Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1031: The Silence of the Lambs

Even if he is a professional god, he can't really save the two rookies.

Especially when Sun Peng didn't touch the game for a long time, besides giving away his head, he called for help all afternoon, which made the audience in Xiaobai's live broadcast room very happy. Fortunately, the professional **** that Xiaobai found was indeed powerful enough, and finally before six o'clock, Sun Peng and Lin Lin successfully tasted the taste of chicken.

"'s not easy! It's finally a chicken!"

When the words "eat chicken tonight, good luck" appeared on the computer screen, Sun Peng was suffocated this afternoon, and he finally exhaled it!

"Hehe, how can you tell me how to eat it?"

"It's really not easy. It's hard for Bai Da to eat a chicken now, and he won one today!"

"What kind of chicken do you still eat? Why don't you hurry back to write a book? In the past two years, I have only fooled people with a little wizard or a little magician... When will the martial arts reopen a copy?"

"Aren't those martial arts novels on the Internet look pretty nowadays? Bai Da's martial arts have already closed their pens, OK?"

"How do those books compare to Bai Da? Is there a half as good as Tianlong?"


Xiaobai simply ignored the barrage of the live streaming room like a waterfall. After all, the number of viewers at this time had exceeded five million, and it was still the afternoon of the working day! So now she doesn't even look at the barrage, and smiles directly: "The point is that you haven't played for a long time, Bai Da, hand! If you play a few more games, it should be easier!"

"Lick! Then lick!"

"Oh, Xiaobai, we are also a major anchor now anyway, can I have a face?"

"What is a face? Is popularity and gift important? This will drive the number of people in the live broadcast room to six million, and the gift is more than Xiaobai's usual month..."


The pomp in Xiaobai's live broadcast room made the professional shooter who came to help boxing envy.

However, he just took a break when he received Xiaobai's text message. As soon as he heard that Lao Bai and Lin Lin were going to play with them, they went online and didn't even have the opportunity to start the live broadcast. After hitting the back, it was a little bit open, but I was afraid that Lao Bai was unhappy. Now I can only look at Xiao Bai’s high popularity and greedy - even if it is a professional god, the highest level in the live broadcast room is usually only over 1 million people. what!

"Hi, great shooter!"

At this moment, Sun Peng, who ignored Xiaobai, suddenly smiled and said, "Thank you so much for today. Just pulling me can pull me no less than seven or eight times, right?"

"Ahem, you're very polite! I am your loyal fan. It is a great honor to play games with you!"

Although he is a professional god, the shooter does not compromise on good things!

"Haha, do you need tt?"


After listening to Sun Peng's words, he was slightly startled, and the shooter immediately reacted, and said in a hurry, "Yes, yes!"

"Then add a tt later, and play together later! Haha!"

After a hearty smile, Sun Peng continued: "I'm sorry, I have to go home... By the way, Xiaobai, it's hard to play with you once, so this time you will draw three people from the live broadcast room. Audience, I will answer one of their questions and give out three small gifts!"

"Huh? Really?"

Xiaobai, who was somewhat lost because Sun Peng wanted to add the shooter's tt, was overjoyed.

Sun Peng smiled and nodded: "Of course, I will give out three premiere tickets for "Assassin League", and there will be a beautiful gift at that time!"

At this time, he has already seen that the number of people in Xiaobai's live broadcast room has broken the six million mark!

If there is no publicity at this time, when will we wait?

Xiaobai naturally couldn't ask for it, and after a hastily proficient operation, he drew out the first lucky one-a young girl who listened to her tenderly. The little girl was a little nervous, and she asked directly without introducing herself; "Bai Da, me, I just want to ask, when will the second Harry Potter book be published?"

"Oh? Do you like watching "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone"?"

After hearing this question, Sun Peng's voice had a hint of smile.

"Yes! I like it so much!"

The girl’s voice seemed a little calmer, and her voice was also louder: “I’ve always liked magic-related novels since I was a child, and there are dozens of them in my family! But speaking of it, my favorite is just reading it. "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone", I can’t wait to watch the second one!"

"haha, thank you!"

With a happy smile, Sun Peng nodded and said, "It won't be very fast, but the second book of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets will definitely come out in August at the latest... Well, you can leave a contact with Xiaobai later. Way, I will give you a copy when it is published, and it is my autographed edition!"

"Huh? Is this...really?"

After listening to Sun Peng's words, the little girl's voice trembled again.

