Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1383: Finished game

For three days, Lang Chen spent time in Lao Bai's studio.

This makes Sun Peng a little strange.

Although due to the hard work of the past few years and the box office and word-of-mouth bonuses of hackers, assassins and other movies, Lang Chen has successfully taken off the hat of the vase and became one of the few small meats who got rid of the small meat hat, but at the same time, that It also means that his reputation and coffee position will be improved, and his work will be more busy.

Being able to stay in Lao Bai's studio for three days is a reward for finishing the filming of "Frequency of Life and Death"?

But after this thought flashed through his mind, Sun Peng didn't care. Anyway, he just brought Lang Chen to play the game, what the other party thinks has nothing to do with him.

On the afternoon of the third day, after Lang Chen finally cleared the game, Sun Peng smiled and asked: "Little Wolf, how about this game... You and my brothers are welcome, just tell the truth!"

"You are welcome? Is this game still polite?"

Lang Chen, who had just watched the ending animation, looked excited and clapped his hands: "Teacher Sun, cow! This is the most fun domestic game I have ever played...especially its storyline, it is simply a magical work! "


For Lang Chen's answer, Sun Peng just smiled and said nothing.

The complete story of "Book of Swords and Enmity," plus some sections from novels such as "The Jade Sword", "White Horse Roaring to the West" and "Mandarin Duck Sword", are almost all the essence of the works of Mr. Jin. Can it be a masterpiece? What?

In terms of the plot alone, Sun Peng is absolutely confident to break the wrist with any world-class masterpiece!

So he didn't care about the plot at all, and he didn't care about Lang Chen's praise, but anxiously said: "What about the others? Except the plot?"

"The graphics are great, the game is very smooth, it is definitely the top level in China!"

"Nonsense, I know this too!"

Rolling his eyes, Sun Peng said angrily.

Hundreds of millions were spent. As many as two hundred and sixty artists and programmers participated in this project. At the same time, hundreds of outsourcing personnel participated in it. Almost every frame was made by yourself. If the picture is still normal The rpg level, the program will still have problems with flow, Sun Peng can definitely fire the guy Chen Maolin directly.

"The point is the playability of the game itself! Do you think it is fun?"

"This one……"

After listening to Sun Peng's question, Lang Chen hesitated for a moment.


Seeing Lang Chen hesitating for a while, Sun Peng's heart suddenly became clear-in fact, without Lang Chen's words, Sun Peng himself already had a feeling that the playability of "The Legend of the Old White Knights 1" was still a little different. As expected.

"To be honest, the game is quite fun."

After a moment of silence, Lang Chen also said with some doubts: "At least I have been engrossed in playing games for the past three days. I can't wait to know the following plot, and even every branch can make me excited! But... To be honest, it does not make me interested in playing the second time! Because when I played, I found that it is not essentially different from other rpgs I played before..."

When talking about this, Lang Chen paused for a while, and Lang Chen went on to say: "Unless a certain side mission is not done, trust me, I will definitely play it again for that plot!"

"Yeah, I got it."

After listening to Le Langchen's words, Sun Peng's frowning brows finally loosened.

He already understands what this guy means, that is, the game’s graphics are great, and the plot is better, but there is no innovation in the gameplay, which is roughly the same as the current mainstream rpg least from the perspective of Lang Chen such!

Sun Peng was not surprised by this, because it fits the description Chen Maolin gave him.

"The Legend of Lao Bai Qun Xia 1" was originally a work of mutual compromise. In order to prevent Lao Bai's studio from compromising a work in seven or eight years, but also to allow them to form a mature team as soon as possible. And the compromise reached by many elites who need satisfaction.

Neither Sun Peng nor Chen Maolin had any intention of becoming a fat man in one bite.

"Lao Bai Qun Xia Zhuan 1" is just the foundation work of Lao Bai Studio. The important thing is not how outstanding and unique the game is, but to prove that this team has the potential to create top-notch games. And they hope to use this first trial to form the art style of the "Old White Knights Biography" series, while paving the way for the next two games and a dedicated martial arts game engine!

So during the production process, many things originally planned were discarded.

For example, the different choices of the protagonist can lead to the setting of different plot lines. For example, a lot of the four famous catch plots have been done, and the line changes caused by the different chivalry value and guilty value, and some more interesting and fun martial arts settings. For example, flying on the grass, floating on the water and hidden weapons such as peacock feathers, etc. Chen Mao plans to postpone his consideration until the second part.

So Lang Chen's feelings were actually in Chen Maolin's expectations.

"The point is, the plot and graphics of the game!"

Taking a deep breath, a smile appeared on Sun Peng's face.

There is no need to say too much about the plot. Lang Chen is also in the entertainment industry anyway. He has more say in this aspect than ordinary players. He said that the plot can make him addicted to it, which proves that the novel of the old man is adapted into a game. very successful! In addition, as for the picture, Sun Peng himself can see it. It is definitely no better than the world's top masterpieces that are famous for their excellent pictures. However, with spare investment, it is definitely the top of China, and it has reached the general level of world-class 3a masterpieces. !

Such "Old White Heroes 1", it is not too exaggerated to say that it is the best domestic game.

"By the way, I also found some bugs!"

While Sun Peng was pondering secretly, Lang Chen continued: "Some of them are map problems, and they can’t go through if they get stuck. Some are game tasks. I don’t know why several branches can’t go on... I will record them all. I'm down, do you want to give it to you now?"

"haha of course!"

With a grin, Sun Peng nodded quickly.

The so-called game test is actually a process of finding and solving problems, so that it can be as good as possible before it goes public. And some bugs can only be discovered after a certain condition is triggered, but in many cases, the producer may not be able to trigger these conditions when he plays his own games.

Large-scale game testing can solve this problem.

In fact, after the game is launched in the future, because the large number of players will trigger countless conditions, the possibility of finding bugs is greater. So basically all games are the same now. After the listing, the producers still have to continue to solve the problems, and then solve the problems of the players through network updates.

Lang Chen could find several bugs, which was a surprise to Sun Peng.

So satisfied Sun Peng stood up and patted Lang Chen on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Thank you, just give the programmers next to you what you have recorded. As for us, let’s have a meal in the evening... …By the way, what happened to what I told you last time? It’s about finding a few young people to join the basketball team..."

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