Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 99 The King's Disqualification (8)

The world of Azeroth is very diverse and wonderful. Whether it is earth, water, wind, fire, or holy light and arcane arts, all kinds of strange energies exist in this world. Only the shadow, the purest shadow energy, was brought to Azeroth by the orcs through the Dark Portal.

Therefore, when Gul'dan used this unseen and unheard of power of the Azeroth natives to construct a powerful magic circle that enveloped the entire South Blue town, the human mages in the town had all heard of it, and no one noticed the clue.

"Young Master, if you don't command the army, what's the trouble with me squatting here?" Brick looked at Carlos who was leaning on the window sill, and said silently.

"Because I said something inappropriate." Carlos replied.

Calm down and think about it, Carlos found that he still made a huge mistake.

Some knowledge that is common sense to oneself, in this world, at this time, is an unknown mystery.

The real world is not a simple role-playing game, everything is about causal logic.

Due to omissions, Carlos did not mention the characteristics of Shadow Magic with others.

In order to avoid suspicion, Carlos will not disclose information that should not be leaked when the lie cannot be resolved.

So the end result was that Carlos looked at the gloomy sky above South Blue at noon, frowning.

"Who do you want to tell me through me?" Tile has been serving the Barov family for several years. As Carlos's personal magic consultant, he can't do magical or less magical things. There is no pressure to understand the employer’s subtext.

"We were put together. The thing above my head is such a big battle. With my barren knowledge reserve, I can only think of two possibilities," Carlos said. "The first one may be death and withering, and the second one Twisting the Void. Although the latter is not very incapable, the caster opposite is Gul'dan, who can only say that everything is possible. But whether it is the second or the first, it is a disaster for us. , It's not bad."

Afterwards, Carlos explained the external manifestations of the two high-level shadow energy spells, Death and Decay and Twisting Void in detail.

"Judging according to your description, Master, I think it is more likely to die. But what are you going to do?" Brick couldn't help touching his chin, falling into a frowning thought pattern.

"It's not what I'm going to do, but you, Kel'Thuzad, what the mages in the town are going to do." Carlos corrected Brick's statement.

"I will communicate with Kel'Thuzad. But you don't think that such a big battle is the work of one person or several people?" Brick warned.

"Do you know why I have free time to chat with you here?"

"do not know."

"Because the orc's strategy has been successful. Before, we used solid fortifications to slaughter the tribe seeking war with great joy. Now, with the death and dying on top of our heads that we don't know when it will start, the party seeking the battle has become us. No. To go to war is to wait for death, to go to war is to die. It's difficult."

Brick didn't know much about military affairs, so he couldn't help but ask: "Why do you die when you go to war?"

"We have surrounded the town with fortifications. There is just one road on land. The orcs only need to line up their troops and wait. We don't even have room to deploy troops. How can we fight? Isn't this called death? Carlos glanced at the brick.

"Then young master, are you so leisurely?" Brick couldn't help but sarcastically.

"I have done everything that needs to be done. Now it's your Master's time. I need at least three days." Carlos revealed to the bricks.

"Although I have never seen such pure shadow energy, I can still solve the basic magic. This thing on our head should be formed tomorrow at most, and it will not be able to support it the day after tomorrow. Where will it come for three days?" Tan also shook his head, expressing powerlessness.

"Do you feel ashamed of doing such a big thing quietly?" Carlos was also shocked by the shamelessness of the mage, and couldn't help asking.

"Hey, why don't you tell me if I help you do something like that of others? I'm just a mage and not a god. I haven't seen it or I haven't seen it. It's normal to be done by things I haven't seen before." Archmage Brick answered like this

Just as Carlos and Brick were talking nonsense, Kel'Thuzad, who felt his self-esteem was impaired, had used advanced invisibility to invade Gul'dan's camp and began to explore.

These orcs always make big news silently.

Seeing those ogres with magical tattoos on their skin cast spells collectively, Kel'Thuzad was shocked and also had a strong sense of freshness.

Are the two heads of those two-headed ogres natural or magically modified, will two heads have an advantage over one head when casting spells?

As a genius archmage, Kel'Thuzad's magical attainments far exceed the age limit. Everyone thought that Antonidas valued Kel'Thuzad to promote Kel'Thuzad to become the second person of the Kirin Tor. But only the colleagues of the six-member Supreme Council of Dalaran knew the true strength of Kel'Thuzad.

"Chugal, maintain the operation of the magic circle, I will leave for a while."

There are many things that Gul'dan needs to do personally. For him, using magic power to change the battlefield situation is just a matter of hand. After completing the basic construction, Gul'dan handed the follow-up work of the magic circle to the double-headed cannibal. Demon Lord Cho'gall.

"Yes, Master, I will pay attention to safety. (It's so boring, don't you expect some fun?)" Gul'al's two heads simultaneously communicated different ideas of Vice Admiral to Gul'dan in telematics.

Kel'Thuzad's attention was drawn to Kel'Thuzad's magical fluctuations in Gul'dan's use of teleportation spells to leave South Blue Town.

It seems that some powerful character has left. Kel'Thuzad, who was studying the composition of the magic circle, turned his attention back to his eyes.

The operation of the shadow energy is completely different from the natural magic or arcane magic commonly used by the Dalaran mage, and only a little fur can be seen from a short observation. However, there is always commonality in the operation of spells. Kel'Thuzad's reverse calculation combined with the observation of the Eye of Arcane roughly calculated several key nodes.

Advanced invisibility art can almost perfect invisible figure, but it can't cover up the smell. Along the way, the wolves with a keen sense of smell whispered from time to time, but Kel'Thuzad used a water mist technique mixed with irritating potions to perfuse them.

After little molesting the wolf, he moved a little bit at the node of the circle that was maintaining death and decay.

Although it will not destroy the entire circle, but delaying the flow of magic power and hindering the operation of the circle can always buy time for follow-up work.

"Sure enough, it only interfered with the magical positioning and teleportation around South Blue Town, and it was not as terrible as expected." Kel'Thuzad experimented and easily used teleportation spells to leave the tribal camp, but tried to return to South Blue Town but found that it was not accurate. position.

Walking back to South Blue town in stealth again, Kel'Thuzad found that the tiles had been waiting in the living room for a long time.

"Oh, my friend..."

As if the will of the universe was watching everything, Kel'Thuzad, who followed the etiquette and etiquette, was interrupted just when he wanted to call out the other party's name.

"Old friend, to make a long story short, we are in big trouble! If you don't stop the magic of the orcs, the consequences will be disastrous." Brick said.

"Um...Did you see anything?" Kel'Thuzad asked.

"The old man stared at the stars at night, and calculated it seven or eight, and roughly figured out the effect of this magic." Brick decided to shame.

"Oh!" Kel'Thuzad was shocked. The archmage in front of his influence seemed to be not known for analyzing spells, which was really unexpected.

"This method is called Death and Decay. Once it is completed, there will be no grass in the coverage area." Brick said viciously, "That gang of orcs are hitting our Master Dalaran in the face!"

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