Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 94-The King's Disqualification (3)

In the dead of night, Carlos often introspected during sleep sleep.

Alleria Windrunner and Turalyon. Assuming that only one of the two can make good friends, who would he choose?

Whether it is to make thousands of choices, Carlos's final decision is Turalyon.

An adjutant whom Lothar trusted and appreciated and promoted, a young and promising paladin, and a little brother who had an excellent impression of himself for the first two, three, four and five.

Is there any reason not to choose Turalyon.

Carlos woke up, savoring the blur of his sleep. In the dream, Carlos found that the female elf whom he couldn't remember at all was Alleria.

Carlos laughed when he thought about it.

Feel free to wash and take care of it, put on the battle suit and armor, and the noble son Carlos dissipated in the smoke and clouds of the past. The man in the cold wind is a general with a rock-like heart.

Returning to the barracks, Carlos found that Lothar had filled the vacancy of the independent regiment and had allocated two additional veteran regiments, bringing the entire regiment to 4,000.

Heading to the Corps headquarters, the sound of horseshoes caught the attention of everyone in the headquarters, and everyone came out to inspect.

"General, everyone thought you would come back tomorrow morning." Ymir was very surprised by Carlos's early return. He was eager to lead Carlos and was kicked by Carlos.

"There are a few carts of condolences in the back, just like each one takes a bite of meat. You arrange to give all the brothers an extra meal tonight." Carlos got off his horse and handed the horse's rein to the guard's hands. Ymir.

"General, hello, I am the temporary commander of the Fifth Wing, a captain officer, John Swain." The new face briefly introduced himself to Carlos.

"Oh, didn't it add the strength of the two regiments? What about another regiment leader?" Carlos asked as he walked into the headquarters.

"General, there is another wing that was called in as a supplement and emphasized. There was no arrangement for officers at the squadron captain level, so I brought it along the way." John Swain replied.

"By the way, I once asked Master Saidan Dathrohan for martial arts skills, and you're still my senior brother." Seeing Carlos was about to enter the camp, John Swain hurriedly approached Carlos and added a whisper.

Carlos paused in his footsteps, and then proceeded without incident.

"Your name is John Swain, isn't it? You will continue to be the commander of the Fifth Wing. As for the supplementation of troops, you will coordinate with the captains of yours. I will get the result before Tenten becomes black." Carlos said After that, I stopped paying attention to my team captains. First, I sat back at the desk and looked through the duty records.

There are no major events that are worth noting, they are all day-to-day matters.

After Ymir had dealt with the affairs that Carlos confessed and returned to the command post, Carlos looked at the table and prepared to speak.

"Except for John Swain, who is a new face, everyone else is an old thing to kill with me all the way, so don't expect me to give you a good face."

After Carlos finished his opening remarks, John Swain's face couldn't help but was taken aback, but he found that the expressions of other colleagues were unchanged, and he continued to watch the changes.

"Whose handwriting is this shit-like duty record? Three days, I've been away for three days, but you didn't even find out any problems. Who are you fooling? The veterans look down on recruiting and can't you see? Fourth? The conflict between the wing and the second wing doesn’t you know? The heads of the orcs hidden in the first wing are stinking, you think I can’t smell it? Who are you going to sell to? And your second wing? Alliance, laugh a little, do you think that the butts of the cattle under your hands are clean? I don’t know about you when your second wing went to the warehouse to steal supplies in the middle of the night? I didn’t think about that battle of the second wing. The brethren were fighting too hard, and I was going to clean up you at that time. Now it’s fine, get into a habit, I just got into the big camp quartermaster and you will come to me to sue!"

After a roar, Carlos calmed down a bit, only to find that these old fritters were secretly laughing.

"Betting on one alliance, greedy for three alliances, and playing a four-two alliance when you meet. Is there any peace-of-care unit under this general?"

Carlos interrupted Ymir before he could speak.

"Shut up, your guard is not a good bird, because it is a veteran from Alterac, and it has done less to oppress friendly forces? My family all say you are heroes, Laozi and other legions. Isn’t the chief apologizing less? Let’s laugh at me and make your dog head become a pig head!"

It is said that the subordinates who broke out of the corpse mountain and the sea, Carlos can't make up the determination to clean up them. In this tragic battlefield, the one who sacrifices in the next second is the one who makes you unconscious.

"Too lazy to talk nonsense with you. Today is different. In the southern theater, we are almost all fighting the world. But ah, in this battle, all the main forces of the entire alliance are fighting together, and there may be times when our independent regiment needs assistance. So go on and take care of it. The three-day ideological rectification of those uncle soldiers will begin tonight."

The war is about to begin. At this time, Lothar will strengthen the strength of the Independent Corps, inevitably to use Carlos in the most difficult and difficult places.

In this regard, Carlos has already realized. The more you are born and die today, you will be qualified to say no in the future. If everything you do still can’t change the future of trial, Carlos wants to ask loudly in the trial court—I have done meritorious service for the Alliance, I have shed blood for the war of resistance, you don’t even have scars on your body. Why should the guy judge me, judge my family!

While Carlos was rectifying military affairs and preparing for war, the tribe did not stop.

"It's so wonderful, my lord chief, look at these warriors, these fearless warriors, these darlings of shadows and death!" Gul'dan exaggerated and made a speech.

The orcs staying in Irvine buried the dead human warriors they thought were worthy of respect. After receiving the order, the orcs finally ordered by the chief dug out the dead bodies of Stormwind Kingdom and sent them to the north.

Gul'dan used the soul stones of the warlock slaughtered by Orgrim and the souls collected in several wars, combined with the forbidden power of the Burning Legion, to create a brand-new creation-the death knight.

Orgrim drew out Doomhammer, hesitated for a moment and then retracted his waist. Then the warchief clenched his fists and slammed Gul'dan in the face.

Two human arms blocked the fist of the tribal chief.

Orgrimmar was another side kick attacking the death knight's lower abdomen. The death knight didn't respond. He was kicked and flew out, stuck to the wall, and fell slowly.

Orgrim knew his strength, and the side kick just now changed to a human being who would never escape the shattered internal organs and a broken spine.

But the death knight stood up slowly, returned to the original position if nothing had happened, and stood at attention.

"Satisfaction? My lord, the skilled martial arts of the human body combined with the shadow power of our orc warlocks, the reincarnation of life and death also grants them the power of death and indestructible bodies, what a perfect war machine." Gul'dan was very satisfied with his creation.

"Do they have the ability to think?" Orgrim asked.

"Of course, my chieftain." Gul'dan took out a scepter and handed it to Orgrim. "This is their control staff."

Orgrim took the staff, hesitated for a moment, and crushed it into pieces.

"Blessed by the soul of the ancestors, the warriors of the tribe do not need to be dominated!" Orgrim shouted.

"The soul of the ancestors is above"

"Serve the warchief!"

"For the glory of the tribe!"


The death knights who regained their control yelled out the words of the orcs with human bodies.

In response, Warchief Orgrim nodded in satisfaction.

"How many such warriors are there in total?" Orgrim asked Gul'dan.

"There are more than 300 people in total so far, but as long as there are suitable corpses, there are as many as there are." Gul'dan replied.

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