Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1025: Anxious

"What should I do? Wei Zhi, what should I do?"

Pushing open the door of her boyfriend's room, Ma Xiaolin rushed in anxiously and shouted.

"Uh, what should I do?"

After hearing this, Wei Zhi asked in a puzzled way: "Didn't the crew have notified you to sign the contract? Is there any repetition? Impossible?"

As he finished speaking, Wei Zhi frowned.

Although I didn’t hear a trace of Lao Bai’s wind in the middle, since the director and producer called Ma Xiaoling at the same time, inviting her to play the role of the female number two, and the attitude was enthusiastic as if they were inviting an emperor superstar. I want to know what's going on with my thighs.

Is there anyone who dares to fight against Lao Bai in the TV series of Lotus Pictures?

"No, it's not that!"

Shaking her head hastily, Ma Xiaoling said anxiously: "Someone just broke this out on the Internet, saying that Lao Bai is a drama tyrant. With the cooperation with the film company, the producer is forced to change the protagonist... That famous Wang Dayan stared at you and burst out. Now it has spread on the Internet!"

"Huh? What?"

Wei Zhicai was truly taken aback when he heard this!

However, after standing up for a while, Wei Zhi was taken aback again, the mouth that had just been opened closed again, and his head tilted, a trace of doubt appeared on his face.

How did those people know?

Even Ma Xiaoling, as the client, didn't hear the slightest noise of Lao Bai's action, and whether Lao Bai or the high-level Lianhua Pictures he found, it is definitely impossible to talk about this kind of thing everywhere! So... how did those people know?

"Hurry up and talk about it, what should I do? Many people are scolding Lao Bai now!"

Seeing that Wei Zhi just stood up and said nothing, Ma Xiaoling hurriedly hurried, pulling him and shouting.

She is not anxious for her own sake, but for Sun Peng's sake-people are pulled in to help her. If this is really bad for her reputation and even affects other personal careers, what will Ma Xiaoling feel? Excited to go? And more importantly, Ma Xiaoling couldn't figure out how to compensate her Lao Bai!

"Xiaoling, don't worry!"

Hugging Ma Xiaoling's shoulders quickly, Wei Zhi comforted in a deep voice: "Don't worry, just let me know what is going on? Wait a minute, I'll go online first!"

After finishing talking, he dragged Ma Xiaoling to sit down in front of the computer, and Wei Zhi quickly pressed the power button.

In a short while, Wang Dayan opened Wang Dayan and stared at your Weibo. Wei Zhi saw the latest one at the first glance: "While using refurbished novels to make money, while being a drama master in the TV circle? Crystal Dragon's In the new play "Spring is Bright", the female No. 2 is replaced. It is suspected that a certain big man helped out..."

No name was given, but the meaning of Weibo is self-evident.

Anyone with a little more brain knows that this Wang Dayan has been staring at you for a day. It is because of the newly published book "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone". The reason is that old wine in new bottles. Fans Money! Now it suddenly broke the news of being a drama tyrant while making money. What do you mean by it?

"Ha ha……"

After looking at the computer for a while, Wei Zhi suddenly laughed.

"You, what are you laughing at?!"

Seeing her boyfriend's calm face and even starting to laugh, Ma Xiaoling suddenly became angry. She stretched out her hand and pinched Wei Zhi's waist: "I'm so anxious here, you are still laughing?!"

Enduring the severe pain of that piece of meat on his waist, Wei Zhi knew that he would never die again at this time, and quickly grabbed Ma Xiaoling's hand and said anxiously: "Don't worry, don't worry! You listen to me first... …Do you think it’s just such a vague Weibo? Don’t worry, I’m sure that besides this Weibo, there are probably countless gossips leaked right now, including the protagonists of the incident. Who, maybe there is still the fabricated matter, etc.!"

Compared to Ma Xiaoling, who is still immature, Wei Zhi has been in this circle for a long time.

