Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1056: Action design

"Bodyguard of Zhongnanhai" is Sun Peng's favorite movie in the Kung Fu Emperor's movie.

At the beginning, the reason for liking was relatively simple. In addition to the cool martial arts action, Zhong Liti was very beautiful at that time, just as she was when she pretended to be crazy and stupid in "Happy Family". So even if I later felt that "Jingwu Heroes" was more enjoyable, Sun Peng kept the senses of this "Zhongnanhai Bodyguard".

One of the most impressive is the battle in the mall!

So in this "Assassin League", Sun Peng first put the location of the supermarket battle in the shopping mall under the office building, and then doubled the original enemy, the protagonist dad, several times, and still used two The stem of the pen. And because the two police scenes were deleted, the rhythm became even more tense!

So, a **** beauty with a cold expression on her face, holding a panicked man, walked up and down in a shopping mall, and then left a corpse behind...

"Oh, this shootout is wonderful!"

Even a well-informed guy like Liang Ren couldn't help but shine after watching these few minutes and couldn't help but compliment.

"Hey, it's okay!"

After blinking, Sun Peng smiled triumphantly.

You know, he hesitated for a long time at the beginning, and he couldn't pay attention all the time. You should know that although Lin Lin has already established an image of an action actress with the help of "Kill Bill" and "The Matrix", but let her "protect" a man like Lang Chen in this episode, it is not easy to be inconsistent. It must be serious!

Fortunately, Sun Peng did a good job.

In other words, what he did with Song Qun and others is not bad, especially with the help of the power of the camera conversion, to make Lin Lin the female killer's tough and cold-blooded performance to the fullest. At the same time, Lang Chen's performance is also good, except for panic and chaos. It looks rather weak.

"Well, that Lang Chen is very powerful behind?"


After hearing another question from Liang Ren, Sun Peng immediately nodded, and then gave the other a thumbs up.

After suppressing and then rising, the old opera players are very familiar with the routine.

Especially if the male protagonist is set to be the same as most ordinary people, or even worse than ordinary people, it is best to be the one who is often bullied, and it will give the audience a great sense of coolness after getting up. ! So Liang Ren can almost predict it. The role played by Lang Chen will definitely clean up his boss, girlfriend and the green hat man. It may not be too cruel, but it will certainly make the audience cool!

Seeing Sun Peng's thumbs up, Liang Ren was a little proud, but at the same time he thought secretly: "If you only look at the plot, it can be regarded as a regular routine. But the biggest innovation of this kid is probably to bring martial arts into the modern era. Society, let the protagonists have reasonable explanations! In this way, he can take advantage of his huge advantage in action design and attract the attention of the audience! Just like the bullet that turned around just now... Huh? Huh? !"

At this moment, Liang Ren suddenly made a double sound, his eyes widened instantly!

What lens was that just now? !

Liang Ren's thinking just diverged, and he didn't see clearly. It seems that Lin Lin's girl suddenly walked down while the car was spinning, and smoothly avoided the high-speed rotating wheels and doors. He walked and rushed while strolling in the garden. Xiang Yuan, who was chasing him, fired bang bang bang?

After shooting one magazine, just switch to another magazine and continue!

"Yes, perfect!"

At Liang Ren's side, Sun Peng smiled comfortedly at the camera on the big screen.

Bruce in "Red Flame Battlefield"? Sun Peng always thought that Willie's action was super cool, so he transplanted it to "Assassin League", and then took a look on the big screen at this time, it turned out to be the dying kind of cow!

Lin Lin, Lin Lin, you really took a big advantage this time!

Angelina is the leading actress of the original "Assassin League"? Julie, as a big Hollywood star, is full of drama and has arranged many exciting action scenes! And now Sun Peng has softened the wonderful scenes in movies like "Bodyguard of Zhongnanhai" and "Red Flame Battlefield". It can be said that all the essence of Lin Lin is integrated into the role of Lin Lin!

If this is not hot, the law of heaven will be too difficult...


"Wow! It's so cool!"

When I saw this, Yiye Zhiqiu felt his entire body tremble.

Unlike Liang Ren, who has always been distracted, from the very beginning of the movie, Yiye Zhiqiu has been staring at the big screen intently, unwilling to let go of any of the details. So after seeing it clearly, he can better appreciate the power of Lao Bai Da's movie!

Especially the action design is simply a collection of genius ideas!

"What's the matter? What's the matter? I didn't see the camera clearly just now!"

At this moment, an anxious voice came from behind Yiye Zhiqiu, seeming to be asking the friends around him what happened—just now, there was a loud noise in the theater, and the voice was obviously distracted.

"This... how can I tell you?"

Another voice next to him hesitated and said in a low voice: "Anyway, the woman got out of the car... She really walked down, not jumped... It's really cool! Oops, just talk I’m not sure, I’ll see it again when I see you on the Internet!"

"Wait on the Internet? When will you wait?"

"Half a year?"

"Forget it, I'd better watch it again when it's released the day after tomorrow... really walked down? Isn't this too fake?"

"Cut, this is martial arts, okay?"


"Just for this shot, it's worth seeing it again!"

After listening to the lowered voice behind, but still clearly audible to the conversation, the corner of Yiye Zhiqiu's mouth quietly bends a small arc.

She has a hunch that this time, Lao Bai’s new movie is obviously a Hollywood routine, but the core is his own martial arts culture. With so many wonderful shots, maybe you don’t have to work too hard. Countless people followed him...



"Speaking of which, this is the first time you saw a finished film in a cinema, right?"

Lin Lin blinked her eyes and asked with a smile when she heard Lang Chen's air-conditioning sound next to her.

He swallowed and smeared, and Lang Chen whispered excitedly: "Yeah, so I was really suppressed just now! When I saw this paragraph on the computer, I really didn't expect the effect to be so good on the big screen. ……so amazing!"

"Cut, where is this?!"

Cursing her lips, Lin Lin said disdainfully: "Don't forget, this is just the beginning! Looking back, there are many things that will surprise you..."

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