Of course, a book is not worth much money. It doesn't matter to her who is often named as the anchor Xiaobai, but if Lao Bai gave it out in person and still brought his signature, it would be another matter entirely. Child! You know, there was a very weird list at the beginning of the year. It was the most difficult celebrity signature in the entertainment circle. Lao Bai ranked first, surpassing the second place by a large margin!

"Of course it's true, I do what I say!"

Can’t help but smile, Sun Peng nodded and said: “And Xiaobai can remind me when that happens, and I won’t forget it! Of course, don’t forget to ask Xiaobai for the premiere tickets of "Assassin League" ...If you are interested!"

Hung up the happy little girl, and soon the second lucky boy was fresh out.

However, the problem of this guy made Sun Peng's face instantly dark!

"Bai Da, "Assassin League" is about to be released, when will our next Linlin film start!"


No need to look back, just listening to the deliberately lowered laughter, Sun Peng could guess the expression on his cousin's face at this time. But the question still needs to be answered. Sun Peng groaned slightly and then smiled and said, "Let’s go in the second half of the year! I have prepared a new script for her. If there are no accidents, the filming will start in the second half..."

"Immediately contact his agent, ask about the situation of the script, and try to get it!"

After listening to Sun Peng's answer, in the office of the general manager of the Forbidden City Pictures, Fang Lanshen immediately gave orders to the people around him!

Half an hour after Lao Bai appeared in the live broadcast room, he has already attracted attention.

At the same time, people from Lotus Pictures, Benma Films, and Nanhai Films who gave the same order as Fang Lanshen—just a word in the live broadcast room of an anchor, Lao Bai was affected. The heart of the four domestic giants!

His script is really in demand!

And this time it is a new script created for Lin Lin. Everyone knows that Lao Bai has never been stingy with using the best script and the biggest investment in order to put his cousin on top! If the script for other people might fail, then as long as the lead actor is Lin Lin, that is almost a guarantee of success!

"Kill Bill" is like this, so is "The Matrix."

"Assassin League", which is about to be released now, the Forbidden City and Lotus Pictures are the producers and have the most say; while other filmmakers only need to look at the movie trailer to know that the strong new style of action, There are countless explosion scenes are the guarantee of the box office. The smooth sailing when it was issued overseas also proved laobai’s growing influence all over the world...

After answering the last question that the audience had no nutrition, and reiterating that he would no longer write martial arts, Sun Peng broke the connection between the game and the communication with Xiaobai.

Before he could catch his breath, a warm body rushed over!

"When did your kid prepare a new script for me? Why don't I know?"

"Hey, come down to me quickly!"

Pulling her cousin's arm forcefully and pulling her off his back, Sun Peng said, "It's an idea I didn't think of a few days ago, but I've been indecisive. I just made up my mind until today, OK? "

"Hesitate? Why?"

"Why? Of course it's because of your acting skills!"

Rolling his eyes, Sun Peng said angrily: "This movie is different from hackers and assassins. It requires high protagonists' acting skills. I'm not worried... Oh, Lin Lin, are you a dog?!"

"Lin Lin, what are you two making?"

Amidst Sun Peng's screams and the inquiries from my aunt outside, Lin Lin quickly let go and replied loudly, "It's okay, mom, I'm having fun with Xiaopeng!"

After the mother's voice stopped outside, Lin Lin looked at Sun Peng who threatened her with expressions and gestures, and rushed to accompany the smiley face to make promises and promises, finally satisfying Sun Peng.

After the trouble, Lin Lin frowned and said dissatisfied: "Xiao Peng, what kind of movie is it? Although my current acting skills are not top-notch, at least it can be considered a pass? Is it that exaggerated?"

In recent years, apart from starring in Sun Peng's movies, Lin Lin has not spared any time.

Especially after "Kill Bill" became famous, Lin Lin got a lot of opportunities to star in the movies of big directors because of the rapid rise in appeal among movie fans. There are also many old actors in the co-actors. With a learning attitude, Lin Lin's performance in the crew is also low-key and diligent, and her conscious progress is really great.

So after hearing what Sun Peng said just now, she really felt a bit exaggerated.

"Exaggeration? I tell you, this request must be beyond your imagination!"

Glancing at his cousin, Sun Peng said quietly: "In fact, the reason I hesitated before was to consider whether to push this book a few years back, and wait until your acting skills really come up!"

"This...what movie is it?"

Seeing Sun Peng's serious face, Lin Lin's attitude became serious.

"The theater version of "Criminal Minds" is also an independent story! Do you remember the character you played back then? The one who left afterwards!"

"Of course! It's about the story that happened after she went to America?"

"Yes, a woman who went to the United States to detect a serial killer's story is called "The Silent Lamb"..."

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