Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 93 The King's Disqualification (1)

In the tavern in South Blue, six First Generation paladins are touting and teasing each other.

Even the eldest Uther was only a young man in his twenties, possessing the vitality that a young man should have.

I have seen too many people who I know acquainted with being killed by war. The more ruthless fighters on the battlefield, the more they cherish the reunion with their friends. However, in this age without video games and football, men get together to drink, and apart from bragging, only talking about women is left.

"Carlos, as a lover, tell me, how can I have something to do with a high elf? I have countless opportunities to approach her, but after more than a year, there are less than fifty sentences in total."

The melancholy atmosphere surrounding Turalyon was about to solidify into substance.

"Aren't you supposed to ask Tirion or Uther about this question? I usually don't involve feelings about problems that can be solved with money."

Obviously he was just a rookie in love, Carlos put on a face that looked rosy, and refused to show his timidity on this issue.

"Tirion Fording is the endorsement of devotion, you asked the wrong person." Lafayette looked like a good man is me, I am a good man's face, picking himself clean.

"Don't ask me, I won't go back to my hometown to get married until the war is over." Uther took out a pendant and opened it to several other friends to see the portrait of his fiancée.

"It always feels like you just said something incredible, Uther!" Carlos filled Uther with the wine, and the two of them had another drink.

"Hey! Hey! The lover of your dreams is here!" Gavinrad was sitting on the corner of the bar, the first to find Alleria came in with two of his men.

"Oh! Long time no see!" Carlos was also excited, ignoring Turalyon pulling his clothes underneath, and directly stood up and greeted Alleria.

Seeing Alleria approaching, Saidan Dathrohan stood up, pulled Turalyon to his position, and then took the wine glass and walked to Gavinrad to sit down.

Alleria Windrunner was a little surprised to see these six guys at the same time in this tavern, whispered something to his subordinates, and then walked to the empty seat between Carlos and Turalyon.

"Long time no see, Baron Carlos, or would you prefer me to call you a general?" Alleria said.

"Hey! I thought we were already friends, why are we so happy?"

Unlike Turalyon, who has ulterior motives, Carlos understands that the elves who have a long life have their own views on love and family. Alleria is the best item among the elves, there is absolutely no shortage of suitors in Quel'Thalas, and the fate of herself and her fate have so far overlapped, there is no need to appear too deliberate and artificial, like ordinary Friends get along like that.

Alleria became famous during the Troll War. The long time span of hundreds of years gave her a wealth of life experience. She naturally saw Turalyon interested in him, but she had no idea about Turalyon. , So the contact between the two will be minimized.

But Carlos's attitude was in line with Alleria's appetite. For an outstanding general, Alleria didn't mind being friends with him.

"Of course, we are friends, so I call you Lord Carlos directly?" Alleria answered with a smile.

"The elves are hypocritical, not as straightforward as the dwarves, I call you Alleria, can you just call me Carlos? You said something wrong, fine wine!" Carlos started booing directly.

Alleria didn't get angry when she heard it, picked up the glass and drank it cleanly.

Turalyon was worried about gains and losses, for fear that Alleria would get angry and leave.

After two laps of wine, the atmosphere became active.

"I haven't asked, why do you have time to come to the tavern? The war is coming, and the elven rangers are busier than usual." Uther asked.

"Actually, I'm here to meet people, but it's rare to meet a few of you, and it's not short of time. Just let my hands go to work first." Alleria said vaguely.

"Um, I was going to pour you wine, since I have a task, just drink two glasses." Carlos scratched his head and said with regret.

"If you want to hear it, you can't say it..." Alleria said.

"Don't listen! It's been almost a year since I was born and died, and I only got three days off. Who wants to listen to these bad things?" Carlos covered his ears directly.

"Hey, he's a general anyway, pay attention to his image!" Turalyon was a little jealous of Carlos and Alleria talking and laughing, but couldn't find a topic to talk to Alleria, so he had to make fun of Carlos.

"To be honest, the ranger under your hand has been a great help to me. I was almost surrounded by the tribe many times, and I was warned by your elf rangers. Come on, toast you." Carlos raised his glass.

"For the friendship between humans and high elves!" The others also responded.

Then everyone had another drink.

The night darkened, until the end of the drink, Alleria said goodbye to everyone without changing her face. Saidan Dathrohan and Tirion Fording supported Turalyon and returned to the camp, Uther and Gavinrad. If you can walk by yourself, Carlos is going to open a room in this tavern to sleep.

After getting the key from the waiter, Carlos fell asleep without taking off his clothes. In a daze, I heard someone knock on the door and got up from the bed.

Opening the door, the visitor seemed to be a female high elf ranger who accompanied Alleria into the tavern and left.

"Please come in."

Carlos let the door open and greeted the opponent in.

"I took the liberty to visit and interrupted your rest. I'm really sorry, but the Commander thinks it's best to inform you of some news as soon as possible, so I'm here." The visitor said.

"Sorry, please wait a moment."

Carlos first apologized, then walked to the wash rack in the corner of the room and wiped his face with cold water.

The Holy Light has a strong healing effect, but it does not seem to be very helpful to contact with drunkenness. Washing the face alone does not seem to have a good effect. Carlos took off his clothes and wiped his upper body with a towel dipped in cold water.

With a violent shock, Carlos felt that his sanity had returned to his body.

Finding that the elf sitting on the side seemed unsatisfied with the indoor air, Carlos opened the window again, and the cool night breeze blew into the house, and the other's expression softened.

"In fact, it doesn't need to be so, I'm just here to deliver the news." The female elf said: "The intelligence source is not convenient to tell, but the authenticity is guaranteed. The tribal orcs' actions in the Tarren Mill area are very unusual."

"En?" Carlos sat on the bed, thinking about what the visitor said.

"In short, we noticed that the orcs had secretly mobilized a troop to Tarren Mill. It was scattered, scattered, unknown in number, and motionless." The female high elf ranger further explained.

"That is to say, through clues, you have noticed that there is an unknown number and unclear purpose tribal orc who can become a large army, lurking near Tarren Mill?"

It took Carlos a long time to straighten out the meaning of the elf ranger's words.

"This is probably the case. Your commander feels that the war is imminent, and the alliance high-level officials may not have the energy to pay attention to the abnormal situation in the Tarren Mill area. As the territory of the Barov family, Tarren Mill should be notified to you both publicly and privately. "The elf ranger continued to explain.

Carlos was keenly aware of the significance of this information, but there was a feeling of inability to start.

It's very useful, but it doesn't use eggs. It feels like this.

The telling operation of the mind made Carlos ask for the trouble of alcohol faster, and when he found that it was a little chilly, he remembered that it is very impolite to be topless in front of a lady.

As a result, before Carlos apologized, the corner of his eyes realized that the elf ranger was looking at his figure with great interest, his face flushed against the candlelight.

Innate excellence and year-round exercise gave a man named Carlos Barov a bodybuilding body that surpassed this era. He found that the other's thoughts seemed not so pure. Carlos, who hadn't touched a woman for more than a year, suddenly had Other ideas.

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