Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1055: Round bullet

The opening scene of "Assassin Alliance" gave Yiye Zhiqiu a surprise.

Of course, there is no good surprise for a boring salted fish man, and Yiye Zhiqiu always feels that it is a bit contrary to let Lang Chen, such a tall and handsome little meat, act as a **** who is frustrated in the workplace, but then on the top of the tall building, one The battle between "Superman" and the killers made Yiye Zhiqiu's eyes widened in surprise.

The flashback technique of bullets flying back from the forehead is nothing new, but bullets that turn?


I really haven't seen this one!

Like Yiye Zhiqiu, the audience at the premiere scene at this time were all interested in this interesting scene. Liang Ren looked at it for a moment, and asked in surprise, "I said, can this bullet really turn?"

"Brother, this is a movie!"

In response to Liang Ren's surprised eyes, Sun Peng rolled his eyes and said helplessly.


The corners of his mouth twitched, and Liang Ren nodded in embarrassment. They are all in this industry, and the big brothers in the film industry now feel that their problems are a bit amateurish.

However, after looking at other people around him, he found that almost all of them were surprised, and Liang Ren relieved himself, and then gave Sun Peng a thumbs up—regardless of whether it is reasonable or unreasonable in reality, but Put it in the movie lens and that is the word: cool!

"This kid, the idea is always so novel!"

After Sun Peng smiled and expressed his gratitude, Liang Ren put away the admiration and surprise on his face, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

As an old drama player, and also the earliest and most frequent person in China who has been exposed to the most advanced filming technology and concepts in Hollywood, Liang Ren is too aware of how difficult it is to innovate in filming technology! Not to mention the disruptive innovations from 2d to 3d, it is very difficult to make new ideas even as small as a specific action design or a bridge segment. After all, the film has been born for more than a hundred years. What hasn't been filmed before?

But this guy around is simply a machine for new ideas!

When "Longmen Inn" came out, the action design could surprise the entire movie circle! Although the reputation of martial arts was still relatively low at that time, and because the directors and actors were all newcomers, the box office performance of "Longmen Inn" was not amazing, but after a few years, "Longmen Inn" on the Internet "Has become a classic!

As long as you talk about movie action design, you can't avoid this Sun Peng's debut!

And more importantly, driven by this "Longmen Inn", or driven by the hot wave of martial arts on the Internet in recent years, a new style of action has rapidly emerged in the Chinese film industry, with the exception of Sun Pengzhi. Besides, it was Ye Xing and Liao Chen's action guides brought out by Sun Peng. Although the current influence on the big screen is still very small, but in the field of TV dramas, more and more martial arts dramas are on fire...

Gee, that's the pioneering faction!

After "The Dragon Inn", "Kill Bill" again!

Although up to now, Liang Ren still does not understand why those foreigners like "Kill Bill" so much, but it is undeniable that the box office of this film is much better than "Longmen Inn", and it is online in Europe, America and other regions. The amount of broadcast and influence have also left the former far behind!

And this time, it's another "Assassin League" that combines martial arts and modern elements. Lao Bai seems to want to combine the features of the previous two movies! And thinking that this movie was not only in China, but also almost simultaneously released in many large ticket warehouses in Europe, America, Japan, etc., Liang Ren couldn't help but move.

It was just the beginning, and there was such a stunning shot of a bullet that would turn a corner!

"This kid is very ambitious!"

Thinking of the controversy between the little wizard and the little magician, Liang Ren naturally felt a sense of uneasiness. He was not afraid of being ambitious, but he also had such a talent as Lao Bai. I have to be afraid!

If this continues, how long can he sit in the position of the film boss?

The two didn't know, maybe it won't take two years, when they go to various domestic award ceremonies, they will be ranked ahead of Lao Bai. Liang Ren doesn't have to doubt this at all, because now in some large overseas awards, such as Oscars, his position is very close to Laobai, and some are even ahead of him!


Liang Ren couldn't help but sighed softly in the confusion of his mind.

His name as the big brother of the Chinese film industry is not only limited to the actor's business, but also means that all directors and screenwriters combined, there is no greater influence than him. But the old white next to him is definitely Liang Ren's biggest threat. The big brother who wants to transform is eager to continue cooperating with others!

This kind of helplessness and entanglement, I am afraid that only Liang Ren can silently endure it...


"Exaggerated, but cool settings and shots!"

Compared with the tangled big brother of the film industry, Yiye Zhiqiu didn't have so much thought, and was pleasantly surprised by the setting of the cornering bullet and the performance of the camera.


"Using a modern background to perform exaggerated but chic and elegant movements, it seems to be more emotional?"

Obviously, Sun Peng's slightly modified opening action design gave Yiye Zhiqiu a bigger surprise. Moreover, he also prefers this kind of modern urban scene compared to the pictures in "Longmen Inn".

In the different minds of everyone at the scene, the plot of the movie continues to push forward.

In the movie "Assassin Alliance", although Sun Peng did not move the main story and core of the story, the changes are not very small. For example, the rhythm of the whole movie has been greatly accelerated because of the addition of some classic passages in other movies.

The protagonist's nagging boring life confession in the opening chapter, as well as the interactions with the mean boss, nagging and complaining about his girlfriend, and of course his cuckold friends, have also been reduced a lot.

Soon, the plot pushed the male lead and female lead to meet for the first time.


"Um... Such a big change, shouldn't it be a problem?"

When the plot pushed until the actor finally got off work and then went to a supermarket to buy things, Sun Peng's mood became a little nervous.

This segment is the first time the actor has seen another world, and it is also the place where the movie has changed the most.

This section of the original version took place in a supermarket that is not too big but definitely not too small. But when Sun Peng asked Song Qun and the others to choose a location, they found that such a supermarket could only be found in the suburbs... China has a large population and a small amount of money. There are relatively few large supermarkets of this kind in larger cities, even if they are. Yes, there is often no such open environment outside as the original.

So when Song Qun suggested to build one by himself, Sun Peng had an idea.

Since it is not common, why not change it?

Moreover, Sun Peng always felt that this passage was not exciting enough, nor could it reflect the heroine's strength, so after two days of pondering, he finally remembered the movie "Bodyguard of Zhongnanhai" that had been watched more than a dozen times...

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