Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 98 The King's Disqualification (7)

(It hasn't been put on the shelves yet, and there is not much profit from reminding you to change tickets. Dear viewers, the author -kun saves you money temporarily! Can you wait for it to be put on the shelves before reminding...)

The orcs' offensive came as scheduled.

They attacked during the day, harassed at night, set fire and poisoned them by all means.

In this kind of defensive operation, Carlos's role as a general is far less than that of a soldier.

There is nowhere to escape and there is no escape. The passiveness of strategy determines that Carlos and his independent corps can only guard against death.

The only advantage is that the strategic purpose is clear and clear, so tactical arrangements can be targeted.

Obliquely inserted wooden stakes, vertical and horizontal ravines, dense horse traps and assassination holes.

Although the tribe tried their best to drop more than two thousand corpses in just two days, they still couldn't make any progress.

In desperation, Gul'dan personally asked Orgrim to order the warlord to besiege the army in South Blue Town.

Although the warchief doubted Gul'dan's intentions, the great Doomhammer would not refuse anyone willing to serve the tribe, let alone a powerful warlock.

So Gul'dan opened a portal in front of the warchief and left the tribe army with only two of his men.

"Chipborn, do you believe in Gul'dan?" Orgrim asked one of his most trusted subordinates.

"I believe in Nagrand's clefthoof more." Redborn Ironhoof Slayer replied.

When Gul'dan came to the temporary camp of the tribal army that besieged South Blue Town, there were not many army of five hundred ogres from Gu'gall.

"Master, it is more difficult to capture this human town than it was to attack Shattrath of the draenei. We need the support of you and your warlock." The orc commander respectfully greeted Gul'dan, and then said what he was facing right now. Difficulties and help needed.

"Don't worry, my friend, my warlock and I need a little time to prepare. Tomorrow, until tomorrow, everything will come to an end." Gul'dan promised like the commander of the orc army.

So that night, the orcs stopped their routine harassment and prepared to recharge their batteries and fight again tomorrow.

The army was in turmoil and the communication of information was inconvenient, and Carlos had been ordered to fight in danger many times and moved to many places.

So the detective took the secret letter that Alex brought to her son around most of Hillblad, and finally learned that Carlos was in South Blue Town. When the detective arrived in South Blue town, the orcs had blocked the way, and harassed them day and night. The little girl Tanji once considered taking a waterway and crossing the sea to make a ferry. , But this season is officially the season when the murlocs return to land for food. Detective thinks that she should be able to fight the shatter-fin murlocs outside South Blue town on land, but in the water... forget it.

So until Gul'dan arrived and the orcs suspended the night siege, the detective found the opportunity to infiltrate the town of South Blue.

The detective sneaked into Carlos's house without alarming anyone, sitting on the bed carelessly and waiting for Carlos. The result might be too hard along the way or Carlos's bed was too comfortable and he fell asleep.

Fortunately, Carlos is ready to go back to his residence to take a shower and change his clothes, otherwise Carlos, who has been sleeping in the military camp for a long time, will miss this important secret letter.

The awakened detective took the dried fruit plate in Carlos's bedroom and ate it without stopping.

"Master, when I came, I found a lot of fat people outside. It seems to be called an ogre, right?"

"Well, ah, yes."

Carlos found that the fire lacquer envelope that Detective Ji took out from his chest, found a groove with lines in the fire lacquer used for sealing.

After hesitating for a while, Carlos lowered his head and pretended to check and smelled it.

"What I'm thinking about, it must be too tired recently, yes, that's it." Carlos shook his head vigorously, then opened the envelope to check the contents.

MeSince the whole article is a short-term love of relatives in the parents, a very ordinary letter from the family, only the autograph of Alex Barov at the end reveals the interpretation method.

This is the most complicated secret letter.

In the world, only Carlos and Alex and his son have memorized the order of interpretation.

It took a lot of brain cells for my father to make up such a letter.

Carlos thought, quickly comparing the Chinese characters of the letter to recombine the true content of the secret letter.

"The king is suspicious, Aiden has a son, come back soon!"

Carlos's first reaction was not to believe it, the second reaction was that he had misspelled it, and the third time he thought he was dazzled, and it was not until the fifth time that he confirmed that his interpretation was correct.

"Detective Ji, is there any news about King Aiden this long?" Carlos asked.

"No, Elder Aiden returned to Alterac and no more news came out." Detective Ji replied.

died? Actually dead! Aiden is dead! His father, Alex, never did anything unsure, and he used the most confidential secret letter to pass the letter to himself...

Carlos suddenly felt a sense of loss of relief.

Aiden is dead, who else in Alterac can preside over the betrayal incident? The Barov family crisis that he has been worried about for eighteen years can finally be put down temporarily.

Carlos, who was in a relaxed suit, suddenly felt that the cowardly prostitute, who had been displeased, suddenly became cute.

With a sharp upheaval in his mood, Carlos was a little bit forgetful, grabbed the detective and kissed him, and finally kissed a mouthful of dried fruit dregs.

"Master, what are you doing?" Tan Ji asked in a daze.

"Nothing, you brought good news, this is a reward." Carlos replied.

"But I want yellow, hard rewards more." Tan Ji smiled.

You are really a talent. After listening to detective Ji’s description, Carlos thought about it for the first time, and finally reacted before putting it into action. He took out a small bag from the bedside cabinet and threw it to detective.

"Fuck off, you little money fan."

Detective Ji weighed the weight, turned the window and left with a smile, leaving only a spot of dried fruit shells.

Carlos, who took a bath as planned, soaked in the tub, rare to relax his body.

When the whole body was relaxed, Carlos suddenly tightened and splashed with water.

Happy early! Aiden has sons, if the domestic surrenders bypass their fathers and adopt the new king, and then compromise with the tribe, then everything will return to the original point!

Without the mood of taking a bath, Carlos quickly sorted his clothes and rushed to the brick residence as quickly as possible.

"Uncle Brick, I need to go back to Alterac and open a portal for me." Carlos said straightforwardly.

"Can't open it." Brick replied straightforwardly.

"Ah? Then I'll go to Kel'Thuzad." Carlos was shocked, and the words sprang out without passing through his brain.

"There is a great guy outside. South Blue Town has been blocked by magic. All teleportation spells are useless. It's useless if you go to Kel'Thuzad." Brick explained.

In all likelihood, it is Gul'dan! I underestimated Gul'dan's execution ability, and underestimated the attraction of the Tomb of Sargeras to Gul'dan.

Carlos understands that things are getting together, this time the trouble is big.

PS: Gul'dan fought Kel'Thuzad. Is Aiden dead or alive? Is it moral decay or humanity distortion? Please see the next episode...

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