Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 95 The King's Disqualification (4)

The battle was initiated by the Alliance.

Lothar mobilized 471 eight-pound cannons to set the ambush position. The backbone members of the Brotherhood of the Iron Horse and the surviving veterans of Stormwind fled without chaos, perfectly acting as a decoy for ten minutes. The shelling of the tribe buried the tribe’s three thousand pursuers. The carbine of the Brotherhood of the Iron Horse beat the horrified orcs into pieces. In this battle, the orcs suffered 5,000 casualties.

However, there is no use for eggs.

In other battlefields, the war damage ratio between humans and tribes is still above three to one.

Humans still cannot withstand the collective offensive of the orcs. Some people even spread the saying that "the orcs are dissatisfied and invincible."

So some people began to accuse Lothar as the commander-in-chief of the alliance. Why didn't Lothar continue to insist on guerrilla tactics and continue to compete with the orcs for bloodletting. Anyway, our alliance has a million soldiers and thousands of good generals, and they are afraid that it will not succeed in the tribe?

"Stupid, these idiots!"

Lothar dismissed the slander from the middle class. As long as the king and soldiers believed in themselves, the alliance would be unbreakable.

But receiving the command from the legion commander to retreat for the enemy, Anduin Lothar still felt distressed and furious.

"There is no frontal main force against the enemy, what kind of guerrilla tactics come from! Everyone is scattered, waiting for the tribe army to crush it all the way! Stupid, really stupid! The airtight encirclement net has created such a big gap, Let at least five thousand orcs get out, five thousand orcs! How many troops are we going to use to guard against these five thousand orcs behind? I'm going to send him to a military court! I care about whose relatives he is! I care where he is. Great nobleman! Yongbing has missed his country!"

Lothar's accusation burst into tears, and everyone who heard it was sad.

After four months of planning and preparation, countless soldiers tempted the enemy to sacrifice, Lothar completed the encirclement of the main force of the tribe.

No matter how high the tribe’s personal strength is, the small combat area determines that there are always so many frontal combatants. At this time, the alliance’s military advantage will eventually become a victory after time has passed. Even if the tribe wants to break through, they can only retreat towards the coast. In this way, the strategic posture is great for the alliance!

Regrettably, no matter how good Lothar's strategy was, it couldn't help but the soldiers would not die.

With only 30% of casualties, the garrison gave up a solid offensive and retreated for more than 20 miles, opening a large gap in the encircling net. When the follow-up troops came to support, judging from the traces, at least five thousand orc troops had gone away.

"Master Marshal, pay attention to your body, this is the end of the matter, let's find a way." In order to coordinate the offensive of the land and sea, Dai Lin did not stay on his COCO, but accompany Lothar.

"It's a shortfall! The essence of this battle is to deceive the enemy and lure the enemy, sea and land. The tribe orcs think that they have superior combat power, so I lure him to go deep, and use artillery to destroy his sharpness, and complete the encirclement and block when the enemy's decision is unclear. At the same time, Marine pretends by day and helps the wind to attack the camp at night, destroying its foundation. The orc tribe does not know the sea breeze and ocean currents, and is bound to be defenseless. In this way, the enemy who crosses the sea will have no place to stand and wipe out the enemy. It is only a matter of time.

But, but, these five thousand orcs came out of trouble, what troops do you want me to use to defend, and what troops do you want me to use to stop them? All soldiers who sacrificed for this plan died in vain! Lothar spoke quickly and anxiously, saying that the complete individual seemed to be out of strength, and helpless tears slid down the wrinkles on his face.

In less than two years, the regent of the Stormwind Kingdom seemed to be ten years old, and deep wrinkles climbed onto Lothar's still-aged face.

"Marshal, don't you still have an ambush in Tarren Mill? Pull it back for help!" Turalyon suggested.

As Lothar’s adjutant, Turalyon had a clear map of the alliance military strength in his heart. After hearing the bad news, Turalyon, who had become a qualified soldier, quickly thought about all the troops that could be mobilized, and found that only Luo The army that Sir Sa hides to the northwest of Tarren Mill can be mobilized.

