Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1033: Turn over

Shooting in the second half of the year is a very general and very general statement.

However, compared to "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" and "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe", the investment in the production of "The Silent Lamb" is too small, not even half of them! If it’s not for a good enough director, a big star like Lin Lin, and a group of supporting actors with superb acting skills, and these people are expensive, maybe even one-third of the production budget is not needed. !

As for the cost of publicity, the difference is even further.

After all, a crime and horror movie, even if Sun Peng's requirements are high, I am afraid it cannot exceed a quarter of the first one of Little Mage, otherwise it would be absolutely unreasonable.

So when Sun Ya just released the news, a lot of interested companies immediately ushered in.

There are Chinese, and of course Hollywood.

Although it's just a crime movie with a little bit of horror, since it's Lao Bai's script, it's impossible for anyone to take it lightly. Of course, more importantly, this "Silent Lambs" is still under the banner of the movie version of "Criminal Minds", which is even more mouth-watering!

You know, "Criminal Minds" is now famous!

Not only in China, each season of "Criminal Minds" can be ranked in the top ten on the Internet hit list, and when it is broadcast on TV stations, the ratings can often enter the top 20! And this is not a family drama, but a crime drama that can only be played in the second half of the night or late at night!

In Europe, in North America, even in Japan, South Korea, Southeast Asia and other countries, the results of "Criminal Minds" are not much worse!

Simply put, "Criminal Minds" already has a huge "mass base"! For film companies, there is no doubt that "Criminal Minds" is the top quality resource. Just look at the money that "criminal minds" can make all over the world every season. That is the super ip that can be ranked in the top ten every year!

The only question is, will the movie version be equally popular?

This is where the film company pays the most attention, because the rhythm and style like the "criminal minds" TV series obviously will never adapt to the big screen unless there is a sufficiently good script!

Lao Bai took the shot himself, of course, to solve this annoyance.

So in the next period of time, around this "Silent Lamb", whether in China, including Hollywood, several powerful companies have launched competition, and Sun Ya is the center of their competition... …

Of course, Sun Peng would not worry about all this.

In addition to the fact that these matters have always been handled by the second sister, but also because his own affairs have gradually become busy-there is a pregnant woman with a big belly to take care of, and she has to go to the uncle and the film school to study every week. "The release date of "is approaching, as a director and screenwriter, he also participates in publicity from time to time.

For a time, Sun Peng was really busy and dizzy.

And just as Sun Peng was busy learning to recharge, while doing the final sprint before the release of "Assassin League", when he forgot... or deliberately did not pay attention, "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" began to show off. Up.

I don’t know how many people were surprised by the sales data for one month!

So when "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" was on the shelves a month later, it sold more than 700,000 copies in the UK, 1.96 million copies in the United States, and more than one in English-speaking countries such as Australia and Canada. One million copies, and after the major European countries such as Germany and France have sold nearly one million copies, Hollywood's Hymens Pictures is going crazy!

Of course, I was not surprised because of the good results, but regretted the agreement signed at the beginning!

When Sun Peng and Hymens negotiated, because the other party was completely uncertain about the prospect of "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" being adapted into a movie, and the sales of "Han Bo and the Spirit Stone" were not very good, so they always There are concerns. In addition, Sun Peng’s requirements are too high, the high production costs and the pressure of publicity costs are too great, so even if he is the famous laobai, he has never failed in music or film, and Haimensi Pictures does not dare to make a desperate move. !

In the final contract, Sun Peng himself invested 50 million US dollars!

Although the US$50 million is only three-and-a-half percent of the shares, taking into account Sun Peng's high screenwriting fees and copyright fees, he took back half of it directly! Let's take a look at the current sales of "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" in Europe and the United States, and the topicality caused by the same as the Little Witcher series...

Now Haimensi Pictures understands that they have done a stupid thing!

The most terrifying thing is that it’s not the stupidest. For the same reason as mentioned above... Perhaps Lao Bai himself insisted that Haimensi Pictures only signed the first part of the Little Mage series, that is, only signed. The right to adapt the film of "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone"!

They didn't even win "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets"!

No one can think of it, but in just one month, things have changed drastically, making the people of Haimensi Pictures regretful, and it seems that they have missed hundreds of millions of dollars! Of course, if they know the value created by the Little Mage series on Earth, maybe some people will jump straight upstairs?

The hot sale of the little magician also made the name laobai once again swept the screens of countless filmmakers in Europe and America...


One month after the new book was put on the shelves, no one in China went to the Black Little Mage anymore.

With the exception of some very few heady ones, basically those Weibo big Vs have stopped, because they know that if they continue to black, they will keep slapping their faces! As for those people who are purely black and black on the Internet, it is definitely impossible to stop their steps. Anyway, they are besieged and scolded by Lao Bai fans, and sometimes they even have a sense of accomplishment!

Only the controversy and scolding subsided, and the discussion about the two series of Little Wizard and Little Magic became lively.

Both ordinary readers and so-called critics are extremely surprised at what happened-it is obviously exactly the same thing, but only by changing the background and the name of the task and the spell, you can get such a completely different and far-reaching treatment?

It is not enough to use the word magic to describe such a thing.

In the words of Lao Bai blowing Yiye Zhiqiu, Sun Peng used a special method to write a book that was originally intended to conquer Chinese and Western readers at the same time, in two forms-not Lao Bai greatly It's awesome, but the western readers of this year can't...

Of course, Huaxia's readers are even worse!

Didn't you see that after "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" became popular in Europe and America, did Huaxia talents start to reverse their views on this book, and the sales soared on the major lists?

And in addition to "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone", there is also "Han Bo and the Spirit Stone" who turned over!

Speaking of it, the human mind is so strange.

When "Han Bo and Ling Shi" was just published, Chinese people felt awkward, and Westerners also felt awkward, and sales were supported by the name of Lao Bai. As a result, after "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" came out, Western readers became more comfortable, and then Chinese readers became curious too!

Not only China, but even European and American readers, after watching the first part of Little Wizard, began to be curious about its "original" Little Wizard series. So in the last ten days of this month, the sales of "Han Bo and the Spirit Stone" and "Han Bo and the Secret Chamber" in Europe and the United States also began to climb linearly, drawing a very strange curve on the trend chart...

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