan Dathohan, Uther, and Gavinrad waiting for him outside.

"Hey! Carlos, I heard that you were tearing the orc to the south, and you shot the wolf's head with an arrow 800 meters away. Are these all true?" The familiar Turalyon gave me a curious expression. .

Except for the more mature Uther shook his head helplessly, the other guys were suffocating a smile, ready to watch Carlos's joke.

"Have you and Alleria made progress?"

Carlos's light and fluttering words immediately made Turalyon's aura disappear.

"What... what progress? My relationship with Alleria is pure friendship!"

Gavinrad couldn't help laughing even more.

"Yes, yes, doesn't our second leader, Mr. Turalyon, just want to have a pure physical relationship with Miss Alleria Windrunner?"

Carlos said calmly.

"Hey! Carlos, I want to fight you!"

Turalyon, who couldn't hold his face, yelled in bluff.

"Oh, so there is no progress."

Carlos didn't accept the move at all, and all the guys who watched the excitement laughed.

"Okay, let's go if we have enough trouble, find a place to drink something, everyone get together." Uther stood up and said.

Turalyon was not really angry either. After a fight, the atmosphere among a few friends who hadn't seen in years became lively, and several people walked away with their shoulders on their backs.

Anduin Lothar stood at the window watching the emotional exchange between several young people, couldn't help but smile, and sighed in his heart that being young is so good.

Returning to the desk and sitting down, Lothar took out an unsigned letter from the drawer and put it back after thinking about it.

Lothar thinks it's better not to tell Carlos about some things. As long as he sits in the position of generals, this alliance can always shield young people from wind and rain.

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