Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1382: Won't be disappointed

During the two months of filming "Frequency of Life and Death", Sun Peng even felt more tired than filming "Heroes" and "Assassin League" before.

Because I used my brain, this is the key.

So after returning to the capital, it is a matter of course to give myself a small vacation and rest at home for a few days. In addition to sleeping for two days, Sun Peng appeared in the basketball hall he frequented on the third day of his return, and had a fun half-time battle with Hu Tian and Liang Qingyou!

"Brothers, we must absorb some fresh blood as soon as possible!"

In less than half an hour, the oldest Liang had already panted and said, "Although I am not very convinced, I also have to admit that I want to beat him for an hour and a half as before. It's a bit too difficult! I think we should add a few new people, otherwise, one day I will die on this basketball court!"


Liang Qingyou's remarks immediately caused everyone to laugh.

The so-called basketball among the stars, of course, cannot be compared with professional games, and it is even inferior to the ordinary enthusiasts running on the basketball court outside. After all, everyone is very busy, and there is not so much time to practice. The biggest reason for playing together is to get along more easily.

But it is undeniable that too small a circle has its disadvantages.

Too few people!

This so-called star basketball team has a total of more than 20 people, and they usually play on weekends. But what is regrettable is that the weekend is often the busiest time for the stars, so every time ten people are the victory, if six people can come to play halftime, if there are only three or four kittens...

And some people are getting older after all.

A veteran star like Liang Qingyou, too fierce confrontation, can no longer withstand the impact of young people like Lang Chen and Sun Peng at all-if only a few of them came to play, this ball would be quite good. It's boring.

Therefore, Lang Chen agreed with Liang Qingyou's words 120,000 points in his heart.

It’s just that this statement has appeared many times, but every time it ends up without a problem, there is no more to say, and with his current qualifications, he still doesn’t dare to expressly agree with him, so he can only laugh without talking.

But today is not the same. Sun Peng twisted his neck and smiled: "I think Brother Liang's words are reliable. Looking back, we should bring in a few more young people... Little Wolf, you know who plays in the circle. Good?"


As soon as Sun Peng finished speaking, the other people's expressions were different.

Older stars are obviously a little uncomfortable, especially young people who are too harsh. However, this topic was brought up by Liang Qingyou, and Sun Peng followed along, and they naturally couldn't say anything.

In contrast, Lang Chen nodded and smiled immediately: "There should be quite a few, and I know a few."


After snapping his fingers, Sun Peng said with a smile: "Then help me introduce a few people who are not too short and have good physical fitness and basketball skills. I will ask you to have a meal later... Brothers, this matter. Leave it to me, how about?"


After listening to Sun Peng's words, Liang Qingyou and the others looked at each other, feeling a little confused for a while.

Finding a few celebrities who play basketball together is naturally no problem. But what they don’t understand is why Sun Peng is so enthusiastic that he even took the initiative to invite those young stars to dinner together? Are they worthy of those people?

This thing sounds weird!

Relatively speaking, Lang Chen didn't think so much, and simply nodded and smiled: "Okay, it happened that when I participated in a reality show once, I met several people who can run and jump basketball skills are good, so I went back to ask them. Try it."

In fact, from the heart, Lang Chen is also a little strange.

And as the youngest in this star basketball team, he actually doesn't really want other people to join in, because that will make him feel a sense of "out of favor". But now that what has been said, Lang Chen naturally has no reason to refuse, he can only secretly start to figure out who should be the best choice.

"Gudong! Gudong!"

Picking up a bottle of water and drank two sips, Sun Peng smiled and patted Lang Chen on the shoulder: "By the way, Little Wolf, didn't you say you wanted the test account of "The Legend of Old White Knights" last time?"

"Ah? Right! Can you give me one?"

After listening to Sun Peng's words, Lang Chen was so excited that he immediately threw the thoughts aside.

His age is when he likes to play games.

"Sorry, no!"

Resisting the urge to laugh, Sun Peng shook his head and said, "Little wolf, you have to know that this test is conducted in the company. For this reason, Lao Bai's studio even set aside a floor specifically to be able to Hundreds of computers...they won't agree to let people take the game data out of the company, not even me!"


After listening to Sun Peng's words, Lang Chen's face suddenly went dark.


Can't you say a fart!

Although he didn't dare to say this, Lang Chen's expression clearly meant it.

So after finally chucking out a laugh, Sun Peng said haha, "Don’t be angry, Little Wolf, although I can’t bring you the game data, but you’re fine these days, are you interested in going with me to Lao Bai? How many days will the studio stay? They are all ready for the game test. You can play it more than half a month in advance... Are you interested?"

"Yes! There must be!"

Hearing this, he was overjoyed, and Lang Chen almost couldn't wait to jump up: "When shall we go? Or in the afternoon..."


Of course, Sun Peng would not take Lang Chen to Lao Bai's studio in the afternoon, but at nine o'clock the next morning, when he arrived at the gate of Lao Bai's studio, this guy was already there waiting for him.

"I like martial arts and games."

After entering, Lang Chen couldn't help being excited: "If the game I am looking forward to most this year is naturally "The Legend of the Old White Group". It is a pity that my agent and team do not allow me to spend too much. Time is on the game... But this time I am going to play with you for a few days, they are not against it, haha! I am looking forward to it, Teacher Sun, shouldn't "The Legend of the Old White Knights" disappoint me?"

Lang Chen knew very well in his heart, whose contribution was this.

After all, the people in this circle are very realistic, and no one is so mentally stupid to refuse Old Bai's kindness. Especially for young stars like Lang Chen, if they can have a good relationship with Lao Bai, their status in the circle can directly rise a lot!

So this time not only Lang Chen is looking forward to it, but the broker team also strongly supports it. In order to allow Lang Chen to play games with Lao Bai in a down-to-earth manner, they even pushed several announcements for this!

After seeing Lang Chen’s progress over the past few years, Sun Peng, who wanted to fulfill his “prophecy” in previous years, naturally smiled and said, “Don’t worry, the games made by our Lao Bai studio will definitely not make anyone who really likes martial arts. The players are disappointed..."

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