Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1026: Yunyan

The next morning, the sun was just right.

Today is a good day. Zheng Jia's little cousin gets married, and the old Zheng and his wife attended the wedding of their nephew early in the morning. In the old Zheng's house, Sun Peng handed Zheng Jia the freshly cut apple in his hand.

"...That's it!"

As soon as the knife was put away, Sun Peng cautiously continued: "So I called my second sister and asked her to help ask what was going on. If it was really pushed down by someone, I would help. She helped! I ate with her and her boyfriend Wei Zhi that day... You should know Wei Zhi, right? It was the associate director who helped me shoot "Kill Bill"..."


After a bite, the big red apple was bitten by Zheng Jia with a big gap!


Looking at his wife's white teeth, Sun Peng swallowed subconsciously.

While looking sideways at her husband who was obviously a little worried at this moment, Zheng Jia frowned and said: "What? That's it?"

"Well, that's it."

The corners of his mouth twitched, and Sun Peng nodded quickly.

"Why are you standing up after talking? Go cooking!"

Tilting his head and looking at Sun Peng, Zheng Jia said angrily: "It's almost eleven o'clock. You will give me an apple at noon today? Tell you Sun Peng, I am not alone now. And the next generation of your old grandson!"

"Huh? Oh, go now, go now!"

After a shock, Sun Peng hurriedly walked to the kitchen.

But as soon as he walked into the kitchen and closed the door, Sun Peng immediately dialed the little cousin’s cell phone, gritted his teeth and said: "Lin Lin, you are wicked! Why Zheng Jia will kill me after reading the news, and let him I confessed in advance or something... You treat my Jiajia as a jealous jar like you, don't ask if you are indiscriminately angry?"


"Yo yo yo, are you still not convinced? I told you...Hello? Hello?"

Listening to the busy tone on the other end of the phone, Sun Peng rolled his eyes and secretly made a note of Lin Lin.

Of course, Sun Peng is the other group who is even more angry at the moment, so he first took out the prepared chicken and washed it, and then filled the casserole with water and set it on fire. Then he called the agent again: "Sister , Have you found out who it is?"

"I found out. It should be Wu Wanlin, the director of "Spring Is Beautiful". He told this to the female number two who replaced Ma Xiaoling, and then the little star..."

"Sister, this is not what I asked!"

Before the other party could finish speaking, Sun Peng interrupted Sun Ya impatiently, and exclaimed extremely angrily: "I only care about one now-the Internet rumors that Ma Xiaoling is my second wife, which **** is it? It came out? Or who first mentioned it first, you should have found it?"

This time, Sun Peng was really angry!

Hei wanted to use "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" to collect money. Sun Peng recognized it. After all, the facts are there. The two books are indeed one thing with two layers of skin. Sun Peng did not deny the rumor that he changed the female No. 2 of "Spring Is Bright". Who made him agree to Ma Xiaoling in the first place?

But if you want to say that he has unspoken rules about Ma Xiaoling, Sun Peng can't bear it!

You know, when Lin Lin called Sun Peng, his soul almost flew away! Then Sun Peng hurriedly hid Zheng Jia's mobile phone and began to explain to her...

I heard that if a pregnant woman is angry, her child will have a bad temper in the future, so Sun Peng is careful!


It seemed to have been holding back for a long time, but Sun Ya didn't hold it back in the end, and laughed out a chuckle: "Haha, we are not the network police. I can't find out who said this first! And to be honest, this can be. It’s not a person’s idea, because too many people think that way, haha!"


Hearing the second sister's narrow laughter, Sun Peng was also speechless.

After teasing his younger brother a few words, Sun Ya finally got serious: "Xiaopeng, although these things won't cause much impact, they don't sound good! So I have already greeted Lotus Pictures. , They will ask those people to stand up and clarify as soon as possible, and at least they will get rid of your relationship..."

"Dismiss it? Why dispel it?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Shrugging his shoulders, Sun Peng chuckled: "It's not interesting, I just think some nonsense can be clarified, such as the relationship between me and Ma Xiaoling; but there are other facts, such as I interfered with the female cast of "Spring Is Beautiful" There is no need to pick things up for the second candidate, after all, what did I do!"


Without waiting for the phone to refute himself, Sun Peng continued with a smile: "Okay, sister, in fact, no matter what happens, the impact on me is minimal. It's not worth spending too much thought. I will go to the microblog later. Just talk about it on Bo."

The tone in this remark is totally different from just now.

Upon hearing Sun Peng’s words, the agent immediately understood what he meant-if it was any other star, such as an actor or director, this would indeed be regarded as a minor crisis. After all, it involves personal image issues. . But for Sun Peng, who spends most of his time behind the scenes screenwriter, this is at best a small episode in his life.


Sun Ya was still a little unwilling, and said in a cold voice, "What do you mean? Just let them go? And what are you going to say?"

"Haha, of course tell the truth!"

With a raised eyebrow, Sun Peng laughed and said, "As for whether to let those people go...Sister, I am a law-abiding citizen and a moral pacesetter. Of course, I won't chase them hard, and I won't be forgiving! But what about others? If we do, we can't control it!"


After a long while, Sun Ya hung up the phone.

Just holding the phone in his hand, watching the casserole start to gurgle hot while making a sharp chirping sound, Sun Peng was stunned for a while, suddenly curled his mouth, and wrote one as quickly as possible. Weibo, and then pressed the send button! Then he threw the phone aside, put the chicken in the pot, washed the rice and cooked the rice. Sun Peng started to do what he often did recently-after the rice was steamed, the chicken was simmered, and the other fruits and vegetables were ready. , Sun Peng clapped his hands and smiled with satisfaction.

For him, what kind of drama tyrant forced the crew to change heroines; what unspoken rules, even the cousin’s alumni would not let go of such black news, what counts? Can it be as important as this lunch for a wife and children?


Can these so-called bad news really affect him?

Anyway, in Sun Peng's opinion, whether it is for "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" or Ma Xiaoling, as long as his new book is welcomed, then everything is just a passing moment and will soon disappear...

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