So just a glance at Wang Dayan's Weibo can tell, here is at most an introduction, the main battlefield must be elsewhere! After all, even if you don’t deal with Lao Bai, this Wang Dayan can’t really stare at you so directly...

But even so, what can be done?

This Wang Dayan really thought that he would become a referee or judge in the entertainment circle after he reported this material or that material in the past few years. Can anyone be ashamed? He really thought that with his little power, Lao Bai or Lianhua Pictures could do it casually?

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"I mean it's not a big deal, don't worry!"

Holding Ma Xiaoling's hands tightly, Wei Zhi said solemnly: "No matter Lao Bai or Lianhua Pictures, they can easily resolve such small things. I think you might as well worry about causing trouble to Lao Bai. It’s better to care about who leaked the news!"

"what do you mean……"

"This matter, someone must have stabbed it out!"

Wei Zhi narrowed his eyes slightly, and said decisively: "And I guess either the crew director or producer who knows the situation, or the one who has taken advantage of changing your role! But no matter who did it this time. , I'm sure he is going to be unlucky..."


"Damn, is your brain flooded?"

Producer Feng Chundao looked at director Wu Wanlin desperately on the crew of "Spring Is Beautiful" and said angrily: "I know that you have tasted the sweetness of Han Baoer, and that your relationship with her is unclear, but, But you can't wait to turn around and give her some compensation, and fool this thing first? You have to tell her the truth? Now it's fine, the stupid woman has already stabbed the matter out, what do you say? "

"This...Old Feng, didn't I have no choice but to be forced!"

For a while, he was a little at a loss when he was scolded by the producer who had always been happy with him, Wu Wanlin whispered with embarrassment on his face.

Of course, Wu Wanlin was also very wronged in this heart.

This time, the new drama "Spring is Bright and Beautiful", the female number two does have a lot of drama, otherwise the woman would not have liked it, so Wu Wanlin forced Wu Wanlin to replace Ma Xiaoling. But to say that because he took advantage of others, isn't this wronging people? The most fundamental thing is not because the funder behind that woman gave the crew 5 million in advertising sponsorship?

Now something happened, is it all pushed on me?

But now is not the time to argue about who is responsible. After reluctantly suppressing the grievances in his heart, Wu Wanlin smiled bitterly: "Old Feng, don't mention the others, just tell me what to do!"

"What to do? Cold!"

Rolling his eyes, Feng Chundao said angrily.

Of course, this was also an angry word. After a moment, Feng Chun took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "The matter has been stabbed out, and now the most important thing is that you should stand up and express your opinion! First take out Lao Bai and Lianhua Pictures. Then calm down there...In short, don't make Lao Bai anxious!"


Seeing the nervousness of his old friend, Wu Wanlin hesitated and asked, "Lao Feng, in fact, we Nine-Tailed Fox and Lao Bai have not had any dealings, and it is estimated that there will not be any in the future, and it will not be..."

"Nonsense, don't you even have a lotus?"

Glancing at the other party, Feng Chundao said with a look of disdain; "Do you know that the majority shareholder of our Nine-Tailed Fox is Lotus Pictures? Do you know that "Assassins Alliance" will be released soon, just to announce the cost How much did the lotus pay? Do you know how much Lao Bai’s script is now? The four major domestic giants are all staring at it?"

With a look of "Do you know", Wu Wanlin instantly closed his mouth.

After a moment of silence with a sullen face, Wu Wanlin could only nodded and said: "Well, I'll go to that woman right away and ask her to shut her mouth first! But... Lao Feng, after this matter is over, yes Isn't it to compensate her a little? For example, the female number two in the second part...

"Compensation? Do you dare to mention compensation?"

After listening to Wu Wanlin's words, Feng Chun was immediately delighted.

"Huh? What does that mean?"

"You have been mixing for so many years, anyhow, still can't understand?"

Shaking his head vigorously, Feng Chundao said with a sarcasm: "Don't say compensate the woman, let me be honest, if Lao Bai really gets angry this time, can she continue to stay in the entertainment industry? It's still the same thing..."

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