Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1032: understand!

"The Silent Lamb", another classic from the earth.

The script was written by Sun Peng a long time ago, and it has been modified on the basis of the original version. After all, although the story still takes place in the United States, the heroine has changed from a native agent to a female agent from China.


As he told his cousin, Sun Peng was really worried that Lin Lin's acting skills would not be enough!

You know, the famous Judy who starred in "The Silent Lamb" on earth? Foster, the guy who won the Oscar for Best Actress in one fell swoop with "The Silent Lambs"! And take Lin Lin now and Judy from that era? Compared with Foster, Sun Peng felt that it was a bit of an insult to the superstar of the big earth...

Therefore, according to the original plan, "The Silent Lambs" should be filmed at least five years later.

At that time, even if Lin Lin could not be compared with Foster, at least her acting skills should be taken to a new level. I believe it should be easier to control this role.


"Time doesn't wait for people, and age doesn't wait for people!"

Thinking of what he was struggling with, Sun Peng could only shook his head, suppressing the idea of ​​pushing the film a few years later.

The key is still the situation of the heroine.

If the heroine in "The Silent Lambs" is a shrewd and capable police detective, there is no problem at all after a few years, but the heroine in the original version seems quite immature-this is definitely not the same as the image of Lin Lin five years later So fit! After all, in the first part of "Criminal Minds", Lin Lin's role is still immature, but she already possesses quite professional qualities, and ten years later...

Even with magic makeup, Lin Lin can hardly be tender.

So after deliberation, it is the best choice to take it out now, and it can also change Lin Lin’s inherent image of only acting as a girl in the past few years, and further broaden her play path-for the sake of her cousin, Sun Peng is really **** Broken heart!

After roughly explaining the plot of the new movie to Lin Lin, Sun Peng smiled lightly: "How about? This performance is challenging, right? I tell you, if the performance is really good, you will definitely win an award. If you are a good Oscar, what? It's not impossible!"

"Huh? Oscar?"

After hearing this name, Lin Lin's eyes lit up instantly!

"Yes, Oscar!"

After nodding, Sun Peng changed his tone and said: "Of course, I don't expect so much for you. As long as I can make my acting skills go further and let the play go... Ouch, Lin Lin, are you a dog?! "

"I said you two, have you had enough trouble? Give me both!"

There was a roar outside the door, indicating that my sister's attitude was very irritable at this time!

Hearing the unceremonious voice of my sister-in-law, the two immediately obediently showed the affection of sister and brother, and walked out arm in arm. Lin Lin even put her body on Sun Peng's body, and said obediently to her mother: "Mom, we were still playing around just now..."


"So, you have determined the content of the new script?"

In the call to Sun Peng, the second sister's voice looked a little tired.

"Yes, the script is almost written."

Nodded, Sun Peng asked in surprise while driving, "Sister, how did you know? I don't remember that I told anyone...oh, no? It won't be me and Xiaobai just now. Did you say it during the game live broadcast?"

"Guess well, several major film companies have watched that live broadcast!"


After hearing the second sister’s answer, Sun Peng rolled his eyes, shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "Well, their response is really fast! But the second sister, this film... has all the requirements for the director and the actors. Very high!"

"Very high? How high is it?"

"In short, it is Oscar level!"

Staring at the road that was getting dark in front, Sun Peng turned on the headlights and nodded and smiled: "Of course I mean if the shot is good and close to perfection, I personally think it is enough to make an Oscar. The best film, best actress and other awards, there is even a great possibility of winning!"


There was silence on the phone for a while, and then Sun Ya asked in a slightly hoarse voice: "Are you sure? Such a movie intends Lin Lin to be the heroine?"

For Sun Peng's words, the agent did not have the slightest doubt.

Although most of the scripts he wrote in the past two years are some action movies, and all the films he made are like this, it does not mean that Sun Ya thinks that his younger brother cannot write an Oscar-level script! Otherwise, what is "Spirited Away: The Hidden Spirit"? What are "Frozen" and "The Lion King"? What is "Trumen's World"?

So after quickly accepting this statement, Sun Ya's first reaction was to worry about the heroine!

It is of course no problem to let her cousin play in Sun Peng's script, but Sun Ya is afraid that Lin Lin will ruin the script, or that Sun Peng's expectations will be damaged as a result!

You know, apart from the best soundtrack and animation, Sun Pengke hasn't gotten involved with Oscars yet.

"If you don't try it, how can you know if it won't work?"

Now that he had made up his mind, Sun Peng naturally had no reason to shrink and replied with a smile.

In fact, he was a little reluctant at the beginning, for fear that his cousin would ruin the classics on the earth, but then when you think about it, if you don't believe it or don't do it, you will never know the final result.


Anyway, there are some classics in the head, right?

So before the second sister could speak, Sun Peng went on to say: "This time I plan to go to the United States to shoot. Let me find someone who can develop better there! At least I need a real good director and a real old drama... If there are companies with such strength in the country, they can cooperate with them."

In the new version of "The Silent Lamb," Sun Peng also plans to use English.

It’s not that China in this world can’t make films that are too dark like Cannibalism. It’s that after going through the Little Witcher series, Sun Peng discovered his lack of ability and has no confidence to adapt a purely American film. To become a Chinese movie-at least not like "The Silent Lamb".

So if you want a magic change, it's better to look at popcorn movies.

Sun Ya understood all the thoughts as soon as he heard it, and quickly said: "Okay, I understand. I will leave the rest to me! By the way, there is one more thing..."


"Xiaopeng, remember to tell me about this kind of thing next time!"

In these last remarks, Sun Ya’s tone suddenly turned from the formal expression to anger, and shouted: “Especially don’t say in the live broadcast room when you are playing games, understand? Do you know those film companies’ When the bosses called me, I knew nothing about embarrassment? Didn't you know that when I learned that they heard the news from a game anchor’s live broadcast room, my face was awkward?"


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