However, Lothar couldn't tell. That army was a prerequisite for the closed-door and dog-fighting plan designed by himself and Aiden. Aiden pretended to make peace and lured the orcs into Alterac by walking the mountain road, and then the 10,000 army cut the way, trapping the orcs to death in the mountains of Alterac.

If I withdrew the army, and the orcs did go, wouldn't it be a threat to Aiden!

Such a dishonorable approach will damage Aiden and his own image in his eyes. These things can only be done and cannot be said.

When everyone heard Turalyon said that Lothar had secretly concealed an army of 10,000 people, they cheered up from the loss. The commanders gathered around, hoping to hear what Lothar Marshal said.

That troop can't move, but Lothar can't tell the reason in the crowd!

"That troop has a special role and cannot be mobilized for the time being." Lothar shook his head weakly.

"But the marshal..." A commander was interrupted by the sentinel who came to report before he could finish speaking.

"Report to Lord Marshal, the elven ranger found the orc troop that had escaped the siege, and they went straight to the town of South Blue!" the sentry reported.

So vicious! Everyone present couldn't help taking a breath.

Because of the geographical location of the Hillbrad theater and the interlocking battlefield situation, regardless of the alliance or the tribe, most of the armaments of the two sides are maintained by sea. The Alliance receives supplies through the town of South Blue, and the Horde transports them through black ships.

At this moment, Lothar was trying to lure the enemy into attack, stopping his plan to return. And the commander of that orc troop is also a ruthless character, leaving the main force to be besieged without caring, and directly attacking the empty South Blue town.

As long as the wharf is destroyed and the waterway is blocked, the Alliance army will be trapped and die on its own territory unless it exits Hillblad Hills.

The tribe is so cruel!

"Marshal, the rear is empty, no matter whether it is South Blue Town or the heavy warehouse more than ten miles away, you can't afford to lose!" Turalyon took the lead to kneel on one knee and fell in front of Lothar. Other lower-level commanders also knelt down to petition. .


"Marshal, make a decision!"

The exhausted Lothar sighed deeply and asked, "Which unit can support South Blue Town the fastest?"

"The nearest is the 44th Corps under the Ninth Army, but the fastest support should be Carlos Barov Rear Admiral's independent regiment. The previous order was to ask Carlos Rear Admiral to detour and block the enemy. Carlos Rear Admiral is accompanied by a wizard." Turalyon replied.

"Then contact Carlos Rear Admiral's independent regiment and the 9th Army, and let them return to help quickly." After Lothar gave the order, Turalyon left quickly.

The people were dismissed, but Lothar was left behind by Dalin Proudmoore and Uther.

"Anduin, do I need to go back to the sea to support South Blue Town?" Dai Lin asked.

"I need your strength, my friend. I need your fleet to appear in South Blue Town, but South Blue Town does not need your rescue." Lothar wiped his face, anger, fatigue and impatience disappeared, Lothar at this moment Still the confident and fearless "Storm Lion".

"You are preparing..." Dai Lin understood Lothar's meaning, but was not sure.

"Since you already know where the enemy is going, what are you afraid of? The plan remains the same!" Lothar said decisively.

"But what about South Blue Town?" Dai Lin was a little suspicious.

"Uther, take my seal, go find the hidden army, and bring them back. Turalyon has a map, you go to him and ask for it." Lothar finished, putting a lacquer in the drawer. The blue gold-encrusted envelope was handed to Uther.

"The secret order is to kill a robin," Lothar whispered.

"Kill a robin. I understand." Uther took the envelope, carefully held it in his arms, and left Lothar.

"Dalin, I might..." Lothar hesitated and stopped.

"What's possible?" Daelin Proudmoore asked puzzledly.

"Nothing, old friend, let's go." Lothar and Dai Lin shook hands.

After Admiral Marine left, Lothar sent guards to call Mage Khadgar.

"Kadgar, I need you to dare to go to Oakland City as fast as possible. You must tell Aiden that your plan has changed!"

The seriousness and sharpness in Lothar's words was unheard of by Khadgar